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By the time I get to school and go to the gym where everyone is practicing, I'm almost certain that I'm more worn out than all of them put together.

"Woah, y/n, are you okay?" Sugawara asks concerningly as Yachi sprints up to me with a water bottle.

"I... Was... About... to die," I tell them in between breaths. Taking a sip of the water I continue, "then... I missed... The bus..."

Tsukki snorts, "you look like shit."

I weakly flip him off and Tanaka wacks him round the head.

"Who's bottle is this?" I ask.

"It's a school one," Yachi replies, "So no one should've drank out of it I don't think."

"Oh, that's weird," I answer, "they don't fill them up very much."

"That-" Kageyama spits while blushing a really deep red, catching our attention, "that's uh, because I drank out of it."

I roll my eyes, "Don't act like such a wuss, it's just a bottle." After finishing of the water, I chuck it at him.

I finally stand up straight and wipe my forehead, "we should probably pack up now, lessons are about to start."

"Noooo!" Hinata cries, "Can we just finish off our game? Pleaseeee!"

He's acting as if I'm his blimming mom. I raise my hands up, "Do what what you want shrimp, I just wanna watch from up there." I say, referring to the balcony. I haven't been up there yet and my childish ass just really wants to climb the ladder.

Hinata thanks me like some damned rabbit.

At the end of their mini-match, I say what's probably the most obvious thing in the world: "Hinata's so energetic, he's all around the place. I'm surprised he can hit the ball."

Yachi laughs lightly, "It's mostly because of Kageyama that he's able to hit them to be fair. He's like a little puppy."

"Hm, which ones the puppy?" I ask.

"Hinata," she replies as if the answer is obvious, "Kageyama is kind of scary."

"Really?" I answer, "I don't think so. In fact, I'd say he's more like a dog than ginger."

She gives me a weird look, "What?"

"Well, like, I noticed that when he sets a ball he has some pure and fulfilled face as if he's a dog that's just been called a good boy."

"I guess I've never noticed that," she admits, "so what you you think of him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, usually you love or hate someone as soon as you see them, like how you hate Tsukishima at first but now you love him, or like Oikawa."

"Oh right," I say, "I guess I haven't thought about it much. And, who's Oikawa?"


"Ugh, I'm such an idiot!" I whine, punching the desk.

"What's wrong?" Hinata asks frantically, unsure what to do.

I'm surprisingly in a lot more of the volleyball boys' classes than I originally anticipated.

"I forgot my bag!" I cry. While I was running for my life this morning, I must've left it on the side.

"Oh no," Hinata cries with me, "so you don't have lunch?"

I shake my head with shame.

"Well, we can share some of mine if you want, I don't mind!" he offers, taking out his lunchbox wrapped in bunny-printed cloth. My eyes shine as I look at him in awe. This boy is so precious.

"No, I can't!" I say dramatically, pushing the box back into his chest as I look away and rest my hand on my forehead, "It's your's, I'll just buy something from the vending machine."

I ruffle through my pockets and muster out £3 (a/n Idk how much yen I need so just roll w it)

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, no biggie, I'll just eat even extra more when I get home!" I influence enthusiastically. (what did I just write?)

"Yeah!" Hinata says joyfully, matching - probably even more of - my enthusiasm.

As I walk to the vending machine, I think about what to have. I don't actually know what they have there, so maybe a packet of crisps and a milkshake.

I approach the food dispensers and realise they have one milkshake left. Perfect. The drink falls down and I do the same to take it, it looks like there's no crisps, but there are cereal bars. Is that a coco-pops breakfast cereal bar thing? Yes please. Oh, it's the last one left too.

I sit on the bench next to the machines, happily digging into my small lunch.

That's when Kageyama walks up the them, unaware of my presence, and stares at them angrily for a fat 2 minutes.

"Are you going to buy something, or will you just stare at it looking like the grinch for the rest of the day?"

"Gwah, what?" he jumps, "Y/n? when did you get here?"

"I've been here the whole time, you idiot."

"O-oh," he says, "Well, I usually get a milkshake but it looks like they're all out today,"

I look at my empty carton, and bow at him as an apology, "I'm so sorry!"

He doesn't realise what I'm talking about at first, but after seeing the drink in my hand he waves his hands frantically, "No, no, it's okay! I'll just have a cereal bar instea-"

"I had the last one of those too!" I cry.

"No, it's okay!" he tells me, low key freaking out, "I can just get something else, like... Orange juice, or something!"

"O-okay," I sniff, standing up straight and half-jumping a bit to shake off the embarrassment, "but let me make it up to you,"

"Y-you really don't have to do that-" he says, taking a step back awkwardly.

"Please!" I beg.

"S-sure." he says in defeat.

"Awesome!" I sing, "Make sure to clear your schedule for after school tomorrow."


Ever since declaring myself the boys volleyball co-manager, my life has gotten a lot busier, and I literally only did it last night.

I stayed back at school late, and on top of that, I had to walk home because I was £2 short for a fucking bus ticket. Luckily, Yachi said she'd walk with me so it's fine. It sucked ass that she only had just enough for her, otherwise she could've paid for me.

"Why are you back so fucking late?!" my brother demands.

"I stayed at school for a bit longer, and I didn't have enough for the bus because I left my bag here." I tell him bluntly.

"That was stupid, why'd you do that?" he continues to ask.

"Because my brother was trying to kill me, perhaps?!" I snap.

"Damn, watch the 'tude. Don't you need your bag... For like everything? You should've come back to get it, or call me to drop it off."

"Nah, it's fine," I reply, "I didn't really pay attention in class anyway."

.It All Started With A Trip. Kageyama X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now