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A/n: okay this is a kageyama x reader but that does not mean im not in love with oikawa

"You... Want to sleep over?" he asks in shock, rubbing his eyes as if that'll fix his ears somehow, "we have school tomorrow."

"Yeah," I confirm, "It's fine if not, I'll ask someone else - Hinata might let me sleep in his sisters room, I know they have a blowup bed."

"No, it's fine," he replies swiftly, standing up and holding out a hand to help me.

I silently take it with gratitude and we start walking down the hill, our arms brushing against each other briefly.

As I look around the new scenery I become distracted from where I'm going and, being a few steps behind Kageyama since I don't know where I'm going. All of a sudden, I bump into his back.

"We're here," he states, reaching into his pockets for his keys as I rub my nose, "my sister's with her friends right now, I don't know when she'll get back."

"Gee, thanks for wordering if I'm alright," I mumble moodily and follow him inside while rubbing my nose, "should I sleep on the couch?"

"No, of course not," he ridicules as if I've just asked the worlds most dumbest question, "if my sisters see's you she'll kill me!"

"Oh," I reply, understanding where he's coming from, "what about your parents though?"

"They're usually working, so you don't need to worry about that,"

Oh shit, that must've been so insensitive. I open my mouth to apologise but before I even get the chance to he changes the subject.

"You can sleep in my bed,"

... Huh?

I stare at him blankly for a moment, wondering if he's actually being serious.

"Don't be stupid," he says, reading my mind, and throws a bottle of water to me from the kitchen, "I'll sleep on the floor."

Well now I feel bad.

"Do you want food?"

Yes, I'm starving.

"No thanks."

Oh fuckkkinggggg helllll, screw my social incapability to talk like a normal person.

"Are you sure?" he asks, thank the lord for this second chance, "I have pringles,"

Practically drooling the words out, I say, "I'll take your whole stock."

Going to someone's house for the first time is so awkward no matter how close you are to them.

I thank the lord and holy jesus for this extra chance to eat.


Okay, so we might have more than just pringles. We made popcorn, sandwiches, and had multiple bags of chocolate, not to mention all of the soda we had.

So far there's been no mention from what happened at lunch, and I'm totally fine with that. I swear I'd die if he does say something, I want to gouge out my eyes and empty the rest of my remaining brain cells just thinking about it.

Before we both actually decide to watch YouTube or Netflix or whatever, we get into comfier clothes. It's probably for the best, since my clothes right now are all muddy and sweaty.

"Oh shit," I spit, finally realising I don't have my bag on me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, dipping his hand into one of the open pringle tins and eating the last few in there.

"Can I, uh, borrow some clothes?" I ask, looking at my feet awkwardly. This is so embarrassing.

He goes through a couple drawers and chucks me boxers and a top, fortunately not really making a big deal about it or asking any questions, "H-here."

I thank him nervously until I spot a bottle on a stand in the corner of his room. I pick it up and examine it, "Is this the perfume you use?"

"Well yeah, but it's not called perfume," Kageyama sighs, taking out a pair of boxers, jogging bottoms, and a top for himself.

"I don't care what it's called," I roll my eyes, "Where'd you buy it?"

"Not a clue, my dad usually brings a bottle each time he comes back from work,"

"That's helpful," I huff, slamming the man-perfume back down.

"You, uh," he starts, catching my attention, "you can have it if you want,"

My eyes light up, "really?!"

"Yeah, my dad's coming back next week so I'll just get another one then."

"Thank you ohmygod," I clap my hands excitingly and throw myself on him, embracing him in a quick hug, "I could kiss you!"

Oh shitfuckballs, I've gone and done it again. Trust me to make things awkward.

As fast as I threw myself on him, I pulled myself off. "S-sorry. Where's your bathroom?"

He gave me the directions to the toilet. I head towards the bathroom and open the door to it just to close it again, then return back to Kageyama's room.

Okay, I'll close that door too.

In one room there's a short-haired woman balling her eyes out, and in the other there's a 16 year old boy with his shirt off.

I think my brain has officially self distructed.

Slowly, I sit down and lean against the wall of the hallway, my mind purely blank.

A few seconds later, a now fully(ish) dressed Kageyama exits his room, "Is something wrong?"

Silently, I point to the W.C. I just need a moment to gather myself quickly. He has like an 8-pack.

I kissed a guy with an 8-pack.


I finally gather my thoughts and accompany the confused, tall, black-haired boy.

"Miwa, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Erza?"

She looks up to the boy sobbing, "I just got dumped."


Okay, so how did we get here?

The three of us were all cramped together on Kageyama's small-double bed watching vines.

I'm not complaining, but I'm kind of squashed between the wall and a huge ass shoulder, and chick Kageyama is eating all of the popcorn.

"So, who are you?" she asks brutally, shovelling more food into her mouth. At least she's not crying anymore I guess.

"She's a friend," Kageyama answers for me, and I smile at his sister in agreement.

"She doesn't look like a friend," she replies, referring to my clothes, "I can't believe my little brother can date someone but I can't, that's so humiliating."

Oh christ she's starting to tear up again.

"No, I'm just a friend," I repeat, "we kind of decided that I'd stay round last minute so..."

"That makes sense, I guess," she admits, now taking the pringles and standing up, "But that's not true."

This bitch-

She already left with our last pack of pringles. I sigh, "At least she didn't kill you."

"She will tomorrow."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now