Chapter 32

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Yibo was pretty pissed as to what had happened earlier, Zhan was being unreasonable, it was true that what he did with Zhan wasn't right, but that didn't mean he could straight up right was not ready to listen to him but he was all ears for Xuan. He knew Xuan has tricks up his sleeves, he wasn't trustable and based on his personal experience of being his ex boyfriend he knew how dangerous Xuan would get. But that being aside, his thoughts were stuck with the surprise confession he had made to Zhan, was it true ? Did he like Zhan ? Even though he had all these questions he sure knew he had one answer to them, all he wanted was Zhan for himself.

He drove to the party held by his father, though he hated it with all his existence, he had to be there at least for the sake of his sister. He sighed driving his car to the party. After a couple of minute drive to the venue, Yibo didn't even bother to park the car in the parking lot as he knew his father would eventually do something to irritate him and he would immediately storm out of there. He adjusted his coat and walked inside, as soon as he walked in, like a swarm of flies immediately girls had draped themselves around Yibo.

Yibo struggled to set himself free " Excuse me! " but his voice was faint among the group of girls calling his name, he looked around to see if anyone could help and that's when Yanli walked in " Okay ladies let my brother go ! " she held his hands and dragged him away from the group of girls, all the girls sighed rolling their eyes. Yibo had a massive headache, he sighed walking to the bar along with his sister to have some booze " One Martini ! " Yibo ordered, while Yanli smiled " Make it two ~ ".

After the bartender proceeds to make the drinks, Yanli pated on Yibo's shoulder to calm him don since she clearly saw that he was getting agitated " Even though many of the girls in here know that I'm gay, they still can't stop their behavior right ?! " Yibo talked in a ton filled with anger. Yanli smiled " It was dad's plan and moreover those girls they don't care about what you are! They care for your money " Yibo sighed " I need to go! I really can't be here and I don't want to be here as well jie~ " Yibo took his glass of Martini and gulped down. Yanli pated his back to slow down on his drink.

But her expression changed quick seeing their walk towards them, Yanli nudged Yibo so that he would stay alert, Yibo on the other hand didn't care much, he turned around with the glass in his hand standing side by side with Yanli " Baba the party is really exqui... " Yanli was about to compliment her father for throwing such an amazing party, but instead she was shut by her father " Shut up! You ! " he said pointing to Yibo " All you do is get drunk and hook up with some man whore of yours! Today let me cure you from that sick fever, choose a woman and make her your wife ! ".

Yibo's father was being unreasonable with as he was causing a scene, Yibo smashed his glass on floor and looked at his father angrily, if anyone wasn't looking at them before now had their eyes fixed on the father and son quarreling, Yanli was trying to clam them both down as they had huge spectator watching them both now. " Baba not everyone is whore, you just think so because you did remarry a whore at the first place ! " he said pointing to his step mother.

His father now at the peak of his anger slapped Yibo, the impact of slap as well as alcohol made stumble, Yanli stood in front of her father and Yibo so that they would stop fighting, " Baba~ Yibo is drunk he doesn't know what he is saying please let him go " Yibo's father pushed her down, making Yanli fall and hit herself in her arm and scratched herself, this made Yibo angry, he helped her get up. He pushed his father " What do you think you are treating your daughter like she's some unwanted thing in this family ?! ".

Yibo's father chuckled " Any kid of mine who is no useful for me is unwanted, let me tell you are both are weak ! Just like that useless mother of yours ! " he said holding his shirt collar, while Yibo became more angry, he pushed his father making the old man hit the pool table. the old man struggled to get up while Yibo helped his sister up he looked and stared at him " We both know what happened to my mother, don't act as though she was weak, the truth is you made her weak ! " Yibo stormed out of the place.

Walking out in the rain, he didn't even mind the downpour of the heavy rain over him, all it mattered for him was to be at peace at once, he felt as though he as loosing his mind, he was angry, confused most importantly broken inside and out. It was as though he felt his life till that point of time was empty like all he did seemed like a lie. He was absent minded, yet his feet knew the way he was walking to and before he could realize he was standing outside Zhan's doorstep.


Zhan who was inside his bedroom, had calmed down after the fight with Yibo, he didn't want to see his face anymore, he was annoyed by him and wanted him to disappear. Just as he was about to call Xuan to know whether he had reached to his house, he blinked to see Weijun calling him, he was confused why Weijun would call him, he picked up his phone hesitatingly, " Hello ~ " he answered, but Weijun sounded panicked "  Hello! Zhan! This is Weijun, Yibo's friend! Yibo had been missing for the past two hours, his phone had been switched off and we don't' know how to reach him ! " Zhan panicked a bit as well, but he was confused on why Weijun would call him to say that, it wasn't as though Yibo would even want to visit him after him getting shouted and screamed by Zhan.

" Don't worry he might be spending time with his hook ups and moreover why would he come here at the first place ? " Weijun sighed " You don't understand, He was humiliated by his father at the party! He had a massive fight and he might be injured as well, I'm contacting everyone who know Yibo, if he comes there by any chance please let me know " said Weijun who sounded more worried minute by minute. Zhan nodded his head " Okay I will ! "

He ended the call, even though he didn't want to admit it he sure was worried for Yibo, he came out of his room to tell this news to Xihan but then he heard a heavy knocking at the door. Without even looking at who it might be he opened the door.

The present ....

" Zhan ~ Help me ! " Yibo who looked completely broken drenched in rainwater and reeked of alcohol collapsed upon Zhan. He was unconscious but Zhan stood there with his eyes froze in shock and his open arms embracing Yibo, he had no idea what to do, but all he did was continue embracing the broken looking boy.


To Be Continued ...

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