Chapter 20

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Yibo drove the car to the venue where his father had conducted the event. He was in his usual cold self while Zhan sat there looking at the passing cars and building as he was amazed that he had entered the rich part of the city. With pretty lights blinding his eyes and dazzling lights from those shopping malls and complexes, it was safe to ay Zhan was so into the atmosphere.

Yibo sighed as they soon reached the place, he parked the car and walked off with an attitude that of a rich spoiled son, with a grin on his face he walked proud with his broad shoulders. While Zhan walked in a goofy way looking at the hotel lobby which was decorated in a very fancy way. " What is this place ? " Zhan asked Yibo as they were removing their trench coat.

" An event " Yibo said without looking " What event ? " Zhan asked excitedly, Yibo sighed as he walked upstairs " Just an event " Zhan didn't ask any further question as they had entered the room, a room full of rich and gossiping people and all eyes on Yibo. 

As soon as Yibo came the entire set of eyes had fallen over him, while he walked up to the bar and phone called his sister, on the other hand Zhan quietly followed him sitting the chair close by him.
" Jie ~ where are you ? I'm by the bar, okay ".

Soon after his phone call a young woman walked over to Yibo, she hugged him with a warm smile " Yibo ~ thank god you came, baba was chewing my ears out " Yanli smiled again " Did you come here alone ? " Yibo smirked, but then their father had called and Yanli ran to him, while Yibo turned and looked at Zhan who was drinking Champagne. " Be here and I'll be
back " Zhan nodded his head.


" Baba Yibo is here ~ " Yanli smiled as she walked along with Yibo to their dad, while his father stood with another woman who was supposedly their step mother, who was very vicious and gold digger. Yibo hated her and didn't really acknowledged her, the same went with Yanli but she wouldn't show her feelings on her face and masked it with smile.

On the other hand Zhan sat drinking his Champagne, suddenly a hand covered his waist as he frightened by the act, he looked at who did as he thought it was Yibo but it was not. " Haoxuan ~ What are you doing here ? " Zhan smiled. Haoxuan smiled as he sat beside Zhan ordering a champagne for himself " This is share holders party by Wang industries, of course I'll be
here " .

Zhan scrunched his nose " Then.... What is Yibo doing here ? " Haoxuan was surprised that Zhan didn't know who Yibo actually was. " Why are you asking this? Don't you know Yibo's surname is Wang ? " Zhan was surprised " Then what about Weijun ? ". 

Haoxuan thought for a minute " Oh you mean Liu Weijun ? That's Yibo's best friend " Zhan was totally confused about why Yibo would hide about his true self to him, it wasn't any necessity but why would he lie ? " Don't tell me that Yibo lied to you about his identity ?" at this point even Haoxuan was confused about why Yibo would lie.


" So finally the prince had the time to show up huh? " Yibo's father said in a teasing tone. Yibo grinned " I had to, at least to see what kind of flop this event would be " Yibo's dad had got irritated " YIBO ! "

Yibo grinned as he walked away, he went back to Zhan who was talking to someone. He stood beside him " We are going ! " Yibo said to Zhan. Zhan looked at him as he was still confused
" Wait are you ... " Zhan was about to ask him something, but Yibo pulled him by his arm " We are leaving! " Yibo pulled Zhan while he struggled to set himself free from his grip, Haoxuan got up to help Zhan but Yibo stared at him " You better stay out of this " Haoxuan grinned as he sat back.

" No leave me, I'm not your toy ! " Zhan got up ready to leave the place as he took his phone with him, by this time his father had walked over there as well " YIBO ! Who asked you to walk away ?! " his father looked at Zhan and that's when Zhan realized that the old man he saw from the office the other day was non other then Yibo's dad himself, Yibo's dad grinned as he looked back at Yibo " So you left our conversation in the middle just to get back at your man whore ? "

Zhan was at the top of his anger at this moment, Yibo held his hand and tried to walk away fromt his father. He dragged Zhan away to the reception while Haoxuan walked behind them as Zhan had left his phone inside. Zhan tried to free himself from Yibo's grip as he was bruising his wrist. Finally he freed himself and pushed Yibo away.

" What the heck is wrong with you ?! " Zhan was boiling at this point. " Don't you dare talk back to me " Yibo said in a demanding tone, " Listen, you are.. "


" But.. " it hit Yibo that maybe this time he had crossed the line, he went closer to Zhan to hold his hand, Zhan swatted him away and stepped back. " AND DON'T EVER TRY TO CONTACT ME EVER AGAIN " 

Zhan stormed back in anger, while Haoxuan stood along side Yibo " You screwed up this
time ~ " Haoxuan patted his shoulder, Yibo pushed his hands away " Non of your business " he took to step but waited on his track " And stay away from him " 

Haoxuan laughed as he walked away from Yibo " What if I don't ", " What do you mean ? " ,
" I might have taken a liking on him and I'm pretty sure I won't have any problem getting him " 

Yibo grinned " We'll see "


Zhan walked on the streets with tears blinding his eyes " Why am I crying ? Was it the insult or the being lied to ? " he walked while mumbling to himself and wiping his tears. That's when a car stopped by him. Rolling his window down Haoxuan peeked at Zhan " Want a lift ? " with a smile he asked Zhan.


To Be Continued ...

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