Chapter 29

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" Zhan~ Help me, please " Yibo who was drunk and had got drenched in the rain fell over Zhan as soon as Zhan opened his door, Zhan who stood there confused didn't know what was happening.


A week ago...

Zhan had as usual gone to work, after the whole bidding event the Feng industries had been very happy that their company profits had sky rocketed, Haoxuan himself was very happy, not only because of the whole increase in stock and profit but also for the fact that he had confessed to Zhan and he won't be having any problems with Yibo anymore in the future, as per him he still waited for Zhan's answer to which he was very sure that Zhan would fall for him as well.

" So today you have a dealers appointment and then a golf match and you have to attend the small party by Zhou Industries " Zhan was going over Haoxuan's plan's for the day and as usual instead of listening to him, Xuan was doing nothing but flirt shamelessly with Zhan, he sighed loud which made Zhan look at Haoxuan, " What is it ? Is the schedule too tight? Should I cancel some event ? " Zhan asked worriedly as he thought his boss would get tired if there were many events for a day, Xuan rotated his chair and smiled at Zhan " I'm admiring the man in front of me, who's just making me fall for him everyday " Xuan smiled while Zhan smiled as he closed his file and then hit Xuan in his hand with the file, this made Xuan pout " Concentrate on your work BOSS ! " Zhan said while getting up, meanwhile Xuan smiled " If I do, will you reward me ? " Xuan asked smirking.

Zhan rolled his eyes " You guys have dirty thoughts in your mind twenty four seven " Xuan got up while buttoning his coat " I was just asking whether if you are ready with your answer ?... " Xuan stood close by Zhan's ears as Zhan took some steps back fearing something would happen " As per any other thing in your mind or in my mind, it can wait until after we are official " saying this Xuan walked off while Zhan was standing frozen at his spot, when he finally came out of the daze he ran after Xuan accompanying him to his meeting.


" Thank you Weijun-ge for the books, I didn't get it anywhere " Xihan who was with Weijun collecting some books was happy to see him after a long time, Weijun smiled " It's alright " Xihan smiled " No gege I have to thank you, let me buy you some coffee or lunch " he asked in hopes he would say yes, Weijun smiled " If you want thank anyone, I think you should thank Yibo, it's his books, not mine " Weijun said as he opened the first page of the book to show Yibo's name on it. Xihan looked at it and nodded " Oh ~ " he had nothing else to say since very time Yibo's name get mentioned he remembers his rude behavior towards his brother.

" Don't you want to buy him lunch ? "
asked Weijun, while Xihan thought about it " Well.... Thanking someone is more important than holding grudge, ask Senior Yibo if he wants to have lunch with me, if so I'll be buy the fast food joint next to our university at one pm " Weijun nodded while Xiahn waved him goodbye. Weijun walked back to his classroom when he saw Yibo blanking out while his fingers were scrolling down his phone, he didn't seem like he was physically present there, it was as though Yibo was absent minded which hardly ever happened. Weijun sat beside him " Yibo~ " he called him shaking his shoulder, while Yibo shook his head coming back to reality.

" What is it ? " Yibo asked keeping his phone down at his desk, Weijun took his books out as h prepared himself for the class " Xihan wanted me to thank you for the books you gave him " Weijun said to which Yibo nodded taking his books out for the class, further Weijun smiled " And he also wanted to thank you by buying you lunch, so if you're not much busy you can drop by the fast food joint by the university at one " Yibo looked at him at an instances, he nodded his head at Weijun's words.


Xiahn was not sure if Yibo would even be there at the first place hence he waited for a couple of minutes and then took his bag to leave the fast food joint, but then he saw Yibo walk in " Xihan! " he called him so that Xiahn would sit back. Xihan on thee other hand rolled his eyes while seeing Yibo, he sat back while hanging his bag back in the chair. Yibo sat in the chair opposite to Xihan, looking at the menu Xihan coughed to get Yibo's attention, he didn't want to face him as he was afraid he would be saying some pretty harsh words if he sees his face " What would you like to have Yibo senior ? " Yibo sighed " I told you before ... " Xihan slammed the menu on the table, it wasn't very loud but it sure made Yibo to stop talking " Yibo senior, I call gege only those who are very close to me and are respectable "

Yibo looked back at the menu with a hurt expression " I don't want to eat anything " Xihan rolled his eyes " If you're not eating anything I'll leave now " Xihan got up, while Yibo pulled his wrist to make him sit " Fine! I'll order a burger " Xihan got up to place his order, while he sat staring at Yibo. Yibo felt a little uncomfortable by Xihan's stare "What... What are thinking ? " he asked hesitantly " I'm thinking whether to hit you on that pretty face or your man pride ? "

Yibo  made a sorry face while he joined his hands to hold his head " I... I feel lost " it was as if Yibo didn't have the energy to say anything more, even though Xihan felt bad for Yibo he didn't want to show it to him, he looked at him curiously " I feel like I've done so much to hurt your brother, I don't really have anything to say except my terrible past which makes it haunting for me, which keeps coming back to me again and again which in turns makes me act so " Yibo held his head as a mild headache creeped in him.

" Listen! What you did is wrong and I won't let my brother get hurt again and again, he is someone who had went through a lot from his childhood and I want him to be happy at least now " Xihan sighed " As much as I supported my brother to be with you I also warned him about you Yibo senior " Yibo sighed " I know " Xihan looked at him and spoke back in a firm voice " What is it you want from him? " Yibo looked at him " I don't know, all I know is I want him heart and soul " After hearing these words from Yibo, Xihan looked at him to see whether the words said by him were true or not, but as far as he knew Yibo didn't seem to be faking his emotions. " I hope you aren't faking your emotions " Xihan asked in a firm voice as Yibo shook his head.


To Be Continued ...

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