Chapter 22

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The next day ....

Yibo had woken up already as earlier Weijun had called him since he was coming home. Yibo knew Weijun was going to chew his ears off but it wasn't like he could stop it anyway. Yibo went to his kitchen to get some breakfast and that was the exact moment that Weijun had entered the room and sat by the couch.

" So care to explain to me what happened last night "  Weijun asked with his arms crossed across his chest. Yibo sighed as he poured his cereal down at his bowl and sat at the opposite couch. " I went to the event and came back home " Weijun cocked his eyebrows up " Really
? "

Yibo sighed " Please don't pester I'm really in no mood to talk after what happened last night and I certainly not am in the mood to listen to you give me lectures " Yibo said as he avoided Weijun's gaze. Weijun sighed as he slumped back on the couch " I certainly am not going to lecture you, I mean who am I even to do that right ? You for sure are not going to listen to anything that I say and would probably end up doing whatever you feel like "

Yibo looked at him as he felt the guilt hit him all over again " I.. " , " I'm just here to revise over tomorrows test, finish up your breakfast, I'll be by the study room " Weijun had moved over to the study room and suddenly Yibo didn't want to eat anymore, he put the bowl in the wash basin and walked over to the study room as well.


Xihan had woke up early hearing Zhan waking up, he thought it would be a god idea to make him breakfast while he could talk about what had happened the last night that he came home upset. 

Zhan had freshen up already and sat at the edge of the bed debating over where and when to start the job hunt. He was not sure where to began from but one thing he was damn sure about was the fact that he won't go back to working for Yibo and be in any kind of relationship. He got up from his bed smelling the sweet aroma of the breakfast that was being prepared by Xihan.

He walked over to kitchen leaning against the door frame he looked at Xihan set the table for breakfast. " I quit my job " Zhan said making Xihan lookup " I kind of figured it out ge ~" Xihan finished arranging the table as he sat down " So what happened ge ? "

Zhan sighed as he sat opposite to Xihan " I'm not sure, but did you know that Yibo's  surname is Wang ? " Xihan looked at him confused " Gege ! You didn't know that, seriously ge you are really naïve huh? You didn't even ask the surname of the man who you slept with multiple times ? " Xihan was upset that though Zhan was older then him he was really naïve and that just made him mad that due to this nature of him he always ends up getting hurt. 

" Xihan! " Zhan was angry with Xihan due to the inappropriate words used by him " Mind your tongue ! I'm still older than you " Zhan slammed the table angrily, but Xihan sat there unbothered as he knew this would be what Zhan would do next, he got up taking his plate to the wash basin " Gege~ Getting angry is useless, as your brother I'm just worried that due to this naïve nature of yours, people would end up misusing you more and more" .

Xihan leaned against the door frame with his arms folded and looked at Zhan " So if you don't want me to talk about this anymore I wont, but don't come worried and upset to me when you're affected, because at the end of the day I did tell you and I still am telling you to be careful " Xihan walked to his room without saying any further words.

Zhan sighed as he rested his had in his hands, he knew Xihan was right about him, but that was just his nature and it also included not accepting the reality and the truth. At that exact moment Zhan heard the doorbell ring, he got up to open the door, but Xihan had opened it. " Yes ~ Who are you ? " Xihan asked to the stranger at the door, because Zhan couldn't see who it was, he walked up to the door.

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