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Kageyama instantly starts sobbing from laughter, "That'll never get old!"

I lightly giggle along with him, being forced up linear as Oikawa anxiously yanks my shoulders up.

"Okayokay, I remember now," he cries trying to avoid attention from passerbye's, which is strange for him. He holds a clump of my hair in his palm all seductively, "You look different... Did you cut your hair?"

I take my hair back while looking at him like he's a turd that I have just stepped in. "I got it trimmed the other day, I guess."

"We should get going." Kageyama wheezes, just recovering from his previous outburst, though there's still a hint of jealousy in his voice.

I place the glasses back on the brown-haired boys head, "See you around."

"The hell you will," Kageyama huffs, dragging me along with him into the shop. "he's a narcissistic asshole."

"Is someone getting jealous?" I casually tease, picking up a box of Pocky (low key never had Pocky but I've had mikado and that's the same thing innit?) and handing it over to him so he can buy it.

"W-what? No! Of course not." he states, snatching the snack box out of my hand defensively and walks away to look at something else in the shop, attempting to divert my attention to the fast 'swoosh' of his hand instead of the present topic.

"If you say so," I continue to tease him up until I spot some specific crisps on offer and jog up to them. "Tob- Kageyama. Buy me these."

"Why?" he asks, approaching me from the other end of the aisle.

"Because they're so good! And cheap!"

"Cheap my ass. Just because they're on offer doesn't mean they're not expensive as fuck-"

"Please, Kags, pringles are amazingggg!"

I look at him dead in the eyes trying to make the most heartbroken expression I could without it being cringy like a little bitch.

He sighs, "Fine, but only if we can the the bbq sauce flavour."



We walk up to my place, but just after I unlock the door and step in, he waves a farewell.

"Um, where are you going? We need to eat those," I state, pointing to the pringles, "we can finish Tokyo Ghoul."

He stares at me for a moment, completely taken aback from my statement. "S-sure,"

He walks in and I close the door, turning around to reveal Ed on the couch watching us.

"Gah!" I jump, tripping into the wall, "I thought you were at work."

"Sydney got back from her work early, so I got to go early too." he replies while raising an eyebrow since he still thinks I've distanced myself. He smirks, "what's this?"

"N-nothing," I swiftly answer, passing the oxygen bag to Kageyama and taking out the annoying ass tubes around my face, putting them on top gently. "Who's Sydney?" I ask, leaning on the edge of the couch in an intimidating manner.

"N-no one, really," he answers, "Just the one that hired me to look after her mom, you've met her once. Remember?"

I nod my head, "For like two seconds, shouldn't you call her by her last name?"

"She insisted that I- hey! Give that back!"

His phone starts to ring and I pick it up, "Ououh, it's Syyydneeyy~" I tease, "Or should I say: Sydney~senpai, maybe Sydney~kun, or is she more like a ~Chan?"

He snatches the phone back and changes the subject, "Get that shit back up your nose before I stick some chopsticks up there and eat your brain for dinner instead of take out. We're having Pizza today."


"No, he cannot stay for dinner. I don't want him here but I don't really have a choice."

He clearly does want him here but is refusing to admit it.

I breath out a 'hmph' and storm off, taking Kageyama's hand and dragging him into my room to watch Netflix.


"H-hide-" Kageyama cries silently, getting interrupted by me sobbing my heart out.

"No! Don't speak his name, it's too much!" I wail, dramatically weeping into one arm while the other is pushing him away.

We are both sitting on the floor with out backs against the side of my bed, with my laptop in front of us and the now empty pringles tin in the middle and two Pocky sticks left, one of which I offer to him.

"There's a season 3? We have to watch it. Right now!" He exclaims, reaching for the mouspad to click next episode.

"No," I grab his arm and glare at him dead in the eyes to get my point across. "it is so bad."

He doesn't reply to me, instead he just looks back at me with a scared puppy expression, which softens up mine, and before I know it we're both leaning in towards each other.

While looking for an excuse to pull away, the next episode starts playing and I swiftly try to stop it. To my benefit, my messy movement changes the mood.

"I... To-Kags- um... It's getting late, you should probably get back soon so you can eat or whatever... We can't leave your sister alone for too long."

"She's staying at a friend's so that's not really a problem," he says nervously, tidying up the aftermath of my panicked... Um... State?

"I've said this before, you can call me Tobio," he continues, but soon after his eyes widen and he goes into a similar defensive, panicked state as me a couple minutes ago, "b-but you don't have to! O-only if you w-want!"

I smile and shake my head, "I want to, but I shouldn't, especially after what I did to you. I was really selfish, and horrible, and I really didn't think about your feelings at all. It just doesn't feel right for me to pretend everything is okay with us when I was clearly an asshole to you and-"

Ed bursts into the door without hesitation, but then instantly calms down. Weird. "I didn't know what Pizza he wanted so I just got an xxl for you to share." He says, though it sounded like an order.

Kageyama thanks him for the food and passes it to me.

"I thought you didn't want me to stay." He states wearily, turning it into a question.

He shrugs his shoulders and walks out, leaving us once again searching for something to watch on Netflix.

I leave Kageyama to control the mouse while I open the mouth-watering pizza from its cage and take a bite from the biggest slice. I'm not waiting for anyone. I'm hungry. Oh, and we end up choosing saiki k.

"Wow," Kageyama breathes in amazement, gazing at the pizza as the cheese drops from the raised slice in my hand. "that's a lot of toppings."

I copy my brothers shrug and take another bite from the heavily dish.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now