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"We have 2 hours to kill, what do you want do?" I ask.

"I don't know, you're the one that said to meet up at a stupid time."

"Hey it's not my fa-- wow, that's so pretty!" I say in awe, my attention totally diverting and making me look at the sun rising behind the tall setter.

He looks at the sun foe a second, then suddenly turns to me. Silently, he grabs my hand and starts running - but not too fast that I can't keep up - and guids me up a hill.

I don't bother to speak or object, I just stare at him confusingly until he finally stops.

I look around the scene he has brought me to, realising we're at the top og the hill with a gorgeous view of the rising sun.

Were in the middle of the road for a moment. Despite my urges to just lie doe in the middle of it waiting for a car, we sit down on the pathement with out backs to a cliff and watch the light emerge without saying a single word. Usually, the silence would be awkward and I would try to break the tension, but it's actually really relaxing, and Kageyama is the one to speak.

"How much sleep did you get?"

I pass him a disgusted look "None obviously,"

"Seriously?! At least I got a relatively decent amount. I passed out around 10 and slept until hours woke me up, how are you not tired?"

I yawn, "Well I am now you said it, idiot. Thanks a lot."

"Don't blame that on me, it's your fault for not going to sleep, not mine since you were the one who was doing whatever the hell you were doing until 5am." he scalds. What's with guys and acting like a parent, anyway. *cough*suga*cough*

"I was watching anime," I answer simply, changing the subject, "won't your parent's care that you randomly left the house at 5am?"

"Nah, I've done it quite often to play volleyball with Hinata." he explains, awkwardly shuffling.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, noticing that something is on his mind.

"I totally get it if you don't want to tell me," he begins, making me become curious, "but... What happened to your parents?"

"What?" I question, wondering why he'd ask such a random thing.

"I'm sorry," he says almost instantly, "I was just wondering because they're never around, but I guess it's really insensitive-"

"No, no, that's not it,"

I pause for a moment, thinking about what my next words would be and yawn once more. I try to lean on the wall behind me, but it is too far backwards, so I lean on Kageyama instead.

A/n, very deep.self harm and suicide. Pussies dont read.just pretend you got all mad and was like "no stfu I wanna talk about the anime I spent all night watching- but make it like your lie in april or something.

"My family has never been conventional. When I was born, there was a full family, I even lived with my grandparents - on my moms side. My  dad never really payed any attention to me, he always acted like I never existed. I don't know why, it might've been because I'm a girl, so I tried to be more like a boy. I played almost every sport you could think of, but my brother was in the same clubs as me. Since I've never been as fit or strong as my brother I was never good enough for even a smudge of attention."

I take a deep breath, looking across the view rather then at Kageyama, of which I could feel was staring me down.

"One night, he came up to me and asked me to wake him up around 5am the next day. Naturally, I was excited that he had finly asked me to help him with something, so I set about 8 alarms from 3am onwards to make sure I woke up - though I didn't sleep much at all that night. When I woke up to them beeping, I was totally ecstatic to finally help him with something, which is strange because I've never been an early bird. I waited until it was exactly 5am and I quietly shook him awake, being careful not to wake up my mom."

I took another deep breath, though it was slightly quivering this time and I could feel my stomach vibrate through each rough breath I take.

"Little did I know, he had 2 bags packed waiting for him at the front door. He smoothly got out of bed, patted my head and walked out, he never spoke a word and... He never came back. That one favour, it was the first time he had ever spoken to me directly. He never even said thank you, but I didn't need him too, the head-pat and a faint smile was enough to make me happy. Obviously though, that happiness didn't last long. Since my parents never got married it wasn't a problem legally, not that it mattered.

A while later, both my grandparents died within a few months of each other and my mom become depressed. After a few months she..."

I stop, my breathing shaking heavily and stare at my skirt which is soaking up from tears. It's obvious Kageyama is unsure on what to do so I continue to speak.

"She offed herself. Slit her wrists," I say, making the gesture myself, "I was the one that found her.

I know this is going to sound insensitive... But she was never the healthiest, so it was clear she didn't have long left anyway. No one every told me what was wrong with her directly because I was too little, but she had trouble breathing and I noticed people slap her back quite often; I recon it was something to do with her lungs.

My brother and I became orphans for a few years, and when he finally turned 18 and got kicked out, he miraculously got a letter, saying how our grandparents died. But these were my dad's parents. They didn't leave us much in their will, just the apartment we live in now. I think it's where my dad ran off to but I've never been sure.

Ed moved in and took me with him, he's been jumping from job to job ever since."

A/n, the things over now but you'll just have to improvise

Kageyama wraps his arms around me with a tight embrace, "I'm so sorry,"

I push him off me, "Why? It's not your fault,"

"So what? I'm the one that asked and made you cry-" he snaps, acting angry but it's clear he's sympathising.

"Bull. Shit." I snap back, "I don't want your pity! I only told you because I thought you wouldn't sympathise. You can't tell anyone about this either."

He raises his hands up defensively, "I promise!"

This calms me down and I blush. "Okay... You can hug me now." I mutter, looking away nervously.

"U-uh, sure." he replies anxiously, gently pulling me into his chest once more and kissing my forehead as if I'm a little kid. An action he instantly regrets.

I, however, smile at this and hug him back tighter, and soon after fall asleep.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now