Chapter 6

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Zhan was getting ready to meet Yibo, after a refreshing day at his grandma's house he was quite happy and joyful, since  it had been a long time he met his grandma. He and Xihan  had been close with her, since the death of their parents. He wore a simple white tshirt and a blue jean to visit Yibo, he wasn't sure if this was going to work this time or he didn't know what to expect this time, but all he knew was it was good to say a second chance never hurt someone. 

All the best ge, make sure this time you make a strong deal. 

Xihan peeked in Zhan's room as he was getting ready, he smiled sweetly  as Zhan smiled at him.  

I will, don't worry this time I hope no one gets hurt. 

No one will ge! Have you made a document on your conditions? 

Zhan laughed at Xihan's commotion as he turned back looking at him, while Xihan had a serious face indicating he wasn't joking of his statement.

Are you serious?! What do you think this is fifty shades movie?  I get it that you are a law student, but don't you think you're taking this way too serious XiXi? 

Ge! You're being small kid here and yes as a law student and your brother it's my duty to protect innocent citizen, If you don't want any issues in future get his written consent on your condition, believe me anything can happen, especially since Senior Yibo comes from a high class family you have to be extra careful.

Fine! On my way over to his house I'll write them. 

Zhan waved his brother goodbye and ran to get a cab. 


Yibo was going over what had to be said to Zhan since he had agreed to have ground rules with Zhan. He didn't know what Zhan had in the package for him, but that only made this more exciting.  He shook away his thoughts and asked his maid to bring in some wine.

You know Mrs. Feng, the guy that's coming over here is such an interesting character. 

Mrs. Feng smiled at what Yibo said, she's been his personal caretaker since his birth an now that he had a separate penthouse she had moved in to be his house maid. She bought in the wine along with the wine glass, as Yibo poured the wine leisurely in the glass while sipping it elegantly. As he was ready with document and other files on his table he looked at the clock as he slumped back a little in his chair. 

After a while...... 

Zhan had reached at the penthouse, he stood outside Yibo's door while breathing in trying to prepare himself for what was going to happen, he was nervous but decided not to show it in front of Yibo since it would make him ( zhan ) vulnerable and week in front of him. Gathering all the courage he knocked on Yibo's door. After a while an old woman opened the door with a warm smile on her face. 

You must be Mr. Xiao, please come in. 

She stretched her hand in to welcome him in and Zhan walked in smiling back at her. 

Yibo is waiting for you at the upstairs meeting room, please proceed to meet him there. 

Zhan bowed to her to thank her and walked up the stairs to the room she said Yibo was in. He found the room and knocked on it. 

Come in! Yibo said, while Zhan stepped in closing the door behind. 

As soon as Zhan saw the room, it looked quite professional, for meeting purpose, it looked a little different then  all the other rooms in the penthouse. He sat opposite to Yibo and tried to smile to ease the awkward atmosphere due to Yibo's poker face.  

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