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"S-so, where are we going?" Kageyama asks, dragging behind me as I walk.

"No-where special," I tell him, "I'm just going to the cinema."

"Huh, why?" he interrogates, "You only owe me... Nothing actually."

"Wrong, my dear fellow," I tell him, turning around to face him and putting my index finger up as a correction, "statistically, I owe you £2. However, by going to see a movie with me, you're helping me out with a bet I made with my brother. But taking me to the cinema would mean I'd owe you a lot more, that's why I'm taking you."

"What do you mean, you're taking me?"

"That's exactly what I mean, there's not much to it," I answer, "you pick the movie, I pay for the snacks. There is one problem, my cheap ass will only buy two lunchbox combos. It's so worth it though, a small popcorn, drink, chocolate buttons and a toy. It's perfect."

Before he even gets the chance to answer, his phone starts to ring. He gives a sorry look as if to say he has to answer it.

"Go for it," I tell him, shrugging.

"Oh shit, Hinata, I'm so sorry!" he cries, "I forgot to tell you guys that I can't come to practice tonight, my bad-"

He stretches his arm out, letting the atmosphere shield his ear from a raging Tanaka and Nishinoya.

"Oh shit!" I scream, "Did I stop you from going to practice? I'm so sorry! If you rush you can still go, we can just-"

"Wait, is that y/n?" Daichi asks through the phone.

"Wait, guys, give my my phone back," Hinata whines, and by the sounds of it, he did get the phone back. "I'msorryguyscarryonit'snobiggie." he spits, instantly hanging up.

"What was that about?" I ask strangely, staring weirdly at the phone.

"I... Don't know," he answers.

"Well then," I sigh, "I guess you're picking the movie,"

"H-huh, no I don't have to-"

"You do have to, here," I say, giving him my phone with the website of the cinema were going to, "pick one."

"Umm, okay... That one," he says, chosing daddy's home.

"Oh good, I was going to pick that anyway. It doesn't start for a while though so we'll need to pass time."

He nodds, and then someone calls my name.

"Y/n~Chan, yahoooo!"

who the fuck-

Oh, it's that really cute setter from Aoba Johsai.

"Hey," What's his name again? "... Youuuu!"

"I saw you and decided I should return the glasses you gave me," he says, removing them from his bag and handing them over.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," I snort, "oh he's going to be so mad when I give them back."

'he' is referring to my brother.

He notices Kageyama awkwardly standing next to me, and his expression turns sour, "What's he doing here?"

I look at the brown-haired boy strangely. I don't even remember his name, why's he so mad?

Okay, so these two definitely have bad blood. I know the best this to say to make this situation worse, and so I'm absolutely going to say it.

Holding back my laughter I say, "The little runt is taking me on a date."

Kageyama tries to say something to protest, but I shoot him a warning look. Instead, he just blushes and tenses up.

"What, y/n~Chan, why him?" the living door whines, "I thought you loved me!"

I laugh lightly, "Heheh, I did say that didn't I."

"But looook!" he cried, showing me a shaky picture from his phone.

"You're really blurry," I tell him.

"That's not the point, look, Kageyama is bowing to me because I'm just that much better than him!" he says proudly.

I look over the the first year, his head is dropped with shame, and it's clear that he feels humiliated.

"Yeah, so? Anyone can bow to you, see:" I answer, trying to make him feel better by copying the same position as the photo and fake-crying, "Please don't hurt me, sir!" I beg, gaining the disapproving attention of multiple people, making Kageyama cry of laughter, and the flat-ass flush up unexpectedly and state a lot of mumbo jumbo, resulting in him to inevitably run off.

Oikawa! That's his name!

The situation alone was funny enough, but Kageyama has always been so moody or awkward and I've never seen him smile, let alone laugh this hard, and that itself turns my small chuckle into hysterical laughter.

You know that moment that you laugh so hard that it actually hurts to breath and you actually can't seem to get any oxygen to your lungs? That's what I have right now.

"That was classic!" the black-haired setter wheezes, leaning on his knee's.

I, on the otherhand, am on the floor, practically dying.

"D-do you need some help?" he asks, finally calming down and holding out his hand to help me up.

"Thanks, I'll be fine," I tell him, "I just need some water."

I walk into a corner store and pick up a water bottle to buy. However, when I got to the till and went to get out my purse... I left it at home.

"You're fucking kidding me!" I yell angrily, grabbing Kageyama's wrist and dragging him out.

"What's wrong?" he questions concerningly.

"I left my fucking purse in my fucking room," I spit. I literally took out some of my savings and forgot them. Do I have dementia? Probably.

"It's fine, I can just pay-" he starts to say.

"No, you can't," I interrupt madly, "that means I'll owe you even more! I'm not going to be in anyone's debt, thank you very much. But don't worry, you can pay for my bus ticket."

He sighs, "So where are we going ?"

"Back to my place so I can get the money, duh," I pause for a second, "Oh, this is perfect!"

He gulps anxiously, "What is?"

"Well I was just going to take a selfie with you, but letting him meet you will be even better!"

"You what now?" he asks confusingly, poor guy has no idea what he's got himself into.

"If my brother asks, say you're my boyfriend."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now