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"What's the time?" I ask, wiping the spilt tomato puree and melted cheese off my chin.

"It's just passed 7," Kageyama answers while looking outside in disbelief. I don't blame him though, it only feels like it's 4pm.

His phone starts to ring, and once he realises the person calling him he stands up in a frenzy, "Oh shit I totally forgot," he answers call, "Hinata, what's up?"

"Kageyamaaaaaa, I've been waiting here for ages! Where are you?" I can here the small ginger boy whine through the device.

Kageyama indicates to be quiet by raising his finger to his mouth, "I'm at home eating,"

"Hurry up!" is all I could gather from the other end before he hangs up.

Kageyama sighs, tucking his phone in his pocket, "I promised Hinata that I'd practice with him at the park like half an our ago. Honestly, he's like a child, I can never get a break,"

"Don't be mean," I coe, ticking him off a tiny bit, "he's too cute. Why didn't you tell him that you're with me?"

"Then he'd tell you to come and I know you would," he answers bluntly.

"The problem?" I reply, just as straightforward.

He looks embarrassed for a moment and puts is school bag on his shoulder, "I don't want your brother to get mad."

I scoff, "Bet."

I walk out with the barely-dented pizza into the lounge where Ed is, "were going to the park,"

"No, you're not," he states nonchalantly, "get back in your room."

"If you don't let me go I'll cut up this dumb pipe," I rebel coolly, matching his tone.

"If you do that then I'm selling all of your pop figures."

"If you're going do to that I might as well go anyway."

He glares at me for a moment and I glare back. Eventually, he sighs out a big 'ugh' in defeat, "be back by 9.30 the latest, I'll call you every minute for 15 minutes and any time after 9.45 I'm calling the police."

I squeak energetically and jump a little, thanking Ed and dragging Kageyama towards the park so we can meet Hinata with the pizza.


"It's fucking huge," I whine, "there's no way I can eat it all by myself!"

I try to shove the pizza box into Kageyama's chest and force him to eat some.

"I'm not hungry anymore," he states and pushes it back towards me, "just finish it tomorrow."

"I don't like cold pizza," I cry.

"Then microwave it,"

His voice is uninterested, and he has his hands in his pockets and leaning backwards slightly.

"I don't like re-heated food." I continue to complain, clearly getting on his nerves but I don't care.

"That's not my problem."

This boy really has no fucks.

"Come on, Tobio, please!-" after realising what I had just said, I cover my mouth with my hands briefly before lowering them, "sorry."

He's finally looking at me now, barely phased from my plea apart from the faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "It's fine, you know I prefer you calling me Tobio anyway."

"Kageyama~kun, you're finally here!" Hinata greets, materialising behind the bush as we both walk into the now empty feild/Park, "Oh, and y/n~chan is here too!"

"I bought pizzaaaaaa!" I say, doing a little dance and wiggling the pizza in my hands.

Before they start practicing we decide to finish this monster, which is when I realise that Tsuki and Yams are here too.

I greet then with a small 'hello' and they explain that they were walking around because there was nothing else to do, when Yamaguchi saw a scared Hinata looking around as if he was lost. He insisted that the two kept him company so he didn't have to wait for Kageyama alone.

"Why was he scared?" I ask concerningly, passing a small glare at Kags for forgetting about his child. His own child. Despicable.

Hinata's face instantly instantly burns a deep red and practically dies from the blood rush. "N-no reason!" he stutters, causing Tsukishima to scoff at him.

"Don't try to act tough when you look like a total moron," the four-eyed setter states. He turns to me, "midget over there was scared of a little puppy because it jumped out of the bushes."

His answer caused Kageyama to copy Tsuki's scoff, "You do realise this is a dog park, right?"

The sounds (not words) coming out of Hinata's mouth aren't even audible at this point, he's too embarrassed to muster up actual vocabulary.

The woman was too stunned to speak.

I breath out a small 'awe' to catch their attention and walk over to the small ginger, pulling him into a hug. "Maybe if you didn't leave him alone to wait in the dark he would've never got freaked out, so don't be mad at him when it's all your fault." I scold Kageyama.

He gazes at me confusingly and in amazement for a moment, then I childishly stick my tongue out at him.

I let go of Hinata and he nervously asks some of the dumbest questions I've ever heard. "What are these for?" he asks, pointing at the stupid tubes.

"They're to help me breath, idiot." I tell him.

"Oh," he answers, "can I try them on?"

There's an instant response, but not by me. Tobio whacks him around the head while Tsuki turns his head around slightly to cover his ugly face and snorts. Yamaguchi gasps, "you can't ask that!"

"Why not?" he asks anxiously, rubbing the newly formed bump on his head made by the one and only Tobio Kageyama.

I giggle at all of the boys' reactions and remove the nasal cannula from behind my ears and put them on him, making sure it's fitted properly.

"Honestly, if fine," I admit calmly, looking at Hinata, "how does it feel?"

His eyes widen and he gets all excited, "My nose can see so clear now! No way! Tsuki, is this how you feel with glasses?"

He doesn't justify that with an answer, instead he just stares at him in shock for such ignorance.

"Ugh, you're such an imbecile," Kageyama sighs, totally unphased by Hinata's amusement and limitless energy. "give her it back and let's go practice." he gets up and dusts himself off, helping my lazy ass up so I can take my stuff back from Hinata and throw the now empty pizza box in the bin.

We all say goodbye to Tsuki and Yams; after that I just watch the other two boys practice and take the casual glance at my phone to check the time and if I get any new, actually interesting (not including Ed's messages), notifications.

A about 3 dogs sprint into the park with what looks like a husband and wife, who at first glance seem like a happy couple, but as they got closer I notice their sour face. "You know this is a dog park, right?" The woman spits, disgusted and sounding like a Karen.

"Yeah?" I reply. Hinata had done another terrible recieve, and ran off the retrieve the ball while Tobio notices the two uptight assholes having a go at me, so he walks over.

"Then where's your pet?" She continues with her follow-up question, keeping the same tone.

"I have a mut," I answer them simply and calmly.

"Where?" The husband repeats. At first, I thought it was just the woman who was an angry bitch, now it seems that it's just a toxic relationship.

"Kageyama, here boy!" I order, as if he's a dog. He approaches us in a jog now, instead of just walking over. His face is confused as I stand up and grasp onto his arm, tugging him closer too me. "Right here."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now