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We sit in silence for a long moment after his sister leaves. Making it just us two, which is very awkward.

Well, that is until he yawns and I start a conversation.

"Don't say you're tired already," I whined, "it's not even that late."

I try to hold in a yawn so I don't seem like a hypocrite.

"Are you okay?" he asks with a freaked out look plastered on his face, shuffling a bit further away to give me some more space and to make things comfortable, though it just makes me shiver from a sudden loss of warmth. "you look constipated."

"No, I'm fine," I squeaked, "just need to um... Stretch my jaw."

He breathes out a skeptical 'right' before asking, "what do you want to watch?"

"Hmm," I think aloud, "you watch anime, right? How about a try not to sing/dance?"

He starts typing and gets one up in literally less than 5 seconds.

The first song: aot op3

"THIS IS NOT FAIR- SHINZOU WO SASAGEYO." I cry before screeching the lyrics.

He breaks at the third one, unable to escape from my temptations.

Since I already lost, why bother trying to hold it in?

"I never really took you for a yoi fan, Kags." I smirked at the boy, who's now blushing out of embarrassment.

"Well... It's alright, but the opening is just really catchy." he defends after attempting to hide his face by looking away.

Other songs go passed... Pre-Parade, Renai Circulation, and... Unravel?!

Now that's unfair.

"Are you... Crying?" Kageyama asks before gliding his thumb across my cheek to pick up a tear, "oh my god you are!"

"That's so not cool!" I whine, "that song is just really emotional,"

"Huh? Pokemon is not emotional." he teases, causing me to punch his arm playfully.

"Not Pokemon, asshole! Tokyo Ghoul!"

"Oh, I've never seen it."

... What?

"You're joking, right?" I question, making him shake his head as clarification. I gasp dramatically and open up his Netflix, "We're watching it right now."

He chuckles, "Whatever you say, mom."

I briefly glare at him for the annoying nickname but soon turn back to the computer screen to open up the show. (a/n, I have half stuck in my head and I cant get it out help)


I slowly flutter my eyes as I wake up, and temperarily think I've been kidnapped when I notice that I'm not in my room.

But, of course, I stormed out and I'm now here. With Kageyama. Sleeping. In the same bed. On... On my chest.

Obviously, I blush a deep ass red, but I realise it's still very early as I glance at his alarm clock. I shouldn't wake him up, should I? This is really awkward, but it doesn't count if one person doesn't realise what's going on, right?

Plus, it's not like I'm in an uncomfortable position making it hard to breath or anything, it's just an uncomfortable position in a different sort of way. I'm actually quite cozy.

Despite me being the shorter one of us both, my head is on top of Kageyama's while his head's position has already been established. Big spoon, huh? That's a first. I notice the laptop on the floor, with Netflix shining through the monitor stating 'are you still watching?'

Sorry, Netflix, I am not watching. I am steadily trying to remove my leg which is wedged in between both of his like a game of Jenga, and I'm trying my diddly darn hardest not to sneeze or breath too hard or something so I don't wake him up.

However, that plan crumbles to shit when his alarm starts going off at... 5am?!

He's waking up and I don't have a single clue as to what I should do right now...

Oh, I know!

I pretend to still be asleep and he can move by himself.

That should work, if he would actually wake up.

He seems to be immune to the unlimited screaming of his own alarm clock, and tightens his grip onto me instead. As a result, I blush an even deeper red.

Eventually, I give up on trying to let him wake up by himself and kick him off the bed.

He's still asleep.

Okay, I know we've only slept for about a combined time of 2.15 hours, but this is still bullshit.

I hit him with a pillow, "Wake up, asshole."

No response. Is this guy dead? Oh - I know!

I reach for his cologn and spray it in his open (and drooling) mouth.

He finally wakes up and instantly begins to wipe his tongue on his top, "What the fuck!?"

Bit snappy this morning, huh?

"I didn't know how else to wake you up, not my fault." I reply, quite bluntly, causing him to finally gather his surroundings and open his eyes.

"Huh?" he breaths, "you're not Miwa."

"No shit, sherlock," I snap, standing up to put his cologn back but trip on his foot and fall forwards towards his bed post which caught my top but I, unfortunately, kept falling.

So... Ouch, that kinda hurt not gunna lie. My eyes gaze towards Kageyama, who's nose was bleeding? I follow along his eye-line and...


I fold my arms across my chest and face away from him. My - his shirt had ripped in half leaving my whole torso bare. My whole body practically turns red out of a mix of anger and embarrassment.

Before I could properly even process what had just happened, a new piece of fabric is tossed to me. I put it on swiftly and turn around to see that Kags gave me his top and is now sitting up cross-legged with the pillow that I smacked him with on his lap.

It is at this moment I realise something.

There's a hole in the front boxers?

I begin laughing uncontrollably, resulting in a very confused blackberry-boy.

"W-what's so funny?" he questions anxiously.

I shove my arm down the underwear and through the hole and start flapping it around, continuing to laugh hysterically.

At first, the volleyball player didn't understand my humour from this, but soon loosens up and laughs along with me, who is now wheezing and crying, on the floor gasping for air.

A few moments later, female Kageyama opens the door wondering what all the noise is so early in the morning, and starts giggling along with us once noticing my arm wiggling like a blow up noodle thing outside a gas station.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now