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"Are you sure you don't want to stay for breakfast?" Yachi's mom asks while making eggs. This is the first time I've seen her cook - literally ever.

I shake my head, "no thanks, I'll just freak my brother out if I don't go back soon."

"See you later." Yachi says simply, gratefully eating her egg role.

I pass a quick wave goodbye and walk over to my apartment.

I unlock the door to find Ed passed out on the sofa like the mong he is. The Netflix screen is lit on the 'are you still watching' page and a pot of stale pringles in his hand.

I gently shake him awake, "Get up asshole, you're taking me to school."

The sounds that come out of his mouth cannot be put into words, it is unknown how he even managed to speak them. Either way, once he realises it's me, he finally stands up and rinses his face, "okay, let's go."


I mean, I'll be earlier than normal, but I'm ready now so I don't see the problem. I just didn't expect him to only splash his face before leaving.

The drive there is fairly silent, granted there's the music from the radio, but there's no conversation. Just the odd question here and there like "what time will you get home?" or "what lessonsdo you have today?" , though considering the time I'm not surprised how quiet it is. I don't think he's ever been up this early. I just really needed to escape that atmosphere.

As I open the door, he sneaks in a 'keep your schedule free today' before driving off.

So... What is there to do this early at school? They boys should be at volleyball practice right now; I guess I could head over to the gym.

I stop by the vending machine first though and grab myself a milkshake before walking over. The moment I open the door, I start to regret all life decisions. One step inside and there's a ball flying right in my direction, almost like it instantly auto-targets me.

I don't even try to move out of the way, I just accept my fate and mentally prepare myself to be covered in the drink I just bought.

That is until I realise I haven't been hit yet.

My eyes open and readjust to see Kageyama in front of me, with the ball in his hands.

I yawn, "morning,"

"Not even a thank you," he mumbles, passing the ball back to Hinata, who is continuously apologising for his terrible receive.

"I don't know what you expect from me so early in the morning," I sigh, taking a sip from my drink.

"It's 7am,"

"I wake up at 7, I'm not usually in school for 7."

Before he could even answer, that damn Tsukishima gets up in our grill again.

I grunt, walking up to him without saying a word and pouring my drink on top of him - or at least as high as I could reach.

"Asshole." I mutter, throwing the now empty carton at his chest.

Yamaguchi holds him back from literally murdering me while I casually go sit on a bench. Eventually, Tsukishima calms down and setttles to attack me by chucking the empty carton in my direction.

"Carry on," I tell them, "I'm done."

Hesitently, they all begin to practise again while I moodily scroll through multiple apps on my phone because I'm bored as hell. I'm not really sure how I should be feeling right now. Like yeah, I'm obviously shattered, but considering the new information I'm indecisive. Should I just pretend that everything's normal? Should I actually tell them? Do I completely distance myself so they don't have to worry?... to make it easier?

At some point, I find myself scrolling though my camera roll. It's not really interesting, there's a few screenshots of cute anime characters and a bunch of memes or vines that I've stole from somewhere, sprinkled in with a few photos with Yachi, my brother or group photos with the whole volleyball club. It's nice how inclusive they are despite me usually just keep to myself and tagging along with Yachi or Kageyama, instead of actually trying to become part of the group. I finally scroll to the top of my gallery, it's purely of Tobio, or random bits and bobs that we've found funny while together, or photos with him and his sister.

It's only been a few weeks since his parents died.

He's heart broken. I can't add to it.

He's being so strong by coming into school right now as is.

Suddenly, Yachi walks in with new posters to help fund some sort of training camp for everyone, she explains all the ins and outs of that, and when she finishes I finally speak up.

"Now that everyone's here," I state, only catching the attention of very few so I climb on the bench and speak a lot louder, "I have an announcement!"

Still, I'm being ignored by Tsukishima while Noya, Tanaka, and Hinata are in their own little bubble doing god knows what.

"You mother fuckers, listen to me!"

I shout as loud as I could, getting a little pissed that it almost turned into a bratty scream. This means that I finally get everyone's attention, I take a couple breathes and carry on, "I've made a decision: I'm resigning from the position as co-manager."

I'm not sure why I got so formal all of a sudden, but apparently that's the route I'm taking.

Tsukishima scoffs, "that was self-proclaimed anyway, why does it matter?"

I let out a simple 'tsk', step down from the bench and walk out.

"Au reviour, assholes." I say nonchalantly, raising my hand to have a 90° angle at my elbow and slightly tilting my hand as a small wave.

I sit on my usual bench, drinking some more milk that I just got from the vending machine when I'm approached by a familiar black-haired setter.

"Go back to practice, Kageyama - you need it." My voice is blunt and stern... or at least I'm hoping that's how it sounds.

He refused my demands and sits next to me, "I told you to call me Tobio, is change so hard for you?"

I pause a little, trying not to sigh or acknowledge the question.

"I said go back to the gym," I ignore his remark, placing the milk carton on my lap and fixating my eyes on it.

He's silent for a moment, clearly shocked from the different side of me, "Okay, don't call me Tobio, what about that dumb nickname, huh? Or that ridiculous insult? Only you can call me that though, obviously."

"Stop it," I spit, you're just making it harder, "go play volleyball with your friends Kageyama. We're not that close, I don't need you babying me. I don't know what you're trying to do, but stop it."

"We're not that close?" he asks, totally taken aback from my words.

"It's not like I hid anything," I tell him, standing up and turning my back to him so he can't see my expression, silently praying that he won't notice the quiver in my voice, "this was just for a bet with my brother, remember? You don't have to hang out with me anymore."

"But I want t-"

"I don't want to talk to you anymore," I lied, squeezing my hand into a fist, letting the milk spill as a consequence, "I don't like you at all, in the slightest."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now