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My eyes flutter open once more, it seems to be morning finally. Tobio fell on the floor at some point, I swear nothing wakes that boy up.

Looking around, it seems that the other three were still sleeping. But they aren't what the problem is right now.

My brother is at the foot of the bed, sitting on a stool with his arms and legs folded.

"I'm going to kill him." he states, standing up and sending the stool wheeling to the other side of the room.

I stand up, defensively going in front of Tobio as a human shield from my brother.

"Why is he even here?" he whisper-shouts.

"His sister ditched him and left him here last night. Now sit back down!" order, pointing to the seat.

He huffs, obeying my order. "I still don't like him."

"Yeah, well, I don't like loads of people but I don't go around killing them all." I spit at him, "Did you bring the things?"

He nods and passes me a plastic carrier bag, full of different bits and bobs.

I thank him gratefully and take it, putting it down by the side of my bed for the time being.

"What's the time?" I ask, staring dead ahead to reveal Noda, who is surprisingly calm while sleeping. Probably the only time I don't want to punch him.

"It's 9am."

Next things next, Kageyama walks through the door with a bag, clearly here to pick up her brother.

"Tobio, wake up," she orders, throwing the bag at him. Obviously, he doesn't wake up.

I shake his shoulder, trying to get him to wake up. Nothing. He's too busy snoring - no, he's too busy growling in his sleep with a pissed of expression.

So the only other logical option is to back-hand slap him, which is what I do.

This wakes him up, making me feel quite content with myself.

"What the hell, Miwa?!" he says, assuming that it was her that slapped him. "I can't believe you left me here!"

"Whatever, Tobio. You had fun didn't you?" she replies half-heartedly, getting no answer from the volleyball player.

"Would you all shut up?!" Noda spits moodily, being woken up by us. Ah, the urge to punch him is overwhelming.

"Or what, you'll shoot me?" I come-back, passing him a quick glare.

He makes a disgusted sound and shoots even more daggers through his orbs. "Hell no, I can't stand guns. I'd prefer using a plastic fork than one of those things."

I respond with a simple 'ugh' and turn back to Tobio. "Oh, before you go, take this." I hand him a bag full of many objects wrapped up in festive paper.

He slowly takes it from me, and gives me a look telling me to say what they are.

"Just a few small bits for everyone - y'know, for Christmas - they have names on them so be sure to open the right ones."

"Oh that's right," he says, clearly remembering something and reaching into his bag and pulling out another object with similar wrapping. "for you."

I look at the product in front of me. I wasn't expecting a gift from anyone, so I'm not quite sure what to do with it.

"Well?" Noda says from opposite me, making me reply with 'what'.

"Are you going to open it?" Ed says, agitated as usual.

I shake my head no. I'll open it later. Placing it in the draw, I notice that it feels like some sort of clothing.

By now, Hatsune and Alphonse both begin to wake up.

"Perfect timing," I say while chucking them their gifts, "Christmas presents. Don't open them yet though, wait until Christmas eve."

"It is Christmas eve, moron." Ed insults, taking out Kageyama's present from the draw and handing it back to me.

Wait, it is?!

"Oh," I reply nonchalantly, taking back the gift, "then dig right in."

Hatsune opens hers first, revealing a school uniform.

"It's my old one, and I noticed that it's pretty similar to the school you want to go to, so I'd thought I'd pass it onto you." I smile, receiving her enthusiastic thanks along with grateful, glowing eyes.

Next is Alphonse, who got all my previous notes and school text books, "I didn't want you to fall behind in your new school."

Noda is afterwards, he was so difficult to buy for, so I got him a gag gift... a porno mag.

Luckily for him, he doesn't open it like a maniac. Instead, the minute he sees the cover he flushes up and shoves it under his duvet, all the while I start laughing hysterically.

"What is it?" Hatsune asks innocently while Ed just shrugs at her.

"It's nothing!" he screams while running out with it tucked under his arm in a frenzy, muttering something about burning it.

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting, it's even better. He definitely isn't going to burn it.

I look at Tobio in order to tell him to open his, but he insists that I open mine first.

It looks like a wide, but thin, book, feels a bit like a DS, but heavier.

I begin to unwrap it eagerly until I realise what it is. "A laptop!?" I gasp, staring at him in shock.

He laughs nervously. "Yeah, but it doesn't mean anything! Yours can barely run Netflix and I thought that you could use it for school is all, nothing else!"

Awe, he's all flustered up and embarrassed in front of everyone.

"I love it."

"You do?"

"Mhm," I nod, "I don't think mine has anything compared to this."

He scoffs and opens his, I can see a piece of his soul being revived because I'm t h a t bitch. "A Nintendo switch!?"

"Yeah, I thought we could play some Mario kart or something." I giggle.

"This is fucking amazing!"

"Come on, Tobio, we should be getting back." Miwa says, ruining the fun.

"Since when did you care about what I should be doing?" He rebels against her, receiving a terrifying look. This causes him to gulp and nod, accepting his fate. Though, I force him to hug me before leaving, so I can whisper something in his ear.

"Meet me by the school gates tomorrow at 4am."

"Don't tell anyone the present I got you, I didn't get anything half as good for the everyone else." I add to avoid suspicion.

Of course he didn't question it then, but later on he texted me asking if I was actually allowed to leave the hospital. I ensured him that I am.

Clearly I'm not, otherwise I wouldn't of said to meet so early.

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now