Chapter 33

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" Zhan ~ Help me ! " Yibo who looked completely broken drenched in rainwater and reeked of alcohol collapsed upon Zhan. He was unconscious but Zhan stood there with his eyes froze in shock and his open arms embracing Yibo, he had no idea what to do, but all he did was continue embracing the broken looking boy.

Zhan snapped out of the trance and took Yibo inside, he looked around and tried to way Yibo up, but he wasn't waking up, he decided to call Xihan " Xihan ! Come here! ". Xihan who was still angry at his brother, walked out anyway since he had called is name, " What is .... " Xihan's eyes grew big in shock as he ran to the couch where Yibo had been made to sit, while Zhan was slightly out of breath carrying him.

" Ge! What happened ? " Xihan asked worriedly looking at Yibo, Zhan waved his hand " I don't know, he came here and fell on me as soon as I opened the door " Xihan quickly rushed to help Yibo to lay down comfortably, while Zhan stopped " No let me take him to my room, here.. " Zhan tossed his phone to Xihan " Call Weijun ! And tell him what happened " Xihan nodded his head while Zhan supported Yibo so that he could wrap his hands around his shoulder, taking Yibo to his room, Zhan carefully lay him down as he sat beside Yibo, looking at the boy who was completely drenched in rain he felt bad for him, even though he did all kinds of bad thing to him at the end of day he was someone with a broken heart and even though Zhan didn't want to see him, he wasn't really a cold heart towards Yibo especially at a situation like this, Zhan sighed once again waiting for Xihan after his phone call with Weijun.

Zhan looked at Yibo as he ran his fingers on his wet hair, Yibo who was sleeping held his hands immediately, " Zhan ~ Zhan.... " he called for his name but ended up sleeping once again. Zhan stunned immediately took his hand out of his hair, by this time Xihan had came back after his phone call to Weijun, Zhan looked at Xihan entering the room as he looked at him and smiled " Gege~ I informed Weijun ge, but he's stuck with his father back at home and he can't come right now, he's asking us whether we can take care of him till he comes back " Xihan said, while Zhan sighed looking at Xihan, he sopke again " Gege~ I'll take Yibo senor in my room " Zhan shook his head " It's alright, I'll take care of him, you can go back to your room ~ " Xihan nodded his head.

Zhan sighed once again as he looked at Yibo and then back at Xihan " Xihan ~ " he called his brother's voice almost in a low tone, Xihan turned to look at his brother calling him, he looked at him curiously " I'm... I'm sorry Xihan ~ " Zhan smiled with a slight pain that he had hurt his brother, Xihan walked over to Zhan as he patted his shoulder " Ge~ I should be the one asking sorry, I'm sorry for doing something that made you angry " Xihan apologized, while Zhan ruffled Xihan's hair " It's alright ~ " 

Xihan left the room, as Zhan walked over to his cabinet to get some dry towels for Yibo and also some dry clothes for him to change into. Zhan walked over to Yibo and sat beside him, taking the towel in his hand, he lifted Yibo's head up placing it on his lap, he gently wiped his hair dry, running his fingers on his wet hair, Zhan sighed " What happened to you now ? " he asked worried to the unconscious Yibo, finally changing his lothes, Zhan sat beside him once again looking at Yibo.

Yibo looked peaceful sleeping, resting his head on hand he sighed " If you aren't so bratty maybe you won't have many problems " he got up to switch off the light beside the bed were Yibo was sleeping,  at that exact moment Yibo blinked his eyes open, which Zhan noticed, he smiled soft looking at him " How are you feeling ? " Zhan asked to which Yibo didn't answer, Zhan made a confused face thinking Yibo didn't hear him, he repeated his question once again " Yibo~ How are ... " even before he could finish his sentence Yibo pulled Zhan by his wrist making him sleep beside him.

Zhan struggled to get out of his grip, but Yibo didn't budge " Yibo! Let me go " Zhan demanded to which Yibo let go of his hand, as soon as he let him go Zhan tried to get up, but Yibo called him almost in a low tone, which was so soft unlike his usual demanding voice " Zhan ~ " which made him look at Yibo " Can you please stay by my side tonight ? I'm afraid " Yibo pleaded, it was as though he was hurt heart and soul. Without any second thought Zhan scooted over by his side.

Somehow Zhan knew the kind of pain Yibo had in his heart and having someone by their side at times like this, gives one an assurance that there are people in this world who would be willing to spend their time with them, just to relive them out of their pain and to share their happiness with them. As soon as Zhan scooted closer to him, Yibo immediately rested his head on his chest, wrapping his hand around Yibo's shoulder, Zhan let him sleep in the same position, that night Yibo slept like a baby.


Zhan woke up late the next day, feeling a little lighter than last night, with his eye closed he ran his hands over to his chest as he found no sign of Yibo, he immediately opened his eyes only to see Yibo looking at Zhan smiling at him, Zhan rubbed his eyes and sat straight, while Yibo sat along with him, " What are you looking at ? " Zhan asked yawning, Yibo smiled as he scooted closer to Zhan " You ~ " Zhan rolled his eyes at the cheesy lines that Yibo had once again started to give.

" Don't you think it's too early to .... " Zhan began with his morning lectures, but Yibo smiled " I love you ~ " Yibo confessed making Zhan shocked.


To Be Continued ...

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