Chapter 4

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Xiao zhan and Yibo drove off to a very fancy restaurant, it was a clear way of showing off his  wealth Yibo had on him. But it didn't faze Xiao zhan, all that was stuck on his mind was food.

As his eyes stuck up on the menu, Yibo's eyes fixed upon his phone, he smiled looking at it, Zhan would have asked for the reason behind his smile but he was afraid of Yibo. That's right he was afraid of someone younger than him. Yibo finished texting and called for the waiter to take their orders, while he placed the order for him and as well as Zhan, he was smirking at Xiao Zhan all the time, Zhan felt uncomfortable by his his smirk, he was about to say something while Yibo spoke. 

How was the first day of work?  

It was good, though I had lot of work I managed to do it on time. 

Xiao Zhan smiled at Yibo, he looked a little tired but was happy that Yibo had helped him, though he did know that his small help had a big cost behind it.  

And how are people? I mean your coworkers! 

Yibo questioned while sipping his wine elegantly, looking at Zhan. 

I didn't get the time to peak with everyone but I certainly got the opportunity to  interact with the section head. 

Zhan looked around trying to soak in the aesthetic of the restaurant. 

Ah! Mr. Peng is a nice man, he tries to make everyone comfortable. 

Yibo answered, while Zhan shook his head. 

That's not the section heads name, his name is Mr.Zhang and by the way how come you know so much about the company?! 

Yibo was about to ask who Zhang was since the section manager was Mr. Peng for a very long time, but he feared if he answered anything at this moment, Zhan would figure out what he hid from him, so he decided to go along with the flow. 

Ah! Look the foods here.

immediately Zhan shifted his head towards the food, it was though everything else blurred for him when food was placed in front of him. 

Yibo sighed in relief when he was saved by the food, next time he had to be careful on what he spoke with Zhan, he knew for sure Zhan wasn't like any other partner he had before, this one though looked dumb was actually quiet brainy. 


Yibo sat in the car starting his engine, Xiao Zhan sighed since he can't escape the inevitable. He had to spend the night with Yibo and he had no other choice, Yibo drove the car with an evil grin all the way to hi apartment. The whole car ride Zhan was really afraid of what would happen tonight and all his thoughts stuck with him not having any experience with a man to man relationship. 

Soon they had reached Yibo's luxuries apartment, Yibo parked the car in his garage and both the men walked out of the car to Yibo's apartment. With entering the security codes at the door Yibo and Xiao Zhan were inside the apartment, Yibo closed the door behind and Xiao Zhan walked around to take a look around the apartment.

Make yourself comfortable,I'll go take a shower   

At the mention of shower Zhan gulped heavily, he knew he was nearing to that part of the night and the thought of it was making it feel hot for him, hot as in a situation in which he had difficulty in breathing. He sat on the couch waiting for Yibo to comeback, but sitting wasn't helping him so he decided to look around.

Xiao Zhan walked in the first room, which was a kitchen, it was big and neat, perfect to cook, he did loved to cook. He wondered if Yibo could cook as well, He brushed his thought as he moved on to the next room, It looked like a study room , since it had a huge library. He was actually surprised as he never pegged Yibo would be into books. 

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