Chapter 30

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" Zhan-ge ~ " Xihan was on the phone call with Zhan, as it was getting late Zhan hadn't come home yet. After getting to know that Zhan would be late, Xihan smiled informing him that he would wait for Zhan. After the phone call, Xihan ended the call and rested his head on the table, sighing loud, his thoughts were stuck with the conversation that he had with Yibo at the lunch.

At the lunch ....

" I really hope, for your sake that you aren't faking your feelings " Xihan said firmly looking at Yibo. Yibo who was not even in a mood to joke sighed at Xihan's repeated questioning " I swear I'm not lying, why do you even ask me these many questions ? " Yibo asked rolling his eyes, which made Xihan angry as he slammed the table in anger " You shouldn't even question me anything provided what you did to Zhan-ge ! " even though Xihan had startled Yibo, he maintained a clam face to show how serious he was, Xihan looked around as he composed himself.

" Look Yibo senior ! This has nothing to do with, the one who should be making any decisions regarding this is Zhan-ge, I really can't help you in any way " Xihan said getting up, he almost left the place but he was sad to see Yibo all hopeless, he felt sorry for him, he knew he shouldn't after what he had done to his brother, but he couldn't help it as he can't see other's who he knew to be all sad and gloomy, he sighed as he knew he would regret his decision but ether way as he sat down. Yibo looked at him curiously , Xihan sighed once again " If you really want gege to notice you and not in the psychotic version of you, show him that you have changed, show him that there actually is a good side it " Xihan whispered to himself " I doubt if you have a good side " 

Yibo nodded his head happily and got up as he left the fast food restaurant calling someone, meanwhile Xihan looked at him and sighed " What is he going to do this time ? " he shook his head as he went out of the restaurant as well.

Back to present ...

Xihan sighed as he tried to concentrate on his book, meanwhile Zhan walked inside " Xihan~ I'm back " Zhan smiled as Xihan looked up from his book, Xihan noticed Zhan was in a good mood " Zhan-ge you seem to be in a good mood " Xihan smiled to which Zhan laughed " Oh yeah! I am in a good " Xihan smiled as he saw this the perfect opportunity to tell Zhan what had happened in the University with Yibo " Ge... " just when Xihan was about to say Zhan's phone rang, as soon Zhan saw the number he was pissed " Why is this douchebag calling me at this time ?! " he cursed Yibo throwing the phone on the couch, Xihan gulped as it certainly wasn't the right time to talk about Yibo since Zhan would be raged even more.

Zhan looked at Xihan " Oh Xihan what did you want to say ? " Xihan shook his head " I..... I was about to say, get refreshed and I'll reheat the food for you gege " Zhan smiled nodding his head, as he proceeded to go to his room taking his bag and phone along with him. Meanwhile Xihan pouted while microwaving the food " I don't think I should get involved in this, I certainly can take care of Yibo senior, but I really don't want to die at the hands of Zhan-ge, after all it's lovers problem ! "

" What lovers problem ? " Zhan asked sitting at the kitchen chair, Xihan's eyes grew big in shock as he was startled by Zhan " Lovers.... You.... My friend wanted to ask this girl out but she doesn't want to say yes to him because he was a playboy before they started liking each other " Xihan was glad that he could come up something quick, Zhan nodded his head as he seem to have bought the story that Xihan had said to him, he thought for a minute or so and then answered " So is he still like...a playboy ? " Zhan questioned, to which Xihan shook his head " Well I don't know about that.... But he seem to have changed a lot, I can judge someone good and I'm pretty sure he has changed a lot just for her " even though Xihan was talking about fake people in the story, he sure had Zhan and Yibo it, even though he said it to save himself at first but later Xihan was  quite interested what Zhan thought about the situation if it was like a third person view.

Because when Zhan discusses about it, Xihan might know if Yibo and Zhan really may have something more then just hate and love fling going on. Zhan thought about it again and then answered  " I think he should go for it and if he shows her that he has changed just for her, that way he can win her heart " Zhan smiled satisfied with what he had answered and as Xihan thought he was right, Yibo still had a small opening which can either win over Zhan or make him lose forever, Xihan smiled " Thank you gege~ I'll tell my friend about this tomorrow " Zhan nodded as they both proceeded to eat the dinner.


The next day ...

As usual Zhan had been working, since he was tired after working for five hour straight, he had taken a small break and decided to drink some coffee, going to the nearest café, Zhan's face lighted to see Yiyan sitting there alone drinking her coffee. " Yiyan ~ " he called her as she turned, he waved his hands to catch her attention and she did see him while she smiled seeing Zhan. He walked to her table and sat opposite to her, placing his order for a black coffee, he once again smiled looking at Yiyan " Yiyan~ How are you ? " Zhan asked since it had been a long time since he had seen her, more like a week or two.

" I'm good~ How are you ?" Zhan nodded as he smiled " I'm doing good as well " Zhan then remembered that Yiyan had visited him a couple of days ago to talk to him about something important but due to Yibo creating a whole ruckus he had asked everyone to leave the place, he decided to ask her " Yiyan, did you have anything to talk to me, you know the last time you visited me ? "  Yiyan nodded her head, she had been meaning to talk to Zhan about it, but the situations never let her " The thing is ... " as she began to speak, she was interrupted by a phone call, Zhan checked his phone and he sighed since it was Hoaxuan calling him.

" Yes Boss " Zhan nodded his head " Okay I'll be there " he ended the call as he got up since he was in a hurry " I'm sorry Yiyan, seems like something was wrong with Xuan's schedule, we have to be somewhere right now, we will talk later, okay ? " he asked to which Yiyan nodded her head and smiled " Okay we will, see you later " Zhan nodded his head as he took his coffee on go. 

He went to see Xuan who had got ready to be there in the meeting, Zhan tried to catch his as Xuan laughed at him " Dude where are you hurrying right now ? " he laughed pointing at the breathless Zhan, Zhan cocked his eyebrows up " You said I messed up the schedule " Xuan shook his head, he shook his finger to tell Zhan that he was wrong " You didn't let me even finish, I said there's something wrong with the schedule as it didn't seem to include the dinner I was going to take you today " Xuan laughed while Zhan took the file next to him making a poker face hit Xuan's arm, while Xuan moved back missing Zhan's hit " What ?! " asked Xuan confused.

" You know how fast I had to run here ? " Zhan sat down on the chair, while Xuan smiled " Technically mistake is on your part, before I could say anything you had ended the call "  Zhan pouted as he knew mistake was on his part as well, he got up as he tired to change the topic " By the way What's the dinner for ? " Xuan smiled " Nothing special, I just wanted to take you out " he smiled while Zhan spaced out nodding his head.

Xuan smiled coming close to Zhan " Maybe this can make you take your decision regarding me faster " Zhan's face immediately crept a slight crimson as he remembered the confession by Haoxuan, he pushed him and cleared his throat. " I don't want to come, Xihan would me waiting for me " Xuan adjusted his tie as he leaned against his table " You can bring him along as well " Zhan's eyes grew big in shock as he didn't want Xuan to do any of that just for him " No it's alright... " Xuan smiled " It's alright, it would be good that I have some company once in a while I eat food, I'm always eating alone " 

Zhan felt bad at his words, as he sighed " Fine " Xuan smiled " Well then let's go, ask your brother to join us directly at the restaurant " Zhan hummed nodding his head as they proceeded to go. 


To Be Continued ...

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