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Is kageyama left handed??

Of course my brother was originally mad of my impulse-choice to invite everyone round, but what's done is done and he can't stay mad for too long anyways.

I rush over to the door, swinging it open, "Welcome to my humble abode... Oh, it's only you guys. Come in, grab a drink, do whatever. We're ordering papa John's for dinner." I inform Hinata, Yachi, Tobio, and his sister.

"So, are you going to tell us the news or what?" Tobio asks, getting some tap water for him and his sister.

"Yeah, you're worrying me." Yachi adds, sitting down on the sofa.

"Don't be silly, Yachi~San, I bet it's good news!" Hinata contrasts, jumping around the place and taking in the new scenery, even though it doesn't look much different than Yachi's.

I try not to give away much of a reaction to prevent them from worrying and reply with the classic: "I'll tell you when everyone gets here."

Ed walks in from the room and starts talking to Miwa. We've been trying to meet up more regularly like before, but that's all gone to shit now.


"Welcome!" I say to the last person arriving, passing him the random cold pizza slices that we didn't want, but pretend that we saved it for him.

"Thanks, sorry I'm late..." Asahi apologises, bowing as low as he could go, totally ignoring me frantically telling him it's fine.

"Late is an understatement," Noya whines, dragging out his words, "it's almost 11pm now!"

"Yeah, so are you going to tell us now or what?" Tanaka continues, sitting in that weird intimidating thug pose. How that's cumfotable I'll never know.

"Not everyone is here yet," I say, referring to the one and only Miwa Kageyama, who went to the shop to get everyone some drinks since Hinata spilt every single damn one like a crazy person, and my brother refuses to leave the living room where we all are.

"Why's she here again?" Tobio asks, he clearly doesn't want his sister here but whatever.

"To keep my brother company, duh." I answer matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, because she doesn't want me listening in on all of your conversations!" my brother spits, throwing out his conspiracies like a mad-man. That's only one of the reasons I invited her.

I roll my eyes, and like on cue, she comes in with 4 fatass bottles of cola and some lemonade.

I clap my hands excitedly from her arrival,  "Story time! Everyone gather round!"

I try to stay up-beat as the volleyball club + siblings pile on top of each other and gather around the couch.

My brother, however, comes to my side and hold my hand to let me know that he is here. It's a nice gesture sure, but it doesn't help my already plumishing sanity.

I want to let go, but instead I squeeze his hand tightly and smile, "I'm not going back to school,"

"What do you mean?" Daichi asks, looking to his right at Suga, then down at Noya who is lying across the two of them. Hinata, Yachi, and Kageyama look at each other fearfully, as well as an anxious Asahi and ticked off Tsukishima.

Yamaguchi is sitting on the arm rest next to Tsukki, while Kiyoko is on the other one, everyone else scattered around the floor, apart from Kageyama - she is on the single swirly office chair that we put next to the sofa for some reason.

"As of Monday... Uh..." I look towards my brother. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be acting like right now, so I grin even wider. "how d-do I put it?"

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now