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"There's no way in hell I can get ready in 10 minutes," I spit at the boy while eating a plain piece of toast that had just popped out from the toaster.

"Well I'm not waiting for you, so either that or you can find your own way to school," he warns. Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed - oh wait, he didn't wake up on a bed at all lol.

"Ugh, you're such a dick, Kageyama!" I whine before shying away, realising his sister is here and I just swore at him.

"Yeah, Tobio, don't be an asshole. Look how muddy she is - she definitely needs a shower!" Chick Kageyama agrees.

I'm honestly a bit confused if that was an insult or if she was helping me.

"She can shower at school," he answers, looking away to check his school bag, "we have to leave in 5 now. I told you M, I need to practice with Hinata at 5:30,"

"Oh yeah, you have that game with Shiratorizawa soon, right?" I ask for cormfirmation while he walks into his room to change.

He calls a 'yep' through the walls while his sister whispers, "You were invited? Tobio won't let me come!"

I giggle at her complaint, "I'm friends with the Volleyball manager for next year,"

"Oh, okay," she sighs, sipping on her hot chocolate, "you can shower here if you want, I can drive you to school for around 7am since I have work for 8."

My eyes widen "really? Thanks so much!"

She reassures me that it's totally fine and tells me to ask Tob- Kageyama for a towel before he leaves, so I obviously do as she says and knock on his door.

"Hey, can I borrow a towel? Your sister said that she can take me to school for 7 so I don't have to rush."

"She has a name, you know," he replies before opening the door and letting me inside, then going back to tying his laces.

"Well yeah, but if I call her Kageyama then that will confuse everything - unless I call you Kags instead." I answer while leaning on the wall, unsure on what else to do.

"I told you not to call me that, and definitely don't call me Kageyama~kun like that dumb midget," he grunts at the mention of Hinata - despite the fact that he was the one to bring it up. Grabbing a towel and placing my folded (and muddy) school uniform on top with his cologn and handing it to me.

"Hence my state-" I begin, continuing the conversation.

"-You can just call me Tobio." He interrupts.

His body is still facing mine, but his face is turned away in a flustered pout.

I gratefully take the pile of materials in his hands, but he doesn't let go. "Kags?" I ask, a little confused as to his sudden timid yet angry expression.

He huffs and glares at me.

"Uh, T-Tobio?"

"Better." he says, trying to hide his faint smile with a frown.

"Tobio, you gotta go or you'll be late!" Girl Kageyama screams from the kitchen.

"Oh shit," he snaps, tumbling out of the door. He turns back with a rushed look, "I almost forgot I still owe you one."

"Owe me wha-"

Before I could even think about finishing my sentence, he leans in and quickly presses his lips against mine. His warmth is gone just as fast as it came, but my body doesn't move a hair and I stay stood completely still, mildly hoping for that warmth to come back.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now