Special Chapter: Yibo and Haoxuan

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" You never told me how you and Haoxuan met? " Zhan, who rested his head upon Yibo's chest, looked up at him as he played with Zhan's hair. Yibo smiled " We don't talk about trash " He said, commenting on his ex. Zhan laughed nodding his head agreeing to the point " But still, I do want to know your past though " Zhan said, making Yibo scrunch his nose, he sighed and then smiled once again " Okay then, brace yourself " Yibo commented while began thinking from where to start.

Yibo's POV ...

" I was in my high school at that time..."

Five years ago...

My sister had always stayed by me after our mother's death. In fact, after my mother died, my sister was the one who became more like a mother to me. But that didn't last long. Due to my sister breaking her engagement off with the man my father had arranged for her to marry, she decided to break the engagement off by showing up to the engagement party along with the boyfriend aka my brother in law. She announced in front of everyone that she loved this man and he was the one she would marry. Furiated, my father left the venue. The next day, father sat down along with sister and her boyfriend.

Anyone would have chosen to run away, but it seemed like my brother in law was someone with a strong heart, even after hours of threatening from our father, he chose to stay by my sister no matter what. My sister was also headstrong about who she wanted to marry and what her future plans were. Her actions made father very irritated. He gave a part of his wealth to her and asked her to leave the house at once. My sister, who had already lawyered up to get the wealth that our mother left behind for her, was able to stand on her own leg. My sister was able to get those and the stocks owned by our mother. Hence she left the house at once, leaving me with my father.

Well our father on the hand was someone who didn't like when things didn't go his way. Maybe this was one of the reasons he didn't like the way I grew up. I was rebellious and honestly angry at the fact that due to some wealth my father was ready to disown my sister, he thought as a son I would overtake all his wealth when I clearly didn't intend to overtake the family business. It was always Yanli-jie who had a knack for business, I on the other hand wanted to be a free bird not bound to any chains. But my father had other plans for me.

He wrote all the wealth on my name every last piece of share on my name and due to my rebellious nature and the fact that he was the reason I had once again lost someone close to, I started spreading the money on unknown thing, useless things, because the money meant dear to my father more than his kids, I decided I would show him what wrong move he made leading to his downfall, but somehow, father still had the enact name. In the name of revenge, I spent thousands and thousands on luxury cruises, parties, trips, buying a complex which wouldn't even be useful for me and other things, and found out having a sugar baby might be a nice way to both dissolve the family money and put a temporary end to my misery life.

Hence I would often change my sugar babies and would often get into trouble with my father for being troublesome. At first all my sugar babies were all women, but I somehow knew that I prefer men as well, in fact preferred men more than women. It was then I met Haoxuan, I met him on a trip to Hawaii and we immediately clicked. It was him who openly made me accept my real sexuality and embrace a side of me which I would come to like more than what I was. Even though he wasn't really my type, the way he approached me was what made me like him and immediately I knew that I would come to like him.

The time I spent in Hawaii with Haoxuan developed into a long time relationship, it wasn't sugar baby or anything, Haoxuan was the first ever person I ever fell in love with, I was so in love with him that as soon as we came back to Shanghai I asked him to move in with me after moving out of my house. Even though Haoxuan was not all perfect, he sure did teach me how to stand up for myself, how to express myself without fear and boosted me with confidence. Maybe this was the reason that I failed to notice all the red flags that he had been leaving all along.

It had been two years into the relationship and that's when I noticed that Xuan was acting weird. He would constantly fight with me for things that wouldn't even require an argument and then leave me alone for days together and then come back and act as though nothing had happened, after he would come back he would be all lovey dovey but once again the cycle would start. Even though there were all flaws with the relationship I still insisted on being with him, cause after all he had been with me through thick and thin and I couldn't bring myself to think what Xuan did and started blaming myself for him behaving that way.

I always thought maybe it was because of me he did what he did and it broke me thinking that I was hurting the one I loved. But then one day I got a call from my father's secretary, he said " Yibo someone has been leaking our company secrets" I was actually shocked, all I kept thinking who would even dare to do that knowing my father's temper well. On the one hand the company proceeded to one by one fire suspicious employees while on the other the information kept getting leaked. All our business meetings, our next move, our import and export, everything, every single deal and secrets in all of the different sectors we held were getting leaked.

It was not long after that, my father and hi board of directors and shareholders started noticing that the Feng Groups was growing in the business, they were able to grab all the business deals that were once ours, it was as though Feng's were behind our downfall, hence my father began investigating Feng. It was then our doubts confirmed when all the major businessmen were invited for Minister Zhou's gathering. My father was there and as usual he had dragged me there, but the biggest twist in my life was yet to come. Of course we were there Feng's could come, that day the Old Feng introduced his son to the world for the first time ever. The minute I saw his son's face my world shattered, I figured who might have leaked the information " Feng Haoxuan " it was all I could think of.

The minute I saw his face, I ran outside, I ran until my legs gave in and when I finally stopped, I collapsed. For the first time ever I fell in love with someone and it was the first time ever someone had completely shattered me to my last pieces. Finally Feng's were exposed for their fraud, but both parties decided to settle down instead of facing the court since it would affect both of their reputation. I on the other hand still was heart broken, went off the track more and more and everytime I did Haoxuan would always come back haunting me, tormenting me and torturing me.

My concept about love started with him and brutally ended with him in a very sour taste about love or so I thought. A year after this entire incident was the time I met you and I knew you were different. I wanted you to be with me, to be close to me, be mine entirely but my past trauma didn't let me love you entirely, it made me want to hurt you, crush you, maybe I was projecting al my past anger on you but it was all the moment I realized, how much you would felt hurt just like I did. It was also the moment I realized...

End of Yibo's POV ...

" I love you " Yibo said kissing the back of Zhan's hand, Zhan smiled kissing Yibo on his cheeks " I know, I love you too, so..." he said sitting straight " So let the past be past, what we should do is enjoy the present so that we have a bright future ahead of us" Yibo nodded pulling Zhan once again closer to him. 


( A/N: Would you like to see side stories for Sugar Baby ? Let me know )

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