Chapter 5

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The next day Zhan wokeup with a huge headache, as he was crying for what happened the last night. He was still pissed on how could someone treat anyone that way.

But what pissed him more was, he was jobless again, he got up from his bed and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. As he splashed water to his face, he looked himself in the mirror, somehow he felt pathetic and unworthy of anything. But he was smart enough to still get a hold on his previous job at the café. He sighed wipping his face with a towel as he walked back to the kitchen.

Where Xihan was already cooking the breakfast and smiked seeing his sleepy brother walk in the kitchen.

Good morning ge! Slept well?
Xihan smiled placing the plates on the table.

Zhan nodded and hummed in response as he sat down to eat the breakfast.

You quit the job right?
Xihan knew Zhan better then anyone in the world and he would be the one person in the world Zhan was actually very open.

I did!
He put his head down on the table to hide his frustration and pissed off face.

It's okay ge, I knew all that sugar baby thing would be too much to handle for you, but I hope you're doing good now.
He smiled serving the food on Zhan's plate.

I'm good, just a massive headache.
Zhan took a bite from the rice omelette that Xihan made.

Xihan sat in the chair taking his chopsticks to eat as well.
I think you should take rest for today, you don't have to push someone hard Zhan-ge.

I know.
Zhan agreed and nodded his head.

But if you're still sad you can come with to the university, I have two morning classes today and that's just it, maybe we can visit grandma, she's been asking for us to visit for a long time.

Okay! Sure, let me get ready as well.

As Zhan agreed to Xihan's suggestion, he finished his breakfast to get ready.


I think you were really harsh for his first time.

Yibo and Weijun were talking about what had happened last night, Weijun was not shocked that this had happened as he did predict that one would get hurt in this process.

What! It's not like he's a virgin!
Yibo was angry that for once his friend couldn't agree with him, but he couldn't blame him as well, as most of the time Weijun would be right.

I know, but it maybe his first time with a guy and it maybe his first time to be a sub or maybe his first time to have a sugar baby relationship also his first time to be involved in BDSM, there are all kinds of first Yibo and it should have been your responsibility to ask with him if he was good with it.
Weijun knew Yibo was stubborn but he was like a child, like a child he would he stubborn but once exolained what to do he could rectify himself.

Yibo sighed since somewhere inside him he knew Weijun was right.
Fine ~ I know I made a mistake, maybe I should have been gentle with him.

Weijun nodded as he was finally happy that Yibo understood what Weijun was trying to convey.

Come on I'll treat you today.
Weijun wrapped his hand around Yibo's shoulder and walked dragging him to cafeteria. Though Yibo showed a pissed face he was happy that Weijun was making his day better.


Ge I think mistake is in your side as well, you should have said what you like and what you don't.
Xihan was talking to Xiao Zhan about what happened last night, he was giving Zhan advice and his point of view. While Zhan and Xihan were walking to the university together.

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