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Neither Tobio or Miwa stayed over, obviously, but I can't say I would've complained if they did.

My brother wakes me up at 6am, claiming that the earlier we get there the better.

Unwillingly, I slump myself out of bed, and of course I'm not actually going to get changed, so I swing on some comfy shorts and a baggy top, then at least I won't be in my pj's. Then, I put my hair up messily, spraying some dry shampoo in and spraying an unnatural amount of deodorant and perfume because im too lazy to actually shower.

By perfume, I mean cologne.

I didn't take Kageyama's, I thought he should keep it to remember his dad. However, I went digging on the world wide Web and found some on eBay.

Yachi should either be leaving the house or just waking up, so I call her to check where she is while walking into the kitchen to grab some toast.

"Morning," she yawns sleepily, "you're up early."

I him as a response, "and I'm leaving soon, so I'll be at yours in 15 minutes."

After hanging up, my brother asked if I packed a bag.

I'm allowed to pack a bag?


Taking the last bite of the toast, I head back into my room. Before even picking up a rucksack, I already start thinking about outfits and start gathering some clothes. I quickly grab the perfume, a phone charger, my 3DS that I rarely use, some books and manga. and I somehow manage to squeeze in my laptop too.

I open a drawer and there lies the pair of Tobio's boxers that I borrowed way back when, as well as his sisters school uniform.

I pack them too, so I can finally return them.

Standing by my bedroom door, I take in a deep breath and admire the layout one last time.

The more I try to savour the moment, the more alien I feel.

I don't belong here. Not anymore.

And that's okay.

I tell Ed that I'll only be a minute while tapping on Yachi's door, since he's getting mad from how long I'm taking.

I shush him for his incompetence and the door swings open unexpectedly as the small blonde throws herself on top of me and sobs, what she's saying is a totally mystery though. All her words are muffled by her own sniffing and weeping.

I smile and break the embrace, telling her than she'll still be able to visit me and that I won't be far. And telling her to say hi to all of the volleyball boys for me. "But not Tsukishima, that tall rubbish bin and suck on my toe."


I awkwardly walk into ward 9 with the oxygen bag on my back, my actual bag being carried by Ed.

I try not to pay attention to the four pairs of eyes on me; I can only assume that one the girl next to the empty bed is Hatsune Otonashi and the boy next to her with a lot of manga in his hands is here brother, and that  the little boy opposite her is Alphonse... There's an empty bed next to him as well, and I'm told that it's reserved for another boy called Noda... Though that's all I know about him.

I'm not sure for the reasons, but Ed is drawn out of the room by the doctor. I ask why, but never get told.

A few minutes of sitting in silence, the boy that is visiting decides to leave and says that he'll see her tomorrow. But he looks like he should be in high school, so shouldn't he be... I don't know... At school?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the girl catching my attention, "I'm Hatsune Otonashi, and that's Alphonse Elric." she greets, pointing weakly to the boy opposite her. "What's your name?"

"Y/n L/n," I tell her, picking up my bag from beside the bed and taking out one of the manga I took with me. "Snap." I state, referring to her same copy that her brother just bought her.

"He's already given me this before," She smiles, reaching into the draw next to her and pulling out another copy, "he just buys whatever he can afford without actually looking at the title."

I smile back at her, she seems really sweet. But they clearly don't have much money if he buys 'whatever he can afford'.

Gosh, my little heart just broke.

I look over to Alphonse and grin at him, which he returns.

"Have you gone to a school before?" he asks, pointing to Aoba Johsai's website on his phone, "I'm going to go there when I get out of here, but we have no idea what it's like."

My heart is shattering.

"Oh yeah!" Hatsune chirps, "I want to live in Tokyo when I get out of here, I should be in Junior High right now, but I'm waiting for an organ transplant so when I'm all healthy again I'll be in high school! There's this really nice school called Nekoma and I just have to see it."

"I went to Karasuno High, and everyone there is so nice. I've actually met a few people from them schools, but I'm not sure if they'll still be there by the time you get there." I pull out a picture of Oikawa wearing my glasses, I snuck a picture of it when I first met the volleyball team, and then I swiped ob my phone to show a group selfie of the Karasuno and Nekoma volleyball team around a bbq.

I point to myself, with Yachi in front of me, Tanaka behind me, Hinata to my left, and Kageyama to my right.

My arm is wrapped around him, and of course he's blushing, but trying to ignore it by focussing on the the camera that Lev was holding since he has the longest arms.

"It looks like you guys have loads of fun! I can't wait to go to school, there's so much to learn!" Hatsune says, jam-packed of enthusiasm.

"Look how many friends you have! What sport is that?" he asks, referring to the p.e. uniform everyone is wearing.

"It's volleyball," I tell him, putting my phone down on the little table next to me, "I'm not that close with many of them, but they said that they'll come visit me, which means you'll be able to meet them and be friends with them too."

It looks like I'm the eldest here, which sucks but I can't complain too much, they're just so cute and innocent.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now