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"You're home early," Ed blatantly states on the sofa, pausing the TV.

"I didn't want to go to English class so I said that I didn't feel well," I tell him, just to receive a disappointed 'tut'.

"Where did you go this morning?" he asks strictly, trying to stay as chill as possible.

"Who was that girl from last night?" I return the question, trying to throw him off guard because I do not want to answer.

"I asked first," he spits immaturely, like a little kid,

"If you don't tell me I'll just assume she's a booty call and be forever disappointed in you for being so irresponsible and letting me catch you."

I paused for a moment and looks at me  wide-eyed and open-mouthed. "I lost my job again," he mumbles, being upset with himself, "she's the daughter of an old lady with dimensia, I might become her carer."

I pass him a water and jump over the back of the sofa to land on the front. "Well I'm sure you'll get it. You know I can get a job to help out, right?"

"No you can't. I want you to spend time with friends and enjoy you're life right now, I know I can get overprotective at times which would make it difficult but-" he stops himself from continuing, realising he got caught in a trap. "Where did you go this morning?"

"Out," I reply vaguely.

"Where?" he asks again, his tone even more serious than before.

"Just to the shop that sells them buns,"

"For two hours?"

My cheeks heat up slightly, thinking back the embarrassing shit I told Kageyama before passing out on him, "yes,"

"Who were you with?"

"No one special,"

"You were with that giant from the other day, weren't you?"


"You're such a shit liar, y/n," he says and throws his now empty cup to me, "I called you and he picked up saying you fell asleep! Where the fuck did you g- you better of not gone to his house! I swear on moms goddamned grave I will kill you if-"

"Calm down," I grunt, putting the cup on the table, "we went to the shop and then talked, it wasn't anything special."

"You didn't 'just talk'," he spits, "you fell asleep!"

"Well yeah, because nothing special was happening!"

He sighs and stands up, taking back his empty cup as well as mine to wash them up, "I don't want you to see him anymore, and you're grounded."

I stand up from the sudden frustration of his words, "What!? Why not!?"

"I don't think it's good for you,"

"How do you know what's good for me? You literally just said you wanted me to enjoy myself!"

"You keep skiving off going to the hospital to hang out with him instead! That's how hes not good for you! You knew that there was an appointment this morning, don't even try to deny it."

"So what? I'll just skive off hospital and hang out with someone else!"

I take my phone out to look at the time, school should've ended by now. Hopefully Yachi's home.

"And that's exactly why you're grounded," he sighs while I storm into my room and pack basic essentials. "Where are you going?"

"Out," I reply blandly, "call me when you've stopped being a control freak."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now