Chapter 2

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So why didn't you tell him your full name?

Yibo was with his friends, they were discussing about the cute guy who had come to visit Yibo, since they pesterd him a lot Yibo had to say what was happening. Yibo hadn't said about him being son of Wang to Xiaozhan. His friends were just suprised why he hadn't said anything since it was usually a plus point to attract anyone.

I don't know ~ maybe....  I want to tease him.
Saying this Yibo smirked imaging Xiao zhan's face when he would know he was teased by him.

All his friends cooed at him and laughed at Yibo.

While all his friends were talking, there was one of them who was Yibo's best friend and his well wisher, he wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

Yibo! Do you think it's a good idea to tease an innocent person.
He looked at him worried.

Yibo sighed and got up taking his bag.
It's not like anyone is going to get hurt, a little teasing won't hurt anyone Weijun.

Weijun was just worried, since he knew Yibo more then anyone and he knew Yibo wasn't the ones to kid around.

Enough, we have a class and we'll be late if we sit and talk here.
Yibo suggested looking at everyone. Everyone agreed to it and took their bags to go for their classes, Weijun sighed taking his bag. As soon as Weijun was about to go Yibo caught his wrist.

I need a help from you.
Yibo asked looking at Weijun.

Weijun pulled his hand and looked at him.
What is it?

I'll tell you tomorrow, just so you know we have to go somewhere tomorrow, be ready and I'll pick you up.

Yibo walked straight, while Weijun sighed walking behind him, he knew he was upto something again and he also knew that he was going to be get dragged into this.


Is this really a good idea gege?

Xiao zhan was munching down on the last cookies that he had found in the fridge.

His brother who was working on his assignment looked at him when he had told him what had happened so far and his meeting with Yibo and the deal between them.

What do you mean? It's really a great deal, all I need is to be his sugar baby or whatever and he wants to spend on me, that's all.
Xiao zhan explained sitting by his brother.

His brother sighed and held his shoulder.

Ge, do you even have any idea what is means to be a sugar baby?

Xiao zhan looked at him with his puppy eyes and shook his head, he still hadn't known what a sugar baby was.

A sugar baby is someone who'll be taken care by a sugar daddy or a sugar mommy. I'm your case it's sugar daddy, they do so in return Of your company.
His brother explained to which Xiao zhan bobbed his head.

Xihan I know that, that's what Yibo explained to me.
Xiao zhan scrunched his nose and looked at his brother.

His brother sighed again, though his brother  was older then him, he still lacked maturity and had no clue what was happening.

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