Chapter 25

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Yibo sat across Haoxuan and Zhan, while Haoxuan pulled the frozen Zhan to make him sit down. Yibo had dragged Weijun along with him since he didn't like to go alone, the atmosphere had got awkward and Weijun thought it would be best if someone spoke and that someone being himself since the two thick headed men in the room wouldn't open their mouth " Hello Haoxuan~ How are you doing ? " Weijun smiled, while Haoxuan smirked " I'm doing good Weijun, how are you and you Friend doing ? " he laughed looking at Yibo.

While Weijun didn't want to be rude so he smiled but the same wasn't the case with Yibo, he silently gritted his teeth because he knew well that Haoxuan was pulling his leg, as Weijun was about to speak, Yibo stopped him, while he grinned answering back for Haoxuan " I'm doing very well, unlike you who happens to steal other's property " he cocked his eyebrow while Haoxuan grinned.

Weijun held Yibo's hand since they were on a business meet and it wasn't such a great idea to mock or make fun of others. " Ah~ Let's not get diverted from the topic " Weijun smiled again, Hoaxuan joined his hand while looking at Zhan " Zhan can you get me the file ? " , Zhan smiled " Yes " he searched his bag and took out the black file which had the business proposition from The Feng Group of Industries to The Wang Group of Industries. " Here Bos...." Hoaxuan cocked his eyebrows at Zhan, he did ask him to call him by his name and not as boss. " I'm sorry, Haoxuan ", he smiled taking the file while flipping the pages " It's Xuan for you Zhan, that way we get closer " said Haoxuan smiling t Zhan while he smiled back.

Yibo coughed to get their attention " Excuse me, we are here for a business deal, not to romance" Yibo rolled his eyes, which made not only Haoxuan laugh while Weijun laughed but not too loud as he didn't want to anger Yibo, he excused himself " You guys continue to talk, I have to use the restroom " Yibo nodded his head while Zhan looked Weijun go, for some reason he knew that the only normal person in the room had left with two abnormal kids in the room, Zhan sighed at this thought.


Weijun walked in the restroom, it was not like he had to use the restroom, he called Xihan as it was time to execute their plan, " Hello Xihan, I think we should start executing our plan, I'll start the first half and you stay prepared for the second half " Weijun heard a hum from the other side, he end the call and washed his hands.

A few minutes later...

Weijun sat beside Yibo, seems like nothing had happen, he called the waiter to order some wine or drinks to drink. " What would you like Zhan ? " asked Weijun looking at Zhan, while he was about to order, Haoxuan held his hand as he wanted to order on behalf of him " Just some wine for him, we don't want to make him too drunk " Yibo laughed at what Haoxuan had ordered for Zhan, Xuan made a questioning face, Yibo cocked his eyebrows up as he spoke back in a calm tone  " He would have vodka on ice mixed with Gin " 

Xuan looked at Zhan " That's too strong, can you handle that ? ", Yibo snapped his finger to get Xuan's attention " He's a big drinker " Zhan embarrassingly agreed to it, as the waiter took the order " Seems like I need to know more about my secretary, anyway I will have the same as well "The waiter looked at Yibo He ordered Martini while Weijun ordered some red wine, as his boyfriend would literally kill him if he gets drunk and drive.

" So as Senior Feng discussed, the mining site of yours will be overlook by our team of experts only then we will be able to purchase it " Yibo said looking at the file, expecting a reaction Yibo looked at Xuan, but seems like Xuan was not paying attention at Yibo while his vision fixed at Zhan who was speaking to the baby sitting behind them, he smiled to himself seeing how cute and adorable Zhan was being, Weijun tapped the palm of Xuan's hand to get his attention, he turned as he fixed his coat " What were you saying ? " asked Xuan, while Yibo sighed " I said we will send a team of experts from our side to look over the side and then decide whether to purchase it or not " 

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