Chapter 1

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Be my sugar baby.

Yibo stared straight in Xiao's eyes, as Xiao zhan's eyes went big. Yibo sat back and looked at his phone.

You can think over it.
He was busy texting in his phone, while Xiao Zhan was still confused.

umm.... What's a sugar baby?
Xiao zhan didn't have any clue on what was a sugar baby about, he had a questioning look on his face, while Yibo looked at him suprised.

You don't know what sugar baby is?
Yibo questioned Xiao zhan, who shook his head not knowning what to was about.

By the way...... What's your name?
Xiao zhan yet didnt know who was the one who helped him, this made Yibo even more shocked.

Since everyone knew who Yibo was, he was shocked to hear it for the first time when someone asked for his name. Yibo smirked to himself as he found the innocent Xiao zhan even more interesting now, he knew if Xiao zhan knew who he was, he would act different around him, so he decided to not let him know about him.

I'm Yibo, what's your name?
Yibo sat back as he saw Xiao zhan gulping on the wine.

I'm Xiao zhan, thank you for helping me.
Xiao zhan looked at Yibo And then remembered a question that stuck his head.

What were you doing in Wang Publications?
Yibo sighed since he didn't have any idea what to say, so he just went with flow.

I'm friends with Wang's son.
Yibo smiled as he was satisfied with his answer and so was Xiao zhan.

So yeah back to the question, what does a sugar baby mean?
Xiao zhan still didnt have a clue on what a sugar baby was.

Yibo smirked and sat back straight.
Basically sugar baby is a relationship with someone in which there is a sugar daddy or mommy and the sugar daddy or mommy spends amount and takes care of the sugar baby, while the sugar baby does what they like. In your case I'll be sugar daddy and you'll be my sugar baby.

Xiao zhan tried to comprehend what Yibo had said, but he still seem to have some doubts.

What would you want in return from me?

What are you willing to give me?
Yibo smirked and wriggled his eyebrow, as Xiao zhan rolled his eyes.

Just your company is enough.
Yibo looked back at his phone.

If you just want company, why would you want to spend on me, I mean no offense but a handsome and rich guy like you can easily find someone, but why would you want to spend money on me ?

Xiao zhan had lot of questions and all Yibo did was just laugh.

It's true that I can get anyone, but I don't want any attachment, everyone ends up falling for me.

Xiao zhan shook his head, he got a little idea on what was happening, Yibo got a text and he had to leave for some important work.

I've got to leave now, but think about it, here take this.
Yibo gave Xiao zhan his visiting card.

Call me when you have decision in mind.

Xiao zhan took the card and looked at it, while Yibo took his coat and left. Xiao zhan looked to to see Yibo leaving, he looked back at the card and sighed still not knowning what to do.


Xiao zhan came back to his small apartment, he sighed as he saw bills on the floor, starting from his house rent to the water bill and phone bill, he had bills to pay, but no jobs to pay for it. He sighed falling in the bed, staring at the ceiling. He ruffled his pocket to get the card, he looked at it again and back at the ceiling, he didn't know whether to consider the offer of not. Since he had no job, this seemed like a good idea, but what if the guy was just planning to fool him.

Well he had nothing to loose anymore and maybe he could make some condition on return.
Xiao zhan slept knowning what to do the next day.


So....  How was the interview yesterday?

Yibo was in college, since his morning classes had been cancelled he and his friends waited for the next class in the college cafeteria.

I dont know, I was late and by the time I reached there it was over.
Yibo rested his head against the table, he was sleepy since he had gone to the club yesterday and couldn't get any sleep after getting some action for himself.

Suddenly a guy came running to Yibo And his friends.

Yibo! Yibo! There's a guy waiting for you at the faculty gate.

Yibo wokeup while his friends looked at him suprised.

Who is it?
Yibo asked the guy.

I didn't ask for his name, he just said he knew you.

Yibo took his bag and walked towards the faculty gate, while his friends tagged along with him.

Yibo looked at the faculty and saw a familiar looking guy, closely looking he knew it was Xiao zhan, but he had no clue how he knew about his college, he smirked seeing Xiao zhan stand so innocent wearing a cute big sweater and a blue jean, he looked damn adorable, almost too adorable to tease, while Yibo's friends nudged him for finding such a pretty guy.

Oooooh!!!! You got yourself a cutie this time Yibo.
All the guys agreed to the fact that was said, Yibo shrugged and walked with a smirk.

Xiao zhan saw Yibo walk towards him and he smiled.

How did you know my college?
Yibo asked with a questioning look.

I.... umm..... Saw your phones wallpaper yesterday.

Well you're smart.
Yibo grinned.
What brings you here?

About what you said yesterday...
Xiao zhan started as Yibo interrupted.

You have an answer?
Yibo smirked again.

Yeah about that, can I put forward two conditions ?
Xiao zhan was hesitant to even put forth any condition, since he didn't know if Yibo would be interested.

Let me hear them first.
Yibo was curious himself.

First one is I don't want to be forced to do anything against my will and second one would be..... Can I get a job in Wang publications?
Xiao zhan breathed finally letting out everything.

Yibo laughed at the conditions put forward by Xiao zhan.

Well I can say yes to first one, but second one, isn't the idea is sugar baby is you get whatever you want, so why do you want to work?

Please, I love to write and edit books, for some reason I can't seem to give up on that idea.
Xiao zhan looked at him innocently and what do you know Yibo liked how Xiao zhan behaved, he laughed at how cute he was.

Fine, I'll ask my Friend to give you a job at his publications.

Thank you so much.
Xiao zhan's eyes gleamed with joy and he shook Yibo's hand in excitement.

Yibo smirked seeing a cute Xiao zhan, he himself was excited to have some fun with Xiao zhan.

So...... I'll see you tomorrow
He bend down and growl in his ear.
My sugar baby.

Xiao zhan blushed visibly as Yibo walked to his classroom, he had no idea what was going to happen, but he didn't care about it as he didn't have much to loose anyway.

To be continued....

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