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I walk into the gym to tell everyone that schools about to start, and the moment I open the door I can instantly sense multiple eyes on me.

"Classes start soon," I tell them, strolling up to Yachi and ignoring the ball which bounces off a frozen Nishinoya's head, "did you bring my bag?"

"No, sorry," she apologises, informing me that she left it next to the door by accident,

"you look really different today, anything special happening?" Kiyoko asks.

I sigh, "No, but I agreed to let her dress me up in exchange for letting me shower, not looking like a tramp, and taking me to school later than 5am."

Before she can even ask who 'her' was, Yachi interrupts by a very similar situation that I don't want to be in.

"You smell different than normal, but I recognise it," she sniffs around me.

Why is everyone smelling me?

I blush and try to avoid answering the question, "Do you have a charger I can borrow? My phone died yesterday but I had no where to charge it."

She seems to take the bait and offers to charge it for me, and I gladly accept.

Soon after, Takeda runs in screaming about a practice match with Nekoma in a few weeks after their game with Shiratorizawa tomorrow - oh my god their finals are tomorrow.

"Uhm, miss y/n?" he asks me timidly.


"Are you sure that's proper school uniform?"

I sigh once more, pulling my skirt down as much as I could, but it won't because of my stupid hip bones.

"It's the only one Kageyama had," I mutter, flustered.

"Did you say... Kageyama?" Yachi asks, creeping up behind me.

"Yeah - ew no, not that one. Kageyama the girl."

"Oh, I don't know her." Suga adds passive aggressively, being the overprotective mom he is after overhearing our conversation.

"You won't know her. I really don't see how this is a problem. I can go wash my face, change into trousers, and put my hair in a messy bun if it's really that bad."

"It's not bad at all." Tanaka breathes, obviously staring at my miniskirt.

"Not one bit." Noya disgustingly continues.

"If anyone has any shorts I'll gladly take them off your hands." I beg, but in a prideful way.

My attention gets averted by an extremely whiney Hinata.

"Watch where you're going, Kageyama~kun!"

Without know why, I find myself walking over the the duo.

"You're the one that ran into me, you dumb midget!"

I unintentionally giggle at their amusing and unnecessary insults. They're like a coup-

"If you weren't staring at Y/n~Chan so much you would've seen me coming!"

I growl, and angrily start glaring daggers and the tall, (now red of embarrassment), black-haired volleyball player.

"You what?" I whisper ominously, trying to bottle the rage which I subconsciously release, hitting him round the head with a swinging, plastic, carrier bag, "YOU FILTHY DOG!"

Storm out of the gym, but just before I exit through the doors I bend over and slap my butt, "KISS MY ASS, PERVERTS!"

Don't ask me why I decided that was a good idea, I didn't know then, and I don't know now - 5 seconds after the incident. I regret it instantly.

"Was she... Wearing boxers?"


Luch already, thank the Lord. And thank Kags' sister for making me this bento.

I sit on my usual bench and begin eating it. She made one for Kageyama as well, but I'll probably just eat it for myself since he's no where to be seen.

Unfortunately, what you think about you bring about. "Oh, hey Kags,"

He gets his normal drink from the vending machine and glares at me.

"Sorry, Kageyama," I correct myself. His expression settles but of course he still wasn't satisfied.

I roll my eyes, "Oh, right. Tobio. Here, you're sister made God knows what for lunch. To be fair they look like leftovers from the past 3 weeks, but it tastes good so I'm not complaining."

He reluctantly takes the box, acting as if it's some strange ornament that he's never seen before.

"I promise I didn't poison it,"

"It's not that," he replies, sitting down next to me on the bench, "she's never done this before,"

I shrug, "She said she got dumped, so she's probably trying to be helpful or whatever to make herself feel better. It's better than having to hear her cry in the bathroom at the middle of the night isn't it?"

"I guess you're right," he admits, finally putting some food in his mouth, "it tastes like ass."

I slap him round the head, "Don't be mean!"

"You're so annoying," he rubs his 'wound', despite it being barely even a tickle, "So, what happened to you anyway?"

It's clear he's referring to my new makeover done by the one and only. "Your sister happened." I answer.

He chuckles, "yeah, I guess she gets like that sometimes."

"That reminds me, you said she would kill you if she found out that I stayed round, but she actually looked totally the opposite."

He doesn't reply for a moment, indicating his own confusion, "that's a mystery to me. Oh, my parents should be getting back home after the game against Shiratorizawa tomorrow, do you uh... Want to meet them,"

I pass him a strange look at this weird suggestion.

"Because... Then you'd be able to ask my dad where he got that spray you like! Mhm, that's right, that's it."

"Sure, I'll have to find away to get rid of my brother first though." I let out a gush of air as a quick laugh; he does the same.

It's silent for a few moments after this. Which makes me fear about how mad that Ed is going to be. Oh shit I'm going to get burnt alive.

"So, can we talk about this morning?" I ask, looking at my now-finished bento and closing the lid while wrapping it up. I know I didn't want to talk about it before, but the curiosity on how he feels about it is eating me alive.

"Which part?"

"Just before you left." I still refuse to look up.

"T-there's not much to talk about," he answers anxiously, standing up. His movement finally catches my eye, "I know what I did, and I meant to do it. I don't regret it."

I don't know how to respond. Is this a fight or flight moment? Because I sure as hell feel like I'm about yo die. Don't forget the third option though: freeze. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm frozen.

"Plus, yo-you're the one that started it. So actually it's your f-fault." he pats my head and walks off, back into the gym.

It was cute how he was trying to act confident, even though it is crystal clear he's nervous as hell, but I guess I did start it. Was that really a good idea? Probably not, but I did it.

But what does it mean?

Also, he left his bento here.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now