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Home, finally. I thought I'd never see this place again. Perfect time to watch Netflix and do absolutely nothing.

Pfft, I wish.

That'll never happen as long as my brother lives.

"Did you eat all your food?" he asks, drying and putting away the dishes while I clean them.

I grunt, "Yes,"

"And you didn't get breathless?"


"You're lying."

"I'm not!"

He sighs, putting the last plate in a cupboard, "I'm sorry, you know I worry about you a lot."

I move onto the next chore: vacuuming.

"You should start worrying about yourself, I mean look how small you are." I say before turning on the hoover.


Where the fuck does he hear this shit?



And with that, the apartment above us stomp on their floor and tell us to be quiet, making us laugh.

"It's getting late, you should get to bed," he tells me out of nowhere.

"What? But it's only 6pm,"

"I don't care, go do homework or something,"

"But I don't have any-"

Suddenly, the door bell rings. I open it despite my brothers order not to, just to reveal some chick around my brothers age.

"Oh," I breath, turning to Ed and letting her in, "I see."

"It's not like that, I swear!"

Famous last words.

"I'll vacuum later." I say before walking towards my bedroom; but before totally disappearing into it, I pass him the eye and smirk mischievously.

I lay in bed and open my laptop, loading up Netflix and playing no game no life.

I begin the show from episode one and go all the way to the end, finally finishing it at 2am.

I gently close up the laptop again and place it down the side of my bed. I should probably get some sleep before school, but of course that's not going to happen.

Of course I remember about my homework due tomorrow now.

Just my luck.

My ocd and fear of failure ass mind won't let me sleep until I know its done. Thanks brain, really classy.

This sucks so badddd. I try to google the answers but nothing shows up and it's just making me mad which is making me less and less tired.

I call Yachi, she's definately asleep but I won't sleep unless I wake her up.

I call her once, twice, thrice, four times. Still no answer.

Looks like we're going to plan B. I simply text her a 'fuck you' and call the second person I know to call.

I dial the number, no answer.

Shit on it, what am I going to do? I need to do this work but I'm too much of a procrastinator to do it myself.

Then, just like a miracle, my phone begins to ring.

"Hello," the other line mumbles after my greeting, "What's wrong?"

"I need to do my English work and I need your help,"

"y/n, it's almost 3am," he whines, it wasn't visible but I could tell he was stretching and wiping his eyes from me waving him up.

"And it'll be 8am in no time, can you help with the work or not?"

He yawns, "fine, let me just get a cup of water,"

A nod although he couldn't see it, I mean yeah a guys' sleepy voice is hot at fuck, and I may be blushing a tiny bit thinking about it, but I'm just scared of my teacher and don't wanna be eaten alive for not doing my work.

"What one do you have?" he asks,

"The one about our hobbies and stuff,"

"Oh yeah, I did that yesterday. Yachi helped me, couldn't she of just helped you?"

"She could've but I totally forgot that it existed until 45 minutes ago."

"Right, I'm sending over the answers now,"

"Thanks Kags, you're a life saver."

I hear the rustling of his blanket, indicating him getting back into bed. "You're welcome, can I go back to sleep now?"

"Y-you're leaving me here to die?" I cry, laying on my back while holding the phone above my head and scrolling through social media (procrastination rocks).

"What are you talking about?"

"It's 3am now,"

"So what?"

"The witching hour, you know? The time of night for the devil and what not."

"How am I leaving you to die though? Y/n, are you high?"

"Of course I'm not! You're the one leaving me to get killed by a bunch of witches and demons."

"I'm actually shocked you believe in that bullshit, just go to sleep,"

"But Kageyama-"




"I promise tha-"


I sigh and accept defeat. Whispering a "Goodnight.", I hang up.

Finally, I start to do my work, though I was copying, it still takes a lot of brain power to shake it up a bit.

I put the last dot of ink on the paper and place it back in my bag. Strangely, my phone starts to ring once again.


"I can't get back to sleep,"

Oh, it's the mut.

"Try to jerk off or something, I'm not a doctor,"

I could tell he dropped his phone because there's a gasp and a quick thud, then the constant ear rape of him trying to pick back up his phone. He definitely had a mild panic attack.

Jesus, boys are such wimps.

"Kags, you alright?"

"I'm fine," he answers quickly, "and please stop calling me Kags,"

"But it's so cute! I mean, its not really any different to Kageyama apart from being so much easier to say. Would you prefer me to keep calling you a mut or something? That's kinda kinky." I tease.

"I'm not a dog!"

"But you look, sound, and act like one,"

He doesn't deny it for a while. Then the silence is broken.

"I don't,"

"You do!"

He pauses for a moment, "whatever," he says before stopping again, though the silence is a lot shorter this time, "call me what you want."

I smirk, silently laughing at my own joke before I say it, "How does Tobio~Senpai work?"

There's another interval before he speaks again, "I never want to hear those words ever again, in my life."

I swear I can sense his terrifying aura, even through the phone.

I shiver, but shake it off due to my superiority, "'kay, guess I'll just call you babe instead."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now