Chapter 7

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Anything for my Sugar Baby ~

Yibo held Zhan's hand being careful not to force himself upon Zhan, he took him to his bedroom, Zhan who had been there already got the eerie feeling again since he remembered what happened the last time he was there. Yibo sensed what Zhan had been feeling, so he quietly walked back to the bed, sitting at the edge of the bed looking at Zhan while adjusting his collar.

Take your time and when you're finally ready come to me.

He sat back removing his shoes as he climbed further back ti his bed, he looked at Zhan and smirked while scrolling down hi phone waiting for Zhan to prepare himself  mentally. On the other hand, Zhan puffed in air breathing in and out, he wasn't sure what he was doing right now was any good to him or not, but all he knew was he had made a deal and he has to do it no matter what.

Zhan walked slowly towards the bed but Yibo was still in his phone and did not see Zhan walking towards him, Zhan was pissed at this, so he gathered a little courage climbing onto the bed and taking the phone away from Yibo's hand. Yibo looks at him surprised.


Zhan immediately placed a finger upon Yibo's lips, Shhhhhh ~ When you're with me, eyes on me not the phone!

Yibo grinned pulling Zhan upon his lap, while his hands placed upon Zhan's hips holding them tight. Yibo felt as though he was being dominated which was not a good feeling for him, he turned over Zhan making him lay down on the bed hands pinning at the side.

It's not my style being done baby, I do it ~ Yibo coed in his ear making Zhan blush slightly, he brushed the feeling immediately as he was not ready to give in yet as well. In a swift moment he turned Yibo over making him lay on the bed as he climbed on top of him.

I'm not giving up easily yet.

They stayed in that position for quite some  time looking at each others facial features, Yibo broke the silence with a smirk.

How long would you keep looking at me baby?

He grinned making Zhan a little flustered, Yibo took the opportunity to turn them over, he finally approached Zhan's face while running his thumb finger at zhan's lips, gulping down a little, he kissed him in a slow and sweet way, the pace remind the same for a long time and then he rubbed his tongue across his lips asking for entrance since this time he found Yibo to be patient and much better then last time, Zhan opened his mouth for Yibo to enter, Yibo smirked a bit while entering his tongue inside Zhan's mouth, after a brief kissing both of them gasped for air.

You're not bad ~  said Zhan while gasping for air, while Yibo grinned and climbed at top of Zhan.

Oh baby you don't even have any idea how good I'm at other areas.

 Saying this Yibo jumped at Zhan's lips again and kissed him fiercely again, this time a little more fierce then the last kiss, Zhan moved his lips to match the rough pace of Yibo, he was slowly giving into the kiss. Yibo's hand slowly creeped down to Zhan's shirt, slowly unbuttoning him, he took Zhan's hand to unbutton his own shirt.

As Zhan slowly undid his buttons Yibo's fair skin which slowly got exposed to Zhan's eyes had kept turning him slowly, his skin shinned at the dim bed room light and Yibo looked really hot with his abs fully exposed to his eyes. Yibo took Zhan's hand running them across his naked top, Zhan's mouth wide open and eyes shimmering he was too into the action, while Yibo looked at the innocent expression of Zhan and smirked.

Would you want to take over baby ? 

He whispered in Zhan's ear followed by a bite to his earlobe, licking it later, Zhan was turned on by the action and flipped himself to be on top of Yibo. Yibo grinned adjusting himself on the bed to lay down comfortably. Zhan took the opportunity and kissed Yibo once again, but the kiss was quick followed by a trail of kisses from his jawline to his bare chest. His hands ghosting on Yibo's prominent bulge in Yibo's hand, yibo's hands gripped on Zhan's hips once again as he moved Zhan's hips grind against his bulge.

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