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Minding my own business can ironically be very socially draining for me, so I decide to pop round the gym after school to see how everyone's doing before I turn into a moody zombie bitch for the day.

After hanging up on my brother to tell him what I'm doing, I open the gym doors and talk to Yachi, Kiyoko, and whoever is subbing off for a little while like Yamaguchi, Suga, or a very annoyed Hinata - since he always wants to be playing.

"Y/n~Chan, what movie are we seeing later? No one will tell me!" Hinata cries, begging me for information I do not have.

I don't reply to him with words, instead I just look at him confusingly until someone else speaks up.

"She's not coming, remember?" Kiyoko states, helping the boys pack up all their equipment.

"Coming to what?" I ask, a little hurt from being out of the loop, but I'm careful to conceal that.

"You mean you don't know?" Asahi questions as timid as usual.

"We told Yachi and Kageyama to invite you, they said you were busy doing something with your brother." Suga informs me, finally letting me get a slight grasp of the situation until Daichi informs me of the other details.

"There's a little market going on and we thought that we should all go, and then decided to book some cinema tickets after finding out that Yachi's never gone to the movies."

Okay, I see how it is.

I pick my my school, swing it round my shoulder then head towards the door, and smile, "I'll leave you to it then."

I'm clearly too crippled for them now, for Yachi, for Tobio... haha.

"Y/n, it's not what you think-" Kageyama says before stopping himself. He clearly was expecting me to storm out, though I actually do the opposite and stop for him to explain. "we, uh..."

"We didn't want to push you too hard." Yachi finishes for him.

"Yeah, sure, I get it," I shrug, "you guys don't want to babysit me. Honestly, no worries. I don't mind. If it were still up to me, I'd probably still be distancing myself from all of you anyway."

"Come one y/n~Chan, you don't mean that!" Hinata says, still trying to be enthusiastic and upbeat. Emphasis on trying.

"Whether or not I mean it isn't the problem. You guys are the ones who begged me to come back, and now you're leaving me out. I'm not upset, I'm just confused. Make up your minds."

I walk out and close the door behind me, trying to stay collected the whole time. I really want to punch someone right now. It's not up to them what I can and can't do. They don't know what will push me too far, they have no right to aft like they do.

The walk home is slow and quiet, making it even worse when walking into an empty apartment. Usually I'm accompanied by someone like Yachi or Kageyama, but of course everyone is busy right now. It shouldn't be long now until Ed is back though.

I probably should've just stayed to minding my own business.

I fall asleep on the couch with Pokemon playing on the telly, a half empty pringles tub embraced in my left arm, and of course I dream of the one and only: Team Rocket.

Prepare for trouble!
And make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now