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Kageyama slept on the big comfy chair that was originally in the corner of the room, but he dragged it over next to me. Part of me wanted to say he could've just got in the same bed I'm in, so he'd be comfy, but I was too nervous to suggest it in front of everyone.

Waking up, I go to stretch when I realise that we had held hands all night, as my arm has pins and needles from being at a 90° angle from my body for the entire time.

I look outside, it's still quite dark, probably around 5am. A nurse has definitely come in at some point now and noticed he's here by now. I need to get blood flowing through my arm again, so I take my hand back from Kageyama's grasp, which seems to wake him up.

"Sorry," I begin, "did I wake you?"

He nods while rubbing his eyes and stretching at the same time. "It's fine," he states, "I've got a bad neck from staying in that position anyway." He leans his head to his left and right shoulder to stretch his neck out, then briefly rubs it in hopes to remove tension.

In annoyance, I sigh and open up the sheets to my bed. Kageyama just looks at me ignorantly.

"Get in," I tell him, "can't have your neck all sore when you're trying to set for Hinata or whatever."

"A-are you sure?" He asks, staring at me with pure shock plastered over his face.

"Just get in before I change my mind... I'm getting cold." I answer, referring to the breeze getting through the gap in the duvet.

"O-okay." He breathes anxiously. It's a bit of a tight fit due to the beds being smaller than your typical single.

In order not to fall off, keep the sheets on both of us, and warm me up after I said I was cold, Tobio wraps his arms around me and pulls me close while both my arms are bent at the elbows, squashed in between us while my hands were in fists against his chest.

He's got one hand around my waist, and one on my head, making sure I'm as close to him as possible. Very similar to the typical Kageyama-cage, but it felt different this time. There is no margin of error, no room for me to even flinch, almost like he's holding onto me for dear life.

"Tobio, are you okay?" I ask, subtly pointing out the... abnormality?

"Sorry," he says, as if he knows what hes doing is weird, but he doesn't loosen his grip. "can you breathe okay?"

I hum yes as a response.

"Then just let me hold you a bit longer." He lets out with a faint shake in his voice. His grip tightens.

To reply, I dig my head into his chest. We stay like this for a few minutes before I speak again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I repeat. My question loosens his grip slightly, allowing me to move my head and look up at him. It's too dark to see anything.

"I'm scared," he states. I squint my eyes to try and see more; the silhouette of objects are visible now. "I'm scared that one day I'll come to visit you and you'll be gone."

I pull myself up to match his height, and rest my head on his making our noses millimeters apart. Both my hands cradle his head and, with the hand that's not bring suffocated on the pillow, I play with his hair.

"That will never happen," I tell him, "if anything ever happens to me, you'll be the first to know. If you're not already with me at the time, everyone in this room knows to call you. You'll be there, because I need you."

"Y-you do?!" He asks, eyes widening slightly. He does the same and places his hand by my ear. I can feel his rickety breath against my skin.

"Of course I do. I'm very co-dependant, you know, that's why I was clingy around Yachi and made myself become the teams co-manager." I answer matter-of-factly.

He laughs, "Trust you to fuck up the mood."

"What do you mea-"

Before I get to finish my sentence, he pulls my face a centimetre closer to his, closing the gap between us and placing his lips onto mine. It only lasts a for a brief moment, just like the other times, and I find myself staring at his lips after we part.

"S-sorry." He apologises, loosening his grip on my hair but not letting go.

"It's okay, just make it last longer next time." I breath out, finally looking into his eyes.


.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now