Chapter 14

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Xihan smiled looking at Yuyan, he held her hand as he always did that since he always saw her as his elder sister. Yuyan-jie~ Why didn't you say you moved back to Shanghai?

Yuyan smiled as she ruffled Xihan's hair and pinched his cheeks, It was sudden plan, I myself didn't know that my transfer would be back to China, I was quite comfortable in Australia, I didn't think I'll be back here after...

The atmosphere was awkward once again, as the three people standing over there knew what exactly was the cause of the breakup, Xihan smiled as he tried to make the atmosphere normal again.
You know what happened today? We were supposed to plan our semester break to the beach, but somehow it got mixed up with the Business faculty and now we are going to Camping on the mountains and they are going to beach, it was messy all over since we were fighting and the Dean said the trips are finalized and now it can't be changed.

Zhan knew what Xihan was trying to do, he smiled for his efforts, as he looked at Yuyan who was checking whether the bus was coming or not. Yuyu~ should we get a taxi? 

Yuyan smiled as she looked at Zhan, I don't mind going by bus, I actually want to enjoy the bus ride.

Yuyan smiled as she turned back again for the bus look out, Zhan felt a little weird, since he hadn't had the opportunity  to talk to Yuyan after the breakup he was out of words on how to talk to her and most importantly what to talk to her. Zhan sighed as he saw the bus stopping at the stop, he motioned Yuyan to get in followed by Xihan and then he got in. 

The entire bus ride was quite and not to mention how both Yuyan and Zhan avoided talking about the past.


You bring me to a party which is boring as hell! Yibo was already bored since his friends hadn't much but drink and play random drinking games, Yibo sat at the couch holding a beer bottle in his hand, he was semi drunk but that didn't stop him from complaining how boring the party was. Weijun who laughed at Yibo complaining, which wasn't anything to new to him, took the bottle from his hand a it was empty. He was never the type to drink much as he had the sole responsibility of taking of a drunk Yibo.

What else do you expect me do huh? Take you guys to a club?! Yibo's drunk friend complained, who apparently was the host of the party.

Yibo got up taking another beer bottle, You know what I'm going to a club, Weijun let's go~

Yibo held Weijun's hand as he dragged to his car, Weijun laughed all the way since he knew something like this would happen, Yibo was the type to get bored easily so it didn't always shock Weijun when he keeps changing or gets bored easily. He sat in his car opening the door for the drunk Yibo, Yibo got in strapping his seatbelt, Weijun sure was driving him but not to club, he was taking him to his house. It was really surprising how Yibo was drunk at 7 in the evening, but with him surprising was just another term for being normal.

Weijun drove his car to Yibo's apartment, as the semi drunk Yibo had already figured out that he had not been driving to club, he sighed as he looked around the familiar roads to his house. He held the car seat a he balanced to get up to talk to Weijun.

I said take me to club! Yibo blabbered in Weijun's ear.

Weijun shook his head as he looked in the mirror to see a drunk Yibo trying to hold his balance, he pushed him slightly back to his seat as he stumbled and fell back on his seat, I'm not your driver and no I won't take you to club because you're going back to your penthouse and that's the end of it!

Yibo puffed his cheeks as he rested his head closing his eyes, he honestly was in no mood to fight since he knew he wouldn't win anyway.

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