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Not much to say, the movie was great, the popcorn was great, the drink was great, the seats were devine. Overall, it was pretty good apart from the few awkward moments when we both reached for the popcorn at the same time and brushed hands or drank out of the cup at the same time and was able to feel each others breath. Clearly, my was breathing pretty damned shaky.

I'm pretty sure I ate most of the popcorn though.

We went to get an ice cream and as Kageyama was looking at what flavour he wants, I look at my phone to see my brother calling me another 10 times, "Oh shit," I gush, frantically tapping my phone to listen to all of the distressed voicemails.

"What now?" Kageyama sighs as I slap his arm for being so expectant of something to go to shit.

"I have to go home, now," I tell him, already sprinting to get back home.

Kageyama runs up to catch up with me, but only needs to stay as a jog to keep the same pace.

Like jeez, sorry I'm unfit but you don't have to shove it in my face.

He does, however, notice what's wrong, "You can't expect to run the whole way back, you're already out of breath,"

"Being out of breath now is better than getting my lungs literally ripped ou~ouch," I trip over a stone and face plant the floor. Excellent.

"Are you okay?" Kageyama asks, holding his hand out to help me up.

"I'm fine," I spit, swiping his arm away and getting up myself.

Well, my hand slips when I lift myself up and I fall once again.

"Just let me help you," he orders.

"I said I'm fine," I answer once again, reajusting my position to stand back up. That is, until I see Kageyama facing away and crouched down in from of me. "What are you doing?"

"Get on my back," he demands. I sigh and obey, and then I'm suddenly up in the air. Wow, is this really what tall people see? "You're really light." he says while bouncing me up a bit to get a better grip on my legs while I wrap one arm around his chest and use the other to call Yachi.

Ed knows where I am, and I'm usually ditching him, so the fact that he's acting like a strict ass mother has gotten me scared out on my mind.

Well, that's until I look at my phone and realise we were out an extra 3 ours after the movie ended.

"Heyyy," I say awkwardly,

"What on earth is going on?!" Yachi screams through the phone, "You're brother is freaking out at my house and I don't know what to do my moms not home and-"

"Babe, breath," I interrupt, hearing her take in a deep gush of air,

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way back now, we kind of lost track of time."

"Well, hurry up!"

She puts down the phone and I place it back in my pocket.

"Sorry for dragging you into my mess," I apologise, resting my chin on his head in defeat.

His hair smell of blackberries.

"It's no big deal," he replies, "I had fun."

I grin, "I'm just going to rest my eyes for a bit."


I wake up laying on the ground, all I cam see is Kageyama's fat head. "I thought you died!" he cries, gently helping me sit up.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now