Author's Note

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Hey guys Yeols_Truly. I'm happy as well as sad to say that the journey of this book ends here.

I really hope you enjoyed, I really loved writing this book. It's a very special book for me.

The comments and the votes kept me going to write more.

Even though the journey of this book ends here. I'll soon be starting with my new book.

 I'll soon be starting with my new book

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As you guys know I have my other Yizhan book called " Timeless Love" Make sure to check it out if you haven't

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As you guys know I have my other Yizhan book called " Timeless Love" Make sure to check it out if you haven't.

And if you like OC x OC, this my new upcoming BL which is going to be Wuxia, with time travel and historical BL novel.

And if you like OC x OC, this my new upcoming BL which is going to be Wuxia, with time travel and historical BL novel

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I also have Wenzhou FF, if you like Word Of Honor, check it out.


This is Yeols_Truly signing off <3

The journey of this book might have ended here but we have more to go and travel. See you in another book.

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