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"I want a stroop waffle, do you guys want anything?"

I may or may not have stolen £20 from my brothers wallet yesterday.

"What do you mean?"

I also may have noticed him throw away an empty bottle of pepsi max and saw someone with a box of pocky.

Speaking of, "I might get some pocky too."

I get up from the bed, and take the oxygen bag thingy majig from the hanger and swing it over my shoulder.

"I'm going to the cafe, do you want anything or not?"

"I would love some chocolate, like some actual Cadbury's or galaxy, instead dof that off brand stuff we get."

I nod at Alphonse's request, turning towards Hatsune.

"I don't think you're allowed to do that-"

"Who cares whether I'm allowed to or not, I'm not incapable of walking around."

I realise that may have been a bit insensitive to the two, but what's done is done.

"... Sorry. Do you want anything or not?"

She shakes her head obediently while I just let out a 'huff' and tell them I'll be back soon.

While wondering around aimlessly, trying to find the cafe that may or may not exist, a nurse passes me a judgemental look, and I give her one back sarcastically. By the time I turn back around the door, to what I'm assuming is a bathroom, opens and I bump into the boy coming out of it.

Losing my balance, I fall onto the floor and the nasal cannula falls out.

"Watch where you're going." the boy states bluntly.

"S-sorry," I answer, adjusting the breathe-maker-1000.

His voice softens after realising my clothes and the annoying ass tubes coming out of my nose. "Um, are you okay?"

Finally looking up, I notice the boy with purple hair is holding out his hand to help me up, which I take. "Mhm." I answer, quietly wondering why he's here, because he looks totally normal.

He's probably with a family member or something.

I ask him if he knows where the cafe is, and to my luck he does. He nearly offered to take me there but instead just gave me directions - probably because he has an appointment. The directions are good enough for me.

I thank him, but he says 'your welcome' in a tone with so much attitude I felt like I'm getting told off again.

I follow his instructions to find myself... By the orthodontist?

"That bastard tricked me!" I shout in frustration, a visible '💢' beating on my head.

I sigh angrily and retrace my steps backwards.

Eventually, I find myself back at the bathroom, but the boy is nowhere to be seen.

I swear to God if I ever see that guy again I'm going to beat the living daylights out of him.

While I'm stuck on the spot filled with anger, the toilet flushes and a different boy walks out.

"Daichi?" I ask, totally shocked, "What are you doing here?"

I left my phone in the ward, but it must be around four if he's here - wait, I've been walking around for 45 minutes?

"We had to give up the gym today, so everyone thought that we'd come visit you. Wait, why are you here?"

I laugh nervously, explaining my little predicament.

"My saviour!" I cry, throwing myself on top of him and embracing the volleyball captain in a tight hug after he offers to take me there.

And to make it better, he payed for everything, meaning I can save the money for next time, and he carried all the food!

It was a rough start, but now I'm fully satisfied. It's the journey, not the destination.

That's bullshit. Fuck the journey, it was a waste of time.

I walk back into the room doing a little dance. "I'm baacckk~" I sing, taking the chocolate bar from Daichi and waving it in the air before passing it to Alphonse.

So much is happening that it's hard to process.

"All your friends went out looking for you, well, all apart from that one who always comes round." Hatsune says, pointing to Kageyama who is glaring at the supposed to be empty bed before seeing me. Once noticing I'm in the room, he stands up and hugs me, picking me up from being across the room next to Alphonse and sits me down on my bed, not letting me touch the floor the whole time.

A bit of a weird reaction, but I don't think much into it.

I never get the chance to think into it.

The bed oposite me, the always empty one, has a boy in it. Clearly, this 'boy' is Noda, but this 'boy' is that same purple haired asshole that sent me to the other side of the hospital for no reason! That is no boy, that is a monster.

I grunt as my expression turns sour, and I stand up receiving a concerned look from Tobio and Daichi. I take a water bottle from Daichi and storm over towards him. "It's you!" I shout, repeatedly hitting him with the bottle and saying each word in between the individual wacks. "You're. Such. An. Ass. Hole!"

The two volleyball players let me abuse Noda, I only stop when Suga bursts in through the door and dragging me away from him, taking away my weapon and passing it to Hinata who walked in with him.

The moment I get set down back on the bed they walk a few steps backwards, I shoot back up and charge at the purple haired monstrosity, but Kageyama grabs my arm to keep me in place.

All my struggling makes him have to restrain me tighter, so he wraps his arms around me from behind to keep me in place.

At some point, the whole Volleyball club returned to the room and I had calmed down, but Tobio still wont let go.

Instead, he is sat on the bed cross-legged directly behind me, so I'm sitting practically on his lap in front of him while he still has me trapped in the classic Kageyama-cage.

"So, what's that all about?" Kiyoko asks.

"I asked the dick for directions to the cafe and he sent me to the orthodontist AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING!" I answer, beginning to get pissed off again. Tobio's grip gets tighter when I start to wiggle again.

Tsukki scoffs and mutters out an 'idiot'.

"That's interesting and all, but I meant what's that all about?" She replies, gesturing to the blueish-black haired boys' arms wrapped around me semi-tightly.

I feel Kageyama stiffen through embarrassment, but he still doesn't let go. I flush up a tiny bit, then cover it up with a depressed sigh. "I'm in prison for abusing the new kid."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now