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It's a Saturday, meaning that I get suffocated by a bunch of Volleyball players earlier than usual, but to my luck, they have a practice game and won't be back until 5. Meaning that they'd get here for around 5.30, so they'd only have 30 minutes to stay. That means that there's no point coming at all.

The nurses came in and out of the room more often today, I'm assuming because of the new kid.

Whenever I ask him why he's here, he just shakes it it off and changes the subject - though I did find out that he's a second year in high school.

I'm lying down on my stomach with my headphones in, casually watching anime on my laptop.

That is until stupid Noda asks what I'm laughing at.

"Tch, none of your business." I spit, still angry at him for delaying my chance to get stroop waffles the other day, and therefore sabotaging my own spirit.

"Come on, really? You're seriously still mad?" he snaps, getting up from his bed and closing my laptop, stopping the hen- I mean anime half way through an episode.

"Hey, what was that for?" I interrogate, sitting up and throwing my headphones at him while folding my arms and pouting.

"Stand up," he orders.


"I said stand up."

I heard what you said, moron. I think, still refusing to get up. Consequently, he grabs my arms and forces me up, taking my bag and swinging it around his own shoulder.

"H-hey! What are you doing?" I shout.

"I'm going to buy you something from the cafe so you can finally stop acting like a baby." he answers, completely fed up.

"Oh." Is this his way of apologising?

Of course I make him buy me another stroop waffle and a box of pocky, since they're literally the best things you can get here.

Despite all of Noda's efforts to only buy me one, I somehow convince him to get me both, as well as a chocolate bar for Hatsune and Alphonse.

We talk about a few things like school, or friends, or family. Anything really, and we actually don't go back straight away either, we just wonder around for a while.

A pretty good time waster, actually.

I mean yeah, I guess I could study from all the notes that Yachi gave me, but I'm a lazy bitch and there's no way in hell that I'll voluntarily do that.

Instead, and so they don't go to waste, Hatsune uses them to study from while no one's around making me use them.

After we return, it's not long until a couple familiar visitors poke their heads through the door.

The Kageyama's.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I ask them, looking at my phone to see that it's 5.45pm, "you can only stay for 15 minutes."

They shrug it off, claiming that a quarter of an hour is better than nothing.

Seeing Miwa reminds me of the clothes that I still haven't returned, even months later.

So, I reach in the bag under my bed and take it out, passing it to them.

She happily takes it, but drops the skirt. She doesn't pay much attention to it though because she's too busy folding up the top that had flopped undone during the sloppy pass.

Lucky for us though, no one noticed the extra bit of cloth that slid out from under the skirt apart from me and Tobio, who's eyes widen as he instantly picks it up and covers it back up again, taking the shirt from his sister and shoving it into his bag, completely ruining the effort she went through to fold it.

I look to the other three, none of them seemed to notice except... Noda.

Since he's directly opposite me, he doesn't have the blind spot that Alphonse and Hatsune has.

I stare at him in shock while he just smirks back at me before going back to the book he was reading.

As the fifteen minutes pass, a nurse comes in telling them that visiting times are over, but sneakily let's them stay a bit longer.

Another 30 minutes pass, and somehow they've stayed until 7pm.

Kageyama gets up to go to the toilet, leaving me and Tobio awkwardly just smiling at each other - unsure from what to say since his sister carried the previous coversation and there are 3 pairs of ears on us. The nosey shits.

"A nurse is coming." Noda warns.

"Shitfuckballs" I tumble, trying to think of where he could hide. The nurse actually said 6.30 the latest, so this isn't going well. There's nowhere under the bed, but there is a closet in the corner.

I don't know what's in it, really. I think there's supposed to be children's books or whatever, but when he opens it, it's empty.

Well, almost empty.

There's enough room for him to hide in, so he does. And just like what I suspected, there's one shelf which has a few children's book on.

She comes in and does her thing, then when she leaves I go over to the wardrobe and open it, telling Tobio that the coast is clear.

"Wait, so when's your sister coming back, like, where did she go?" She left ages ago, is she taking a dump?

"I think she went to the toilet."

30 minutes pass, and she's still no where to be found.

Coincidentally, he calls her, "Where are you?" he questions, putting it on speaker.

"I'm at home," she states, "Where are you?"

I snort at her nonchalant reaction, whereas Tobio just freaks out a little bit. "I'm where you left me, asshole! Why'd you go home without telling me?"

"Well, I thought you wanted to stay,"

"Uhm, yeah, but-"

"Either way, you're staying there now. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning when visiting hours start."

He hangs up without saying anything, totally in shock and mildly blushing. "Where the hell am I going to sleep!?"

I'm too busy trying to contain my laughter (and obviously failing) to be able to answer him.

"Your sister seems so cool," Alphonse tells him, "I want one like that!"

We stay up all night talking about shows, mangas, celebrities, literally anything you could this of.

"If I died," Noda begins, "I would want everyone to grieve as hard as they could. I don't want anyone to be emotionally stable for at least a year. I need a statue in my honour."

The conversation seems to have a deep topic, but everyone takes it so lightly.

"Really?" Hatsune says, "I would want the complete opposite. I hope that everyone would forget about me so they can move on and get in with their lives. I swear if I die and catch any of you talking about me I'll haunt the hell out of you."

She's so sweet. I love this girl so much.

"I would want to be an organ donor," Kageyama admits, "and I'd also want a statue to remember me by."

"Good idea! You could have a crown and a Cape and everything!" I agree, gaining a glare from the dark-haired setter. "But I side with Hatsune on this one. I'm already a downer on so many peoples' lives while I live, if I die then that shit better stop instantly."

Alphonse chuckles evilly. "Pathetic," he insults, "I wouldn't want just a statue of myself, I want a whole anime based off of me! I want a whole museum dedicated to me and my works."

"What works?" Noda questions slyly.

"That's not the point," he quickly replies, "but I'd haunt you all on top of this!"

"That's so cruel!" I utter out, clutching onto my heart.

I swear he's supposed to be nice.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now