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"Yachiiiii," Hinata cries, storming back into the classroom once more with Kageyama, obviously wanting to study again. Well, until he looks at me (who refuses to look up from my sketch book) "Hm? Is y/n~Chan not in today? I didn't know you had a new student!"

He pulls on Kageyama's wrist and approaches me, "Hinata, let go, they clearly don't want to speak to anyone."

"Don't be silly, Kageyama, they're probably just shy!" they're at my desk now. "Hey, I just wanted to say welcome to the school and if you need anything you can always come find me! I'm usually in the gym but-"

I sigh and look up, there's no point since he's spoken to me now, everyone is looking at me I can feel it.

"Y/n?" Hinata asks, completely shocked by my 'sudden' appearance.

The introduction of my name snaps Kageyama out of whatever trance he was in, trying to pretend he didn't know the small ginger. He picks up the nasal cannula (the weird tube things coming out of my nose) briefly before dropping it in fear of breaking it, "What happened?" He asks concerningly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I answer bluntly, holding on to the oxygen bag that's on my lap, "you can go now."

"Is this why you've stopped speaking to everyone?"

I don't reply.

"She has cystic fibrosis," Yachi speaks quickly, totally prepared for whatever response I would give.

"Yachi!" I scold, unimpressed.

"I'm sorry, but look how worried they are!"

Sorry my ass. I look up towards the two volleyball players, who have caring yet fearful expressions painted on their Faces.

I let out a 'tsk' and get up to leave, fed up of the atmosphere.

Kageyama holds my shoulder to stop me from leaving. He speaks like hes just been betrayed, "Why didn't you tell us - tell me?"

"Do we have to do it here?" I ask, referring to the unlimited pairs of eyes watching this play out.

He takes the bag as well as my hand and drags us outside to the vending machines.

"You could've told me," he repeats, placing the bag on the bench and gently examining the hollow pipes around my face once more.

I glance towards his hands and look up at him. The look on his face seems to be desperate, but I can't even put it into words.

I squeeze my eyes shut and push him away, wiping my face with my hands and gazing at my feet. "I didn't want to leave you like that, I thought that it would hurt less if I left everyone now so you'd forget about me before I was actually gone. I didn't worry you."

"You're unbelievable," he sighs, making me grip onto the ends of my skirt. To my surprise, I feel a familiar warmth wrap around me, making my grip looser and accept the embrace, without actually returning it. "I was so worried anyway, you idiot! I thought I did something wrong!"

I weakly laugh at his completely incorrect mindset, "You're the idiot. You could never do anything wrong."


"No," I say bluntly and sternly in attempts to get my point across.

"Pleaseeeeee!" Noya begs, attempting me to take back the role of self-proclaimed co-manager.

"Yeah, it's not the same without you," Yams adds, "right, Tsuki?"

"Meh, I could go either way." Tsukishima replies half-heartedly.

"That's not true-" Hinata says, just to be muffled by a volleyball to the face. His statement is continued by Tanaka.

"You were panicking so bad and blaming yourself, I genuinely thought you were goung to explode!" he snorts, making me giggle.

"In all honesty though, we're all just happy you're back." Suga finishes, finally getting back onto the subject that is Volleyball.

"Who said I was back? Just because you found out about me doesn't mean I'm back." I spit, though I'm soon put back in my place by a light punch from Kageyama.

"You're coming back," he says, "we don't care how much you change. We want you here until the end."

He freaks out after realising how it came out. "B-by end I mean the end of school! We want you with us until then! And after that!"

"Speak for youself," Tsuki scoffs, "but I guess I'll put up with you for now."

"We have to give up the gym tonight," Daichi sighs, "so no practice after school."

"Awee, but wh-"

Hinata's complaint is cut short from the bell ringing, making everyone pack up and go back to classes.

While I walk to my next class, Kageyama runs up to me, calling my name to catch my attention.

I hum in response, "What's up?"

"Do you want me to take that?" he offers, reffering to my back-pack.

"It's literally full of air, I think I'll be alright,"

"Alright then," he sighs, thinking of what to say next, "then let me walk you home."

"Why?" I answer, slightly surprised from such a strange request. He's usually too scared to go near Ed.

"I-I don't know," he admits, bowing to me as if he's apologising, "but can I anyway?"

"Get up, you damn moron," I say, flicking his forehead, "I guess you can if you really want to. But only if you buy me a Pocky at the shop, because I've been fancying that for a few days now."


The end of schools creeps up on me like a damn animal, I've just been concentrating on avoiding everyone since they all stare at me for no good reason apart from getting up in other people's business.

I go to wait for Kageyama by the gate, only to realise that he's already there.

"Ready?" he asks, taking my school bag from me, being too scared to take the other one. But now I can at least put that on my back.

I nod and we begin to walk to Ukai's shop, too nervous to start a conversation and suffering the irregular small talk and constant awkward silences.

We're almost at the corner shop when Kageyama decides to start a conversation a bit more than small talk, his tone almost apologetic. He asks, "So... How long have you known?"

I don't answer him, but just look down and grip on the straps of the bag.

That's when we bump into someone on their phone, "Oh sorry, love-" they say, until noticing the obstacle in front of him. "Kageyama!? what are you doing here!?"

It's that Oikawa guy. Still as cute as ever.

"What sort of question is that?" He spits, "I'm always here. Why are you here?"

Shittykawa let's out a small 'huh' before looking around and internally telling himself off.

"I wasn't paying attention where I was going, God knows how I ended up here." he admits before bending his knees to my height. "Who's this cutie?"

I flick his head as a sign that he's too close. "You don't remember me?"

He stands back up straight, "We've met before?"

Letting out a 'hmph', I take the glasses from him and put them on myself just for him to shake his head that he still doesn't remember.

I pass a small sigh before realising I have one more trick up my sleeve.

I bow and beg, "Please don't hurt me!"

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now