Chapter 26

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" Xihan what are you doing here ? " asked Zhan looking at Xihan who had been waiting outside the restaurant for Zhan,  he smiled seeing his brother and walked towards him " I came to pick you up gege, let's go together " Zhan smiled at Xihan's words, Haoxuan who had caught up with Zhan stopped him by holding his hands " Wait, let me drop you " Zhan took his hands away from his own hands and smiled " It's okay, I can go back with my brother " 

Weijun called over Xihan, the plan was to act as though they had met there coincidently " Xihan ! " Weijun called him over, Xihan turned as he smiled looking at Weijun " Weijun-ge ~ You are here as well ? " Weijun nodded his head " Let me give you a lift back home in my car " Weijun offered, for which Xihan smiled " Okay, thanks Weijun-ge " Zhan had one weakness and that was never saying no to his brother and this time it played well with the situation had Zhan bitterly  accepted to be in the same car with Yibo.

Zhan opened the car door which was beside the driver, but Xihan stopped him " Gege~ Weijun-ge and I have something to talk, can you please sit at the back seat ? " Zhan sighed " Fine ! " he dragged his legs and sighed before opening the back seat door, Yibo who was already inside smirked seeing Zhan opening the door, He scooted at the other end and pretended as though he hadn't noticed Zhan entering. " Xihan, next time let's not trouble anyone for giving us lift " Zhan advised Xihan rolling his eyes at the thought of him sitting beside Yibo made him feel irritated, while Xihan smiled looking at Zhan through the passenger mirror " Okay gege "

Weijun started the car with a grin on his face as their plan succeeded, Yibo looked at Zhan who was looking outside the window, not wanting to look at Yibo. Yibo scooted closer to Zhan, while Zhan rolled his eyes and flinched trying to move away from Yibo, but Yibo kept scooting more and more near to Zhan. At an impulse Zhan turned to look at Yibo and that's when he noticed that Yibo was staring at him face to face. Their eyes locking at each others and warm breath hitting their lips, Yibo had a smirk no his face, while Zhan could clearly hear his own heart beat.

Zhan gulped down as his eyes continuously moved to look at Yibo's never changing expression on his face, Yibo who clearly was enjoying this, looked away since he had got the reaction that he wanted from Zhan. Scooting to the other end, Yibo looked out of the car with the feeling of triumph, while Zhan looked away his face still blushing with had that happened.

While all this drama happened, the front row sitters were clearly enjoying the show from the front mirror, Xihan trying to suppress his laugh was amused by Yibo's action, the man surely didn't fail to make him surprised every time he is with Zhan, for Xihan he knew for sure that there would be an unknown spark between Zhan and Yibo, which just needed a little push to grow into a forest fire. While Xihan thought this, Weijun grinned in excitement as their plan was working, it sure hasn't finished yet because they both knew that they had long way to go, but a little success meant a lot to them.


Yuyan who was already waiting for Zhan to get back home, had something very important to talk to him about, she was waiting outside his apartment, Yuyan got up to see  a car approaching the apartment, she smiled as she knew it would be Zhan and it sure was Zhan, but she lost her smiles seeing Yibo behind him. " Yuyu ! " Zhan ran to hug her, while she kept her one gaze upon the smirking Yibo at the same time she smiled seeing Zhan, hugging him "  Anan ~ " .

" Why are you here ? " asked Zhan looking at Yuyan, " I have something important to tell you but let them... " Yuyan looked over at Weijun and Yibo who were standing by the car, Weijun smiled as he understood what Yuyan was going to tell " Oh it's getting late, we have t go " said Weijun pulling Yibo' s hand, Yibo flinched his hand away and stood straight " Xihan ~ Can I get a glass of water to drink ? " asked Yibo looking at Xihan.

" Sure Senior... " Yibo glared at Xihan, to which he corrected himself " I meant, sure Yibo-ge ~ Come up with us " Xihan peeked to see Weijun " Gege~ you too come upstairs, I presume both of you haven't visited our apartment yet "     Yibo looked at Weijun, while both the men followed Xihan upstairs. Zhan who wasn't sure what was happening looked at Yuyan and smiled " Well.... Anyway ~ What is it you wanted to talk to me about Yuyan ? " asked Zhan to which Yuyan was hesitant as to what to say, she looked down and proceeded to speak " Well, let's talk after they leave " Zhan smiled again, holding her as they proceeded to walk to Zhan's apartment.

" I'm sorry our apartment is small unlike your big condos " said Xihan removing his coat, while Yibo and Weijun looked at the small yet cozy apartment sitting on the couch, by this time Zhan and Yuyan walked inside closing the door behind. Weijun smiled " It's warm and cozy " said Weijun smiling at Xihan who was brining them some orange juice to drink, Zhan and Yuyan sat at the couch opposite to the one in which Yibo and Weijun sat.

Taking a juice glass from the tray, Yibo smirked looking at Zhan " It's okay, I like small things " at that instance everyone chocked on their drinks, while Yibo grinned drinking his glass of juice, Zhan was really not in the mood to listen to Yibo talk crap , hence he excused himself to leave to his room, at least until Yibo and Weijun left. Yibo on the other hand plans for himself. He looked at Xihan " Xihan where's the bathroom ? " Xihan pointed to the one which was closer to Zhan's room, so Yibo got up thanking him as he went to the bathroom. The door beside the bathroom was slightly opened, Yibo peeked inside the room, where he saw a topless Zhan standing cursing at Yibo, Zhan didn't know that Yibo was listening to him. Yibo grinned at the sight as the feisty version of Zhan was even more intriguing than the submissive one.

Opening the door even more, but more quietly, Yibo stepped in locking the door behind, with his arms crossed and smirk and on his face, he spoke again " Cursing at me huh ?! " Zhan eyes froze in shock as he turned to look at a smirking Yibo looking more like staring straight in his soul.


To Be Continued ...

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