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His head is too small for his body lol

"So do you actually know anyone there?" Hinata asks as we all walk to the park. There's no reason, we just felt like leaving the small cramped apartment.

I shake my head, "I know there's a girl names Hatsune Otonashi, I'm supposed to be in the bed next to hers so I hope we get along."

"No way, that's so cool!" he shouts happily, "It'll be like you're having a sleepover every night!"

I giggle at his toddler-like auroma and nod, "There'll be loads of us in the same room... I think around 4! But none of us have the same disease, because if I were to get withing 6 feet of someone else with cystic fibrosis it could be fatal."

*cough covid19 cough*

I grimace for a minute from my own up-beat statement of death, but then carry on.

"There's supposed to be this boy called Alphonse and-"

Kageyama finally decides to join the conversation by jumping in front of me, preventing me from walking through the park gates.

"You're sharing a room with a boy?"

Before I could even reply, Tanaka and Noya both jump in the way too. "No way are we going to let him take you away from us!" They both chant in unison.

Then, out of no where, Suga and Daichi appear like the protective parents they are, saying God knows what in hopes to calm them down.

Eventually, they decided to succumn to their initial questions.

"You won't share a room with him though, right?"

"He won't replace us, will he?"

Yams is awkwardly stood behind me, unsure of how he should be reacting in this situation. Yachi and Asahi with a similar expression to Yamaguchi; meanwhile, Kiyoko is standing there sweetly, ready to get a move on and actually go inside the park. Hinata stands next to them, confused on what all the fuss is about.

Tsukki finally decides to speak up, "Let the girl speak, you barbarians. She can barely breath in the first place and doesn't need all of your rat-assed, monkey-faced wankers suffocating her."

I roll my eyes, to the pile of questions, not really sure whether Tsukishima is trying to help or insult me. "Don't get your panties in a twist, guys," I say, pushing through them all and following the tall blonde-haired boy into the field, "He's paralysed from the waist down. Oh, how do you feel on talking shit about a fourteen year old boy with retinoblastoma?"

"What's retro blastoise?" Hinata asks, following behind me by forcing his way through the crowd of volleyball players, frozen in place from utter self-distruction; the other four not far behind.

"It's eyeball cancer."


The rest of the day was very wholesome and fulfilling, and we stay out until 9pm, all of us watching the scenery from that one familiar spot on top a hill... The one that Kageyama brought me to months ago.

Most of them begin to say farewell before going home.

It's not long until it is just me, Kageyama, Hinata, and Yachi once again.

"So, this is the last time you're all going to see me free. Starting tomorrow I become a prisoner - with a life sentence of course." I half-joke, Yachi replaying me with a gentle slap on the leg.

"Don't say that!" she scolds, "I don't know how long exactly... But you'll get better, whether it's through a transplant, medication, therapy, or whatever! You'll get better, and we'll all see you again by the end of school."

I laugh at her for being so naive. "Tried medication and therapy, didn't work. I'm on the list for a transplant, but the waiting list is at least two years... And I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long."

"You're full of shit," she shouts. Suddenly, she begins to sob dramatically. "you're just trying to scare me! You'll be alright, I know you will! You'll be happy and healthy by the end of the year!"

I try to laugh it off, but instead I find myself standing up and trying to comfort her.

For a moment, I forget that there are two boys watching the show like some damn k-drama.

As I hug her, she just collapses in my arms, still being mindful to hold her own weight. I really don't know what to say.

"I bet you're just tired, it's getting late. You should go home," I tell her, "I'm going to stay out a little longer though. But maybe I'll be able to spot you in the morning before you go to school."

I'll end up saying the wrong thing if I try to comfort her. Knowing me, I'll make her feel even worse.

"Uhm, I'll take her home!" Hinata chirps, grabbing Yachi's hand pulling her away and ignoring all her protests to stay, leaving it to be just Kageyama and I.

Tobio grunts as if he's annoyed, so they were clearly speaking about something.

What that would be, I have no clue. But I don't bother thinking much into it and turn to Kageyama.

"You'll visit me, right?"

I'm already getting dejavu from the previous night as he embraces me in a soft, secure Kageyama-cage.

"You don't need to keep asking me that, I already told you that I'd visit you every time I would get the chance." he let's me know, squeezing me a little tighter.

"No, I don't want that," I tell him, "I still want you to have a life, dummy! Just don't forget about me, okay?"

Before he even gets the chance to reply, both our phones start to ring. It's our siblings.

I answer mine, "What's up?"

"Are you going to come home anytime soon?" my brother asks, calmer than usual, "Kageyama needs to get home, his sister just showed up again here wondering where he is."

Oh, she's there. No wonder he's calm, his screaming is usually so high-frequency that I can barely here it. I doubt he needs to kill neither Miwa's or Tobio's eardrums as well.

I hear Kageyama saying something that he'll be there soon, so I tell my brother that we won't be long.

Of course we stop by coach Ukai's shop and buy pocky and pringles on the way though, remember to say my goodbye's to him as well.

I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point along the way we both interlocked fingers, it instantly gets awkward when the four of us notice all at the same time after walking through the door.

How did we all notice, you ask?

Well, dear conscience, I shall tell you.

Opening the already unlocked door, we walk in.

Saying a quick hello is simple enough.

Kageyama tells her little brother it's time to go, and she walks out the door.

As Tobio goes to follow her, he pulls me a solid 5 meters as we just stand there in shock. Everyone stares at me, who just flopped onto the ground like a fish.

I look between the three: Ed is trying his hardest to contain his overwhelming rage, Tobio - not even being able to process what happened - is frozen in shock and slightly blushing, whereas Miwa is crying her heart out from laughter.

"I mean if you want to stay so bad I doubt one more night will hurt." she forces out in between each gasp for air, trying her hardest not to gain a heavy oxygen debt from her uncontrollable wheezing.

"I think you're the one who needs new lungs."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now