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Yachi and I walk into the gym where everyone is practicing.

Well, I actually hide behind the doors instead of actually walking in while Yachi stands in the doorway confused.

"What are you doing?" Yachi asks.

"What if Kageyama told everyone about yesterday--oh my God you didn't tell anyone did you?" I reply, silently freaking out.

She looks away, "Pfft, what? No!"

Hinata see's Yachi in the doorway and assumes I'm there too. "Y/n~Chan!!!" He cries, sprinting to where the blonde girl is and looks around for me. Once spotting me, he runs up and engulfs me in a tight embrace. "I'm so glad you're okay, I thought you died!"

I glare at Yachi. "It wasn't me!" she defends.

"Yeah it was," Hinata chirps, "you and Kageyama~kun called me at like 10 o'clock last night totally freaking out!"

I smirk at Kageyama, "You freaked out, huh?"

He flushes up and hides it behind rage, "I s-so didn't!"

He's not hiding it very well.

I gesture him to come over so I can whisper something. Definitely not to smell blackberries again.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," I say, loud enough for Yachi to hear too. I look at her, "and that goes for you as well."

They both gulp but I just kick Kageyama away, "Get lost you filthy dog, you stink."

He gets all angry again but I just laugh while he goes on a massive tangent.

"Alright guys, back to work." Daichi orders

"Oh right, sorry for stealing Kags yesterday, I needed to use him to win a bet. I guess I'm not a very good co-manager." I say, smiling nervously and rubbing my neck.

"Kags?" Tsukishima scoffs.

"Co-manager?" Yagamachi adds.

"Self-proclaimed." Yachi answers for me.


School is so boring, I was practically asleep the whole time. You know when you're not asleep and can hear/see everything around you but you're just not paying attention? Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been like the whole day.

Luckily, I had English before lunch. Why is this lucky, you ask. Well dear reader, it is because I have a friend in this class that can do the work for me and tell me everything I missed.

Though, I'll just ask them when I get home.

The bell rings as a trigger to snap me out my trance. Yes, food!

"Okay class, have a great rest of your day, and don't forget the homework due in tomorrow!" she calls while I rush outside to find a place to eat.

Did she just say... Homework? What homework? Fuck it, I'll just do it when I get home.

"Y/n, wait up," Yachi cries, clumsily dropping all of her things and chasing me like a fish out of water, "What's to rush?"

"I've finally got a decent sized lunch," I reply, "and I'm not spending a second longer to find a place to eat than I have to."

"Why don't you come to the gym then," she suggests, "I'm going there because the guys are practicing, and I really don't want you to eat alone."

They still practice at lunch? Wow, that's dedication.

"Sure, I'll come," I say, "I mean, what sort of co-manager would I be if I didn't?"

"You know there's no such thing as a co-manager for our volleyball team, right?"

"Of course there is, I just made it."

We walk into the gym and I sit down, very excited to eat.

However, the second I sit down a ball zooms at me at like 100mph, it lands on the wall directly next to my face.

I freeze for a moment, "I think... I just died."

"Sorry y/n," Asahi apologises briefly, picking up the ball, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply slowly, standing back up with my food, "I think I'm going to eat somewhere else."

Gee, thanks Yachi, what an excellent idea. There's nothing more appetising than killer balls speeding towards you and sweaty boys screaming.

The second one was not sarcasm.

Oh, I know where to go.

Just outside is a bench and those two vending machines, they seem like a pretty good bet.

I sit down and begin eating, finally in peace. Well, that is until a dog approaches me.

"Shitting hell that's a lot of food," he says in amazement, buying a milkshake from the vending machine.

I move my lunch defensively, "So what?"

He mistook my defensive action as an invite to sit down, but I can't say anything, that's way too embarrassing.

"Well that's enough to feed 3 people, surely," he replies and throws his empty milk carton in the bin about 20 steps ahead of us.

"It's going to feed one person," I tell him, "and that's me."

"Can I have some?" he asks, though it seems more like an order while he tries to take some.

I slap his hand away, "No,"

"Please, I'm starving," he continues, "you still owe me for paying for the cinema."

I pull it further away when he goes in for another dip, which made him trip somehow and lie across my lap. Swiftly and anxiously, he sits back up.

"S-sorry," he mutters, now avoiding to look in my direction and staring dead ahead while his hands when at a straight diagonal line from his knees to his shoulders.

"It's fine," I laugh, passing him a little bit of food, "it won't make up for large popcorn, but it's something."

"Th-thanks," he says awkwardly, taking the food.

We stare into each others eyes for an eternal second, but I break it by nervously averting my eyes down and tucking my hair behind me ear. I gaze back up to see him still looking at me, so I smile at him.

"Hello?" I tease, "Earth to Kags,"

He shakes his head frantically and slaps his cheeks. He must've zoned out like me during class.

"Sorry!" he answers loudly, soon calming down, "I - uh - I should get back."

We both stand up and he bows respectfully, or to hide a blush that's creeping on his face.

"Oh, right," I reply, matching his nerves, "I keep holding you up, that's my fault. I will pay you back soon though."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now