Chapter 38

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Xihan who was watching all the drama, coughed once again getting both the men attention " Again ! I'm still here ! " he laughed, while Zhan and Yibo laughed at his comment. The three of them continued to eat their breakfast, just enjoying their life being peaceful at the moment.

Two months later ...

" I'll pick you up after your work babe " Yibo smiled lowering his car window looking at Zhan who was getting out of the car, as he was getting dropped at work, Zhan laughed as he rolled his eyes " Don't call me babe ~ " Zhan said closing the door behind, leaning against the window Yibo smiled once again " Fine I'll call you, my sugar baby " he asked smirking as Zhan immediately rushed to shut his mouth, pushing his hands aside Yibo laughed once again starting his car " Fine I'll see you later this evening " Yibo waved him goodbye, while Zhan turned around walking towards his office, after sensing Yibo had left Zhan laughed thinking about Yibo. He hadn't yet said yes for Yibo, but he certainly didn't hate it when Yibo was all clingy and flirty with him.

Zhan was back once again working at Wang publications, due to his excellent editing skills, he had been given the positon of assistant editor as the position was vacant and Zhan proved worthy for it. It was as though his life was happy once again, as everything was going well. Zhan walked inside his office with a very happy mood, as he placed his flies down, he began working at once. It was not even twenty minutes into his work, he had got a text, he sighed as it was usually Yibo who texted him. But as soon as he saw the name in the text he smiled, as he was typing the response, he got a call from the number, taking a small pause he picked up his phone.

" Yiyan ? Wow, where did you go Yiyi ? " Zhan asked excitedly, as he had somehow lost touch with Yiyan, she kind of disappeared since he had last seen her and didn't have any idea where she went, she wouldn't even attend her phone calls anymore, so Zhan figured she might be busy, Yiyan laughed in a light hearted way " I'll tell you all that, but are you free for a cup of coffee ? " Yiyan asked, Zhan looked at the time, he had a meeting in a coupe of minutes and figured he might not be available till around twelve " I have a meeting in a couple of minutes Yiyan, can we make it as lunch ? " he asked, while she hummed as response "Sure, meet you at the restaurant in the mall ? " Zhan hummed as well " Okay, I will " Zhan ended the call, as he waited eagerly for his meeting with Yiyan to get to know what was happening with her, he had lot of question and today was the day he figured he might be getting the answer to them all.


" So how's your chase after Zhan going on ? " Weijun questioned with a smirk on his face as he saw Yibo sighing and complaining about Zhan to him, Yibo rolled his eyes as he got up frustrated " Dude are you seriously making fun of him "  Yibo said getting annoyed, while Weijun laughed pulling him down to make him sit " Of course, how many times have you made fun of me being in love my boyfriend, now it's my time " saying this Weijun laughed making Yibo more pissed, but since it was his friend, he let it pass sitting down beside him, he held his hand and made a pleading face " Weijun help me ~ Help me chase after Zhan " 

Weijun laughed pushing his hands aside " It's your problem, all I can say is ... " Weijun said holding his hand with a smile " All the best ~ " Yibo sighed throwing mild tantrum, making Weijun laugh. Just then Yibo got a phone call, taking his phone out Yibo sighed rolling his eyes, Weijun immediately knew who it was as he patted his shoulder to clam his friend down, Yibo looked at Weijun and picked up his phone call " Hello ! Fine ! " the call was barely seconds, but it was long enough to make Yibo feel irritated.

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