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Getting settled in was easy enough, and I get along with the other two well. All they do is ask more and more questions about what school is like, or how my friends are.

My brother wanted to stay with me, but alas, he got dragged out by his own responsibilities called a job.

I've gotten a lot of texts from everyone at Karasuno, but I just reply bluntly and tell them to stop worrying, and to pay attention to class - or at least carry on with their day normally. It's not fair for them to spend their time wondering if I'm okay or not, that was the whole reason I left in the first place.

It should be lunch for them now, so hopefully they're at pract-

Of course not.

Incoming face time from Tsukki, I'm assuming because he has the better phone.

"It's them!" I mouth to the two excitedly. Since they like to talk about school and my friends a lot, it's only natural to get energetic around them.

I shake off the happy grin on my face and answer it. "Why aren't you guys practicing?"

"Calm down, y/n, we'll get round to it." Daichi says.

Yams continues, "we just wanted to know how you are-"

"-are you settling in well?" Suga asks, interrupting Yamaguchi.

I'm pretty sure that they're all in the club room, since it's definitely not the gym or a classroom.

I ignore the picture of girls in bikinis on the wall.

"I'm great, it's great here," I answer while turning around the camera to reveal Hatsune, then guiding it over to Alphonse. "I'm staying in the same ward as these guys, you would really like them."

I spot the relieved face of Kageyama once he realises that the boy is only little. Knowing this, I find myself thinking about him, though I soon kick myself out of the trance.

"Where's Tanaka's pants?" I ask in utter shock.

Tanaka - for some reason beyond my understanding - starts to take off his trousers and shirt, getting changed into his sports kit.

That boy has no shame.

Roughly throwing on his top, he approaches the camera, "Oh hey y/n, how's it going?"

"Um... Good," I reply, still a little surprised. "Hey, Tanaka, do you have an onlyfans?"

"A what?"

Damn, better luck next time.

"Nevermind," I say, chuckling it off. "You guys should go practice, I'm not going anywhere."

Before they get a chance to answer, I already hang up on them.

"That all seen so nice!" Hatsune says cheerfully, with Alphonse continuing her sentence.

"Is one of them your boyfriend?" he teases, making me blush.

I outrageously shake my head to stop thinking out it and change the subject quickly.

"Do you guys not have any friends, like outside of the hospital?"

They both shake their head 'no'.

"The only person I talk to that's not someone stuck here or working here is my brother, but I'm supposed to be discharged for Christmas so that'll all change soon!" Hatsune says.

Alphonse's answer is relatively similar. "My dad and siblings are out of the picture, so it's just my mom - shes ill too though so its difficult for her to visit me. But one day I'll regain the feeling in my legs, and my eye will recover and I can go to high-school and make just as many friends as you!"

Omg they're so precious.

I smile at their enthusiasm and take out my ds.

"So who's played smash bros?"

Turns out Hatsune does not like super smash bros, but actually really likes animal crossing.

So, while she plays that, Alphonse and I download a multilayer game on our phones and play against each other.

This goes on for a few hours, though it only seems like a few minutes, until two familiar faces pop through the door.

I look at the time, it's 4pm, they obviously came straight from school.

"No," I state blandly, "go back."

"Huh? And after all this effort we put in to come visit you!" Yachi whines, skipping over to my bed. I'm already sitting cross-legged and leaning against the headboard, so she does the same at the bottom, while Kageyama sits on the the actual chair next to the bed.

"That's the problem!" I say, slapping Yachi on the leg and flickin Tobio's forehead. "You shouldn't go out of your way for things like this, I literally was with you guys all weekend. Won't they need you to set the balls for Hinata or whatever?"

"Well, we we're thinking that since Hinata is useless without Kageyama..."

Just like on cue, a very energetic ginger puppy bursts through the door. "Guys, there was a really mean boy with purple hair near the toilets and-" the moment his haid whips around from the door and sees me, he sprints up to us and literally throws himself on my lap.

"I saw you yesterday, you don't need to get too excited." I tell him, pushing him to sit up with my hands on his shoulders as he lifts himself back up, jumping a few steps backwards after seeing Tobio's horror-induring expression.

"YOU IDIOT!" he scolds while leaning over the bed to the other side and grabbing him by the shirt, lifting Hinata a solid 3 inches from the ground. "Do you understand how dangerous that was!? How much you could've hurt y/n!?

Yachi and I awkwardly look at each other, unsure of whether we should intervene.

I try to confirm that I'm totally fine and what he did wasn't that bad, but he doesn't listen to anything I'm saying.

The only thing that caught Kageyama's attention is Alphonse interrupting his sadistic lecture. "So that one's your boyfriend!" He states, clearly referring to Kags.

He instantly let's go and flushes up a deep red, quietly returning to his chair. I mean, at least I can hear my own thoughts now.

I blush too, but try not to think about it too much. I playfully punch Kageyama's shoulder as if to say 'don't worry', and smile to the young boy diagonal from me as a thank you for silencing him.

"We had English today, and I had to try and copy of Kageyama~kun but he has the worst handwriting ever! It was so much easier looking at your book, y/n~Chan!"

All I do is copy from Yachi, but I guess that's better than trying to look at a dumb shit's piece of work like his.

"Oh, that's right," he says while reaching into his school bag and pulling out a scrunched up piece of paper. "I took notes for you!"

I gratefully take the sheet, but after taking one small glance at it, all I can see are drawing of crows, rabbits and the odd English word like 'good' or 'happy'.

I thank him then share a fearful glance with Yachi, who tells me telepathically that she also made some notes to give me.

"We're only allowed to stay till six but-"

"Only? Jeez I'm not sure if I'll be able to put up with all three of you for that long."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now