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Me and Yachi are like a packaged deal, so after a long time of thinking and deciding whether I can be assed for the work or not, we decided I'd become the boys volleyball team's co-manager.

When did we decide this, exactly? Just now, on the bus back to Karasuno. We are sitting at the back of the vehicle where the 5-seater is. By the windows is a bobble-head Hinata and Kiyoko, who is silently reading a book. I am awkwardly sitting in the middle with two heads leaning all their weight on my shoulder: Yachi (who's practically drooling) and Kageyama (who's... growling?)

So, what do I do? Quietly suffer, unable to even fidget a little bit, just as if there's a dog laying on me.

The only problem: I don't have a dog.

I grunt with annoyance, my head splatting the headboard of the seat - a little to hard and it kinda hurt - but I STILL can't move. Kiyoko lets out a small gush of air, laughing at me, but still reading her book.

Soon, I manage to fall asleep out of pure boredom.

My dream, let's not talk about my dream. It's horrifying. We're going to talk about my dream. We are building piramids (everyone on the bus, at least) but we aren't the builders, oh no, we're the big, fat, heavy bricks.

After going through a terrifying process, Yachi is about to be plopped on top of me, and I jitter awake.

Oh, this would explain it.

Everyone at the back is passed out and we're all leaning on top of each other... still.

Hinata is squashed at the bottom, and Kiyoko is delecately laying on top

My fidget doesn't wake up a single person. Here's the physics: my small jerk upwards alters the layout of our pyramid and the weight of two human being push my further down, until I reach someone's lap. A, uh, a guys lap.

Blushing a deep red, I freak out and try to wake up Yachi. With my luck, she doesn't even flinch and I hear a chuckle of someone further up. It looks like everyone still asleep, apart from Tsukishima.

Fucking dingle berries.

"Yachi," I whisper, still trying to wake up her.

No luck.

"Yachi!" I whisper-shout. She doesn't move, but Kageyama readjusting his position to make it even more uncomfortable for me.

At this rate I'm going to wake up the wrong person.

"Tsukki," I spit, "Tsukishima,"

He looks at me, smirking as annoyingly as possible.

"Fucking help me out here, I'm actually going to cry, come on!" I beg.

He lifts a a finger, telling me to hold on a second. I do as he says, and he turns around and shakes Yamaguchi awake.

He's not helping me.

Yamaguchi leans over the blonde giant, and snorts after seeing my situation.

"Come on, you're supposed to be the sweet one!" I cry, literally tearing up.

"Sorry, y/n," I says, "but I have a seat belt on, and I can't move."

I kick my leg at him threateningly. Wait, seat belt. That's it! I unplug my belt and wiggle out until I'm lying on the floor, in the small gap in between the seats.

I sit up, stretching my hands up excitingly. "Justice!"

"Yeah... Justice." Tsukki mocks, gesturing to where my hand landed.

I back-handed Kageyama, and, although I can't see his eyes, I can tell he's death glaring me.

I snatch my hand back and hug it, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I plead, regretting every singly one of my life decisions.

His face somehow gets even scarier than before, but just as he's about to say something he looks down and his eyes widen. Swiftly, he grabs his bag and covers his lap. Oh, he must think my tears were-

"Whatever," is all that he says.

Is that it?

Tsukki does that condescending laugh once again, "You would not believe-"

I take a deep breath and slap my face, forcing my eyes closed 5 times over.

To my surprise, the next words coming out of his mouth were just mumbles.

I open my eyes to reveal Yamaguchi with his hand around Tsukishima's mouth.

I sigh in relief, "You're a life saver," I praise the freckle-faced boy, causing him to smile and wink to me as a 'you're welcome'.

"What happen-" Kageyama asks, and not even before he gets two words in I answer:



I open the fridge, taking the milk out and pouring it into a cup.

"I don't know how you like that," my brother insults, walking into the kitchen.

"It tastes good," I tell him, "and I'm not planning on staying as short as you my whole life."

"That's so unfair," he whines, "I'm short because of genetics. Genetics!"

"If that were true," I stated, "I'd be so much shorter than you. A) because you're a guy. B) because you're older than me."

"Ugh, whatever," he says angrily, "Just go to school already. I've already taken my daily dose of handling you already."

"I have you wait for Yachi," I tell him.

"I swear you have dementia," he replies, "she's going to school early today, to help out with those two volleyball boys with practicing. You literally told me that 30 minutes ago."

"You're so mean!" I throw my now empty cup at him.

Bad idea.

Very bad idea.

I swear on my mom's grave that he turned into a demon.

"If you don't leave the house in 5 seconds I am going to kill you." he threatens.

"But I haven't got my socks on yet!" I cry.

"Five," he starts to count down.

I gulp, scared for my life.


I sprint into my room, grabbing my socks.


I try to put them on, but I panic and change my mind 1/4 through and sprint to get my shoes.


I drop a shoe, squeaking with fear.


With this, I grab the shoe and run out of the apartment, slamming the door in his face and continue to sprint for my dear life while trying to get ready at the same time.

Edward l/n. My big brother, everyone.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now