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Everyone must've fell asleep on the way back, because waking up to pure silence around this lot is not common.

My head feels heavy as I try to lift it, and it isn't until I actually move my head that I find out. I was on Kageyama's shoulder, and we were leaning on each other.

My movement had woken him, and he grunts while rubbing his eyes awake.

"Did I wake you up? S-Sorry," I say, hoping that he didn't realise our previous position with a faint blush splashed onto my cheeks.

He stretches and shakes his head as if to say 'no worries' then just like that, we pull into the school.

With Kageyama still half asleep, and everyone else just barely waking up, my brother slams on the window angrily, his eyes accompanied with a worried look. The loud thud from the contact of his hands and the window jolts most people awake, and I stand up quickly in fear and run towards the door.

"Bye everyone, well done on thrashing shitty-tori-zawa! See you tomorrow!" I bow swiftly, trying to get to my brother before he destroys the whole of Japan.

"It's Saturday today, you moron," Tsukishima insults being the salty asshole he is.

"Not you, four eyes," just before I take a step out of the bus he speaks once more and shoves his phone in my face.

"Awe, how cute! Look at you two!" he teases, my eyes take a moment to adjust, but when they do:

"Tsukishimaaa~!" I cry, trying to get a grasp of his phone but he grabs it back, "delete it! Please!"

It's a photo of me and Kageyama asleep on each other.

"No way," he snickers, swiping on his phone, "and look at this one!"

It's a photo of me holding Kageyama's hands from before we left.

"Nooo!" I whine, continuously trying to snatch it, but he stands up and runs off the bus.

"You'll have to catch me first!" he shouts, sticking his tongue out at me from half a mile away and continues to run away - I'm assuming back home.

I sigh in defeat, knowing I'll lever be able to catch him. I'll just have to take it while he's practicing. I sigh, just to be jump scared by Ed taking my hand, shoving me into his car and driving us back home.

"Oh, you're going to the hospital tomorrow, by the way." he tells me, unlocking the door.

"Why not monday like you said? We're supposed to be going to Tob- Kageyama's tomorrow,"

"Don't stress, you little worry-wart, I'm telling you to get up early. Well still be there for midday."


"Wake up, you mong," my brother order's, ripping off my duvet and opening th curtains, "I thought I told you to set an alarm, you have 15 minutes and we gotta go. I'll make a smoothie for breakfast."

Fifteen minutes? It takes me twenty just to get changed!

I groan, forcing myself out of bed and splashing my face with cold water to wake me up, quickly grabbing a dress since they're easy to get on I guess-

"Y/n, we have to go!"

I'm sorry, what? I got out of bed two seconds ago... Oh, no I didn't he's right. I don't even know how that happened.

I slide on some dolly shoes and take a scrunchie to put my hair in a messy bun for in the car, as well as taking the smoothie that Ed passes me to drink on the way.


We'll be there in 5

I quickly text Kageyama to let him know we're almost there while finishing off my half-empty drink.

OK, no rush :)

My parents haven't arrived yet so we assumed they stayed an extra night or something, they'll probably get here later.

I shut my phone off and attempt to shove it in my back pocket- oh yeah, dress, I have no back pockets.

I knock on the door, but I don't even get a second smack because Miwa swings the door open enthusiastically, just to lower her shoulders and lets her expression dull. Her tone of voice, however, stays chirpy.

"Hey guys, come in. Tobio's on the couch." she tells us, going into the kitchen to get some water for us.

We walk into the living room and I notice Tobio zoning out, "Heyyy," I greet, causing him to look up and see me in front of him, making him jump up from shock.

Am I that scary?

The four of us sit and talk for a while, Ed seems on-edge at first but eases up when the notices they have cheese twists.

I'm not too sure how we got on this topic, but Kageyama and Ed were talking about work while me and Tobio nod along pretending to understand. That is, until we look at each other and pass one another a complexed look, resulting in us laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asks me.

I tell him it's nothing but get cut short from my phone buzzing an unnatural amount. I pick it up from the coffee table... What?


Dumb shit

Answer me

Right now

I swear to god if you
don't reply I'm going
to beat you up

Answer me right now

Jeez! Who are you!?


I need a favour

What? No. How'd you
even get my number??

That's none of your
damn business

I'm hungry but I'm

I need you to venmo
me some money so I
can buy ramen

Or what?

He sends me the photo from the coach yesterday.

Is context needed?

From reflex, I chuck my phone. I don't really know why I trained myself to do that, but I have an android so it's fine.

"What's this?" Kageyama asks, picking up my phone and instantly begins laughing, "oh, there's another one!"

I did not give her permission to do that. I should sue her.

"What is it?" my brother asks, causing me to fluster up while Tobio sits there confused.

"NOTHI-" I try to snatch my phone back but its already too late. The damage is done. She's showing everyone here the photo of me holding Tobio's hands from yesterday.

My face instantly turns to Tobio, who's now just as red as me, totally frozen in shock with his mouth hanging open.

"THIS DOES NOT LOOK LIKE NOTHING!" Ed screams, getting his attention pulled back towards the phone as Kageyama announces that there's more and swipes to the previous picture.

He grabs my hand and storms towards the door while I try to hold him back. "I need to talk to you." He breathes out silently, trying to contain his raven. I realise I cannot escape and stretch out my arm for the phone, which is chucked into my hand.

I quickly text back Tsukishima:

You ruined my life

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now