Chapter 17

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Yibo was at Weijun's house still studying for the upcoming exam, he was checking his phone to see what time it was since Weijun and him were studying continuously for the past three hours and didn't have any break in between. He plopped on his head over the bean bag sighing since he wasn't able to study anymore. " Bro I'm done for now " Weijun looks at Yibo's notes and smiled seeing he had covered like Seventy percentage of it, he did deserve a break " Okay then you can take break, we will start rest of the papers in the evening " Yibo shook his head and rolled aside.

Weijun passed him a coke and Yibo sighed " Wei.. " " No you're not getting a beer while we study, either you drink that or nothing " without any further words Yibo opened his Coke and drank it, the only disadvantage of being friends with Weijun was he knew everything about him and treated him like he was his own child. 

" Yeah, aren't you going to meet your boyfriend " Yibo snickered a laugh knowing very well that Weijun loved his boyfreind very much but at the same time he was really afraid of him as well, like he would be really feisty all the time, in their relationship though Weijun was the dominant male his lover wasn't any less of a fire cracker, Weijun is  the calm type like water, while he was the fire and will burn you. But that was just his way to show his love to him, since he always thought Weijun could be easily affected by anyone and he constantly would try to advice him over it.

"Cheng has exams as well, he maybe coming over later this evening " he said without looking up from the book which he was reading. Yibo rolled his eyes as he sipped his coke " No funny business when I'm here " Weijun looked up from his book and flicked a finger on Yibo's forehead making Yibo groan a bit in pain " Do you think we are horny like you ? " he said with a smirk on his face.

Yibo sat straight " I'm not horny ! ",  Weijun crossed his arms and looked at him with a poker face " Oh really ?! Who was in your car last night  ? " Yibo coughed to cleared his throat " He was just a junior of ours and I happen to drop him home since it was getting late " Weijun still stared at him " And then ... " Yibo rolled his eyes and looked away " And then we had a best night " 

" And I stand corrected " Weijun said with a proud look on his face like he had solved a mystery. Yibo got up as he was feeling a bit drowsy " I'm going to sleep for a few hours, wake me up when you are about to start the next paper " he said going upstairs to Weijun's bed, while Weijun gave him a thumbs up.


It was evening and Zhan was busy working, Yibo's words still haunting him as he tried to shrug off his thoughts and tried to concentrate on his work. " Damn would he really take away the job as well, I mean given the fact that he knows the son of Mr. Wang, I think he'll do it " Zhan mumbled to himself, he still wasn't sure if Yibo was serious on what he said, but the look in his face wasn't telling that he was joking, he took his phone out and decided to text Haoxuan. But how did he get his number.

Flashback to the night before....

" Give me your number " Haoxuan asked to Zhan when he was getting something to drink from his fridge, " Why ? " Zhan asked as he was confused " I did tell you I'll text you the address of the place we will be having lunch how am I supposed to do that when I don't have your number ? "

Zhan gave him a dumb smiled as he gave him his number entering it in Haoxuan's phone " Here, that's my number " Haoxuan nods his head saving it in his phone.

End of flashback....

Zhan thought for a moment about what he should text him, he then thought it would better to say him that he had work and he would be quite busy for a while. He smiled at his excuse and started to text him:
" Hey Haoxuan Sorry I can't make it to lunch today since I'm very busy with the work, maybe some other time : ) "

He finished typing and sent the message, he kept his phone at his table to resume working and that's when his phone buzzed with a new message:
" Aww.. Too bad, okay fine we can have dinner next time "
" Sure "

Zhan texted back and resume working again, he didn't have much of any work that day, so he decided to overlook his previous works and to see if those drafts have any errors. 


Yibo was woken up from his two hours slumber when he heard Weijun talk with someone downstairs. He rubbed his eyes and straighten his messy bed hair as he peeked from railings to see who it was and his guess was right that Cheng was scolding him and there sat Weijun hands folded, head down listening silently to his lover scream at him. Yibo quitely came down the stairs with a grin on his face.

" I knew it was you when I heard someone blasting in anger, Hi Cheng ~ " He waved at Cheng only Cheng was in no mood to exchange pleasant wishes. " You are the reason he has been spending so much ! " Cheng said pointing his finger at Yibo, while Yibo was shocked " For your information Ninety percent of the time it's me who pays for everything since I really don't like when someone spends money for me " Yibo said sitting at the couch opposite to Weijun and Cheng.

" Then what did you spend 500 Dollars on ? " asked Cheng crossing his arms to his chest, Yibo laughed as he knew the reason and it was a silly thing to fight for " Dude that was for the anniversary gift Weijun bought for you " Weijun's eyes grew big as he signaled Yibo to shut his mouth, but it was already too late, now that Cheng knew about it he sighed, his anger seemed to have cool down a bit but not all the way over.

" Did I tell you not to buy any gifts for it ? ! " Cheng said in a calm yet demanding tone " Well you did, but you buy me gifts so I thought it would be rude for me if I don't do it and moreover I wanted to buy it for you for so long " Weijun said holding his hand " Wei ~ I've told you before, the money you spend is from your savings, we spend our parents money, the money you spend is your scholarship money and I don't want you to do that " 

" But Cheng, I really love you " Weijun said smiling at him " Did my love ask you to buy those things for me and moreover you can still buy me that after you graduate and get a job I'll still be your boyfriend " Weijun smiled pulling him for a hug, Cheng seem to have cool down completely.

Yibo on the other hand thought he should give them some privacy, so he got up getting his keys and wallet " I'll be out to buy something for the dinner " He closed the door behind as he smiled to himself to see how well and perfect the relationship Weijun and Cheng had. He shrug his shoulder as he went to out for a walk and to get something to eat for the night.


Zhan had finished his work and just in time his phone beeped with a new message, he checked his phone and smiled, calling the number which texted him.

" I thought you won't call me at all, so I called you ~ " 
" Sorry Yuyu ~ I was busy, I've just finished "

" So you would be free to do grocery shopping with me ? "
" Sure, I had to buy them as well "

" Okay Come fast Anan ~ I'm waiting outside "
" You're here ? "

" Yes, now hurry up "
" I'll be down in few minutes "

Zhan ends the call and takes his bag and his phone, he checks his desk if he left anything and walks over to the lift. And that's when he saw....


To Be Continued....

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