Chapter 27

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Yibo opened the door and closed it locking it while leaning against the door, he smirked looking at Zhan who was cursing him " Cursing at me huh? " he asked making Zhan turn and froze his eyes in shock. Yibo kept approaching him, while Zhan quietly stepped back, there came a point in which Zhan didn't have any other place to run, he hit the bed post and fell on the bed, Yibo quickly pinned him, while Zhan tried to wriggle out of his embrace.

" Leave me alone Yibo! " Zhan screamed which only made Yibo smirk, Zhan tried to push him off but Yibo had held his hands even tighter pinning his hand over his head. Yibo bend over kissing Zhan's lips, which had already been swollen from the kiss which had happened inside the restroom " How dare you command me?! " Yibo said in a low growl, kissing Zhan more hungrily. He removed his hands cupping Zhan's chin, which gave Zhan a way to quickly escape from him. He pushed Yibo to the other side of the bed and ran to open the door, but Yibo was quick to catch him.

" It's not that easy to run away from me, you whore " Yibo said making Zhan angry, at this point Yibo had tested Zhan to the extent of him crossing his patience boundary, Zhan slapped Yibo hard on his face making Yibo startle " Do you think just because you have money I'll be after you like some dog ?! Well if that's what you're looking for in a partner let me tell you something you are wasting time coming after me "  Zhan pushed Yibo out of the room " The next time I see you near me I won't slap you but definitely hit you in a place you take pride of " Zhan dragged Yibo out of his apartment, which made everyone confused. Xihan, Weijun and Yiyan got up from their place and looked at Zhan and Yibo, they were not sure what had happened but they did guess it at this point.

" Out! Everyone ! " Zhan was really angry and he didn't want to see anyone, Weijun and Yiyan immediately stepped out of the house and Weijun dragged Yibo with him to his car, Yibo who still was in a shook about what had happened wasn't able to comprehend the fact that someone even had the audacity to slap him on the face. Yibo kept checking his face in his camera, the corner of his lip was bleeding and Weijun looked at him through the front mirror " What did you do this time ? " Weijun knew what Yibo must have done, but he wanted Yibo to say it himself, Yibo didn't hear him but still continued to inspect his slightly bruised lip, Weijun sighed as he passed a tissue for Yibo to clean his wound.


Zhan was boiling with rage, he wasn't crying this time, he was angry, very angry " Damn that bastard, I'm tired of him and his shenanigans! " Zhan fell over his bed as he had head ache after all that screaming and stuff, he took some medicine to help with his headache and closed his eyes in the hopes of getting some sleep.

On the other hand Xihan feared to even ask his brother if he was doing good, Zhan had quite a temper when his limits are being tested and Xihan knew that very well. He saw Yiyan coming back to their apartment, " What is it jiejie ? " Yiyan smiled " I forgot to take my bag " Xihan smiled handing over her bag. 

" How is he doing ? " Yiyan asked while Xihan closed the door behind, he decided it was best to take a walk and come home after Zhan slept, Xihan shrugged " No idea jie~ All I know he went inside and shut his door with a loud bang "
Yiyan nodded her head, while Xihan hummed and walked close by her.

" Oh jie~ What did you want to talk about to gege ? " Xihan questioned as she never got to talk to Zhan, Yiyan sighed " Well that's for another time I guess " she smiled with a faint smile. They walked together as Xihan walked her off to the bus stand, Yiyan smiled getting inside the bus, while Xiahn slowly walked back to his apratment.


It has been a week since all that drama happened and Zhan hadn't had any trouble from either Yibo or his people associated with him. He was happily working with Xuan, had to say it was a fun experience. He didn't have much work to do, except remind him of his daily schedule. He was very different from Yibo which was something he didn't expect considering his being Yibo's ex, he assumed him to be a jerk like Yibo as well.

" And you have a 4'o'clock meeting with Mr. Han about the granite mine inspection " Zhan said as he was going through Xuan's schedule, Xuan sighed " I'm tired, I so want to postpone this, but I'm afraid dad won't be happy about it " Xuan said laying his head at the back of chair, Zhan didn't have anything to say so he just sat opposite to Xuan.

Haoxuan got up from his chair followed by Zhan " I think we should go at this moment, because when the bidding starts, I don't want to lose " Xuan sighed adjusting his coat. " So...This is a bidding event ? " Zhan asked being doubtful of the fact that he might have to encounter with Yibo, Xuan nodded his head " And the Wang's would be there " almost at that instant Zhan sighed at the thought of him having to meet Yibo.

Xuan looked at Zhan's expression " Don't worry he won't hurt you, I'll take care " Xuan smiled looking at Zhan, while he smiled awkwardly, he had no problem seeing Yibo, but if he was going to start with being a jerk, he wouldn't know how to control his anger this time. Zhan followed Xuan to his car, sitting in the back seat along with Haoxuan. " We should have dinner after successfully winning the bid " Xuan said smiling at Zhan. 

Zhan stifled his laugh " Boss I think we should first win the bid " Xuan held Zhan's hand " But if I win, will you come over to a special place for having dinner with me " Xuan smiled at Zhan. Zhan wriggled his hand out of Xuan's hands, he thought about it and then nodded his head " Okay.. But where is the special place ? " asked Zhan curiously. Xuan laughed as his looked straight " Well that's a secret " Zhan shrugged at Xuan's words and began to look at the file.


Soon Zhan and Haoxuan had reached the place where the bidding event was going to be held. Zhan's eyes immediately went searching for Yibo as he was being cautious about him. Xuan held his hand and smiled " Come on let's go " he said taking him to the seats  that they were assigned. Zhan still wasn't able to find Yibo, but he was calm since he knew Xuan would be by his side, as they were asked to look around the mining field both Xuan and Zhan got up to look around. And that' when he saw Yibo along with Weijun, but he wasn't the only one accompanying him, Yibo had his hands draped around a boy, seemingly young. They were very close and Xuan couldn't help but notice them. He walked up to Yibo and Weijun along with Zhan.

" I see you have a new guy " Xuan smirked, Yibo grinned " Yeah, I was bored by the old one " he said looking at Zhan, he rolled his eyes and looked away, Xuan walked close t him and whispered " I see I won " Yibo grinned " We will see that ~ "

Yibo walked away from that place with his new lover " And you can have him Haoxuan ~ " Yibo walked away along with his lover and Weijun. Though Zhan was happy that Yibo didn't do anything nasty with him, he sure was angry that Yibo was behaving this way. He didn't know what he was feeling or why he was feeling angry, but he sure didn't like hat he was feeling.


To Be Continued ....

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