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My brother angrily opens the door, revealing one male and female at the other side of the frame, just about to knock. At first we assume it's their parents, but it's not.

It is the police.

"Are you Miwa and Tobio Kageyama?" the male police officer speaks softly, and we inform them that we're just friends and call Kageyama over.

"Tobio, what did you do!?" she scolds, smacking him round the head while he insists that he didn't do anything.

The cops are welcomed in and they suggest that we should sit down.

We offer to leave, but despite the police's attempt to agree, our hosts insist that we stay. At least now I'm not going to get beat by Ed.

"We regret to inform you, but, uh..." the female's voice is even softer, "...it's your parents..."

"What about them? Are they okay?" Kageyama interrogates. Meanwhile, Tobio hasn't said a word - other than saying he did nothing wrong - for the past half hour. He's probably still processing the whole this with Tsukkishima.

"Actually, were afraid not," the females voice is faint, but clesr and audible.

The male takes over, "they were found this morning in a field, we're assuming they swerved from the road to save a deer. I won't go into detail, but they're no longer with us-"

"No," Tobio mutters, staring down at his feet, "go into detail. This is just a joke, right? Some sort of prank?"

"I'm sorry... But no," the female talks once more, "it seems that they crashed into a telephone tower, and the car set on fire while they were still inside."

Oh you shitty fed that's too much detail! There's nothing like telling a teenage boy that his parents burnt to death. Fucking assholes.

"That's not true," he says, louder than his last statement but still quiet. He begins shouting afterwards though, tears rolling down his face constantly while he leans over the table, "TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE!"

The officers stay silent while his sister tries to calm him down.

"... Thank you so much, is there anything else you need?" She asks, turning to them.

They shake their heads.

"Then you can leave."

Tobio storms to his room without another word.

It's silent now, and all that's heard is the footsteps and slamming from the door.

No one moves an inch.

No one tries to speak.

What's there to say?

Going through something similar doesn't mean you know exactly what to say, but all you can do is try.

I stand up timidly, trying to not make much sound. I slowly walk passed Kageyama, giving her a hug then look at Ed with a meaningful gaze, telling him to comfort her. I head over towards Tobio's room, slowly, but surely.

Once I reach his door, I stand there for a while. What am I doing here? Should I be here? Will I make him feel better? Is it really my place? Shouldn't it be someone like Hinata? Suga would know what to say. Daichi would know what to say. So, why don't I? How many times should I knock? Is one insensitive? Are two enough? Are three too many? Will it sound like a chirpy pattern? That won't help the situation.

I go with three simple knocks, "Tobio? It's me."

You idiot! Of course he knows it's me, I just spoke to him. Will that piss him off?

"Go away."


Should I leave though? Is that really what he wants? Would it help if I did? Or should I go in anyway?

Before I could even make a decision, my body already walks in without me even noticing.

He's sitting on his bed, and doesn't even bother to look up from his hands, which where cupped around his face as his elbows leaned on his knees.

I close his door behind me and freeze once more, staring at him. Is this a good idea? Am I helping? Should I leave? Get him water?

I walk closer to him, gently placing myself next to him and pulling him close to my chest and into a tight embrace, stroking his hair. I don't make a sound though. The only audio is of each sob and jittery breath that Tobio makws. I can't stop it, which breaks my heart.

Seeing him like this makes me want to cry myself, but for now I guess all I can do is be there for him.

Without breaking the embrace, we switch position from sitting up to lying down. I continue to stroke his hair and keep a tight grip around him.


To no surprise, Tobio never came to school the next day, not Tuesday, not Wednesday. I'm not surprised at this though, nor did I tell anyone else what's going on. Everyday after school I went round for an hour or two (sometimes accompanied by Ed) and the 2, 3, sometimes 4 of us would just do something. Anything. It could be a movie, or a board game, or even vine compilations. Not to get their mind occupied though, but to just remind them that there still are things and other people out there that care for them.

Neither me or Ed brung it up, we both decided it's best to not speak about it unless they began the conversation.

This carried on for a while, even to the point Kageyama missed the practice game against Nekoma. That's when Miwa finally said it's time to stop acting like time is frozen, and to continue with their lives because Volleyball is his dream, and he has a real future with it. Though it's clear neither of them has got closure yet.

Me and Ed are in our apartment, he's watching Netflix while I'm putting some spaghetti hoops in the microwave for dinner. That is until he calls me over, claiming about some phone call from the hospital or whatever.

"The results took longer than we expected," he says out of no where, not even bothering to ask them what they were.

"Well, considering it wasn't realised sooner, we double checked to make sure that the results are accurate." The doctor replied through the phone.

The microwave finishes, but before I could take a step towards my food, I get dragged back down by a terrifyingly serious brother.

"What do you mean by 'realised sooner'?"

"Y/n... She has cystic fibrosis. I trust you know what it is?"

He nods his head, even though we're talking over the phone so they couldn't see it, "our mom had it. There are treatments to help, right? Will they work?"

Haha, very funny. I think to myself, this is such a stupid prank. Like, he could at least try to be believable.

The man on the phone goes through the list of treatments, stating that they can't cure the disease, but can surely help with living with it.

"And lung transplants? That'll cure it, right?"

"Yes, but the list is a long one and it'll take years to get to the top-"

"What if she takes my lungs? That can work, right?"

"It's a possibility-"

"No," I state, snatching the phone and hanging up, "this isn't funny. I can't believe you'd go this low for a stupid fucking prank."

"It's not a prank, y/n, I swear!" he promises, which just gets me angrier.

"Then I'm not having your lungs! That would kill you!"

He doesn't reply.

"Promise me,"


"Promise me!"

"... I promise."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now