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A/n: ^ that's me when I get passed the ball and idk what to do with it but I got the ball.

"I still can't believe you said that in front of everyone though," Kageyama laughs.

"That was hilarious," I said, "Oikawa's face was priceless,"

"I've never seen him look so nervous in my life,"

"Oh yeah, I noticed you guys don't really like each other. Is that normal in volleyball because you're competitors or...?"

"Oh, we went to the same middle school, that's about it."

I pause for a second, unsure on how to reply, "Oh, how about you and Hinata then? It's almost like you've known each other for years." I ask, stretching and pulling the covers over my face.

"Actually, we only met at the beginning of the year, and I still hate his guts." he answers, I could hear him crack his knuckles through the phone.

"Awe, don't say that, he's sweet," I reply, "and you hate everyone, so that doesn't say much."

I get uncomfortable again and sit in the middle of my bed, letting the weight of the duvet hang over me and using my phones torch as my only source of light.

"He's annoying," Kageyama corrects, "and I don't hate everyone,"

I throw the quilt off me and flop on my bed side-ways, "you so do."

"I dont hate you."

I smile as a response and slightly blush, "really?"

"Well - uh - I mean it depends in what you class as dislike or hate." he stutters frantically, making me laugh a bit

"Don't be such a dweeb,"

"Don't be so confusing then."

I gasp dramatically and sit up, "I am not confusing!"

"For crying out loud, sit still, I can hear the sheets move and it's loud as fuck,"

"Sorry my king," I spit obnoxiously, "I literally cannot get comfortable,"
I look through the window, the sun's about to rise, "Do you want to meet up?"



"At 5am?" Kageyama wants to know, his voice is a bit louder so I could tell he's looking at his phone.

"No at midday," I reply sarcastically, "It's fine, you don't want to, I get it."

"It's not that," he defends, "isn't your brother overprotective?"

"It's fine, I'll just leave a note on the door for if he comes in and keep my ringer on or something," I reply, already getting changed and putting my hair up.

"If you're sure. Where do you want to meet?"

"I can get to Ukai's shop in about 30 minutes if that's good,"

"Sounds good."

"See you soon." I state before hanging up, putting on some shoes and taping a note to the door.

I'm going out for a bit (with a friend) so don't worry. My phones on but no promises.

With that, I shut the door behind me and walk to the store.


By the time I get there I notice Kageyama crouching and waiting for me.

"Sorry, was you waiting lon-"

"Shshchsh," he orders, flapping his hand around and pulling me down to his level.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!" I whisper-shouted.

"The shops open," he states.

"Good," I reply and stand up, "I want to buy an energy drink."

He pulls be back down, "If coach sees us awake hell kill me,"

"That's just you though, I'm fine," I reply, "plus, doesn't his mom own this shop too?"

He finally let's go of my wrist, "That's a good point,"

"Awesome, do you want anything?"

He hands me some money, "Just a water."

I took the money, but of course I'm not going to use it.

I walk in and hear the bell ring as the door swings open, waking up coach Ukai who was half asleep at the counter.

I grab the drinks from the fridge and grab some pringles on my way to the counter. I put the two drinks down and get out my card to pay for it.

"I've seen you around in Karasuno during volleyball practice," he says while scanning the bottles, "What are you doing up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep," I reply and pay for the drinks.

"Are you with your parents? It's not safe to be out during this time,"

"I'm with a friend,"

"You're not with that timid first year manager, are you? You guys really have to be careful, who knows what kind of creeps are out there."

Yeah, and you look like one of them.

"It's fine, I'm with someone else," I reply, "I should probably get back to him now so-"

"Him?" he interrogates, "you're with a boy at 6am. Is he older that you?"

This guy sure likes to act like a dad.

I think for a moment, "I actually don't know, I guess it's possible he is-"

Ukai walks away from the counter and begins to storm towards the door, "That's really not safe, do your parents know about this?"

"I don't have any - but I asked to hang out with him not the other way round so it's not even that ba-"

He's already out of the door. What's wrong with this guy? He's probably just bored or something.

I chase after the adult and freeze when I see him glaring at a freaked-out Kageyama.

"C-coach Ukai, heyy..."he greets nervously.

The store owner stands there speechless for a moment, he was obviously expecting some 18-year-old pervert like Oikawa.

"Don't let this effect your performance during practice."

With that, he dissappeared back into the shop, leaving an invisible trail of ringing bells behind.

I pass Kageyama an apologetic look, though he looks more relieved that he's not dead rather than pissed at me.

I sneak his money into his hand the same time as I give him the water, "My bad,"

He glares at me for a moment, but then shoves the cash back into his pockets and moves on.

"I'm not quite sure what just happened, but it could've gone worse." he accepts and sips a bit while I chug my whole thing.

He looks at the empty can and I throw it into the bin.

"Energy drinks don't really seem to work much for me, which sucks, but it's work a try."

"Not when you vomit, dumbass! You drank that thing like you haven't had a drink in 4 days!"

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now