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"But I'm not even that short,"

"... That's the first thing you have to say about this?"


While me and my brother bicker for a few moments, our attention is caught once more by the phone, "we need regular check ups with y/n, but I doubt it'll be long until she needs to stay at the hospital for constant supervision."

'Constant supervision'


"Ain't nobody got time for that," I answer sassily.

"I'm sorry, miss, but it may be a requirement. For now, the regular check-ups will be fine."

I huff and stand up, walking out without saying a word.

"Where are you going?"

"To Yachi's, I don't like her." I answer, referring to the nurse on the phone.

I guess the fact that she never gave me back that bag has worked in my favour.

I knock on her door, nothing. I knock a bit more, still no answer.

I look through the window, and to my amazement, there she is. Looking at her phone in shock.

I tap on the glass, now catching her attention, "let me in, I'm staying over."

Once she notices me, she throws her phone down and drags me in, forcing me on the sofa and picking up her phone one more time. She scrolls through it briefly and shows it to me enthusiastically, "what the hell is this?!"

It's that photo from a few weeks okay, of me and Kageyama before the game.

"How did you get that?"

"Tsuki sent it to the volleyball chat, haven't you checked it yet?!"

He what?

I check the group chat and... There it is. The photos aren't that bad, but the context it's in is... Not great.


Guys! I told you they were shagging!



Before I could see anyone's reply, a new notification overtook my screen.

Fucking mut


Accept                  Decline

I show my phone to the blonde in front of me who orders, "Answer it!"

I do as she says, "H-hey, Tob-bio."

"Where are you?"

His voice is stern and clearly mad, with an ominous tinge secreting from his tone.

"I-I'm at Yachi's,"

He sighs, "Where the hell is that freak four-eyes? Why did he say that?"

"I don't fucking know, I thought that it was something you did?"

"No! I haven't spoke to him for weeks, I've barely spoken to anyone!"

"Ugh, whatever," I spit, full of adrenaline and hang up, "I'm calling Tsuki."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me," Yachi says while the phone rings, "do you know why Kageyama hasn't been to school recently? Not even Hinata has heard from him."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now