Chapter 39

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" He is in a get together hosted by his father " Zhan was no visibly tensed " Is he there alone ? " Weijun hummed once again " Yes he is ~ " Zhan knew how Yibo's father was and he knew very well Yibo shouldn't be alone as he knew his father would downgrade him in front of everyone " Can you give me the address of the event ? " Weijun nodded his head " I'll text you " Zhan hummed ending the call and after a couple of minutes he got a text from Weijun about the address of the place, he got himself a cab, rushing to the said address, all he had in his mind was Yibo and Yibo alone and he didn't want him to be alone and that's what he was worried about the most at that time.


" What would you like to have Sir? " Yibo smiled placing his order " Vodka on ice " The bartender nodded his head as he prepared his drink. Yibo was already at the get together, he was managing to hide from his father as so far he was doing a very good job. " You are Yibo right? " some random people started to talk with Yibo in the party, unlike his old self, Yibo was kindly replying to them all and all of sudden one of the guys in the part started talking to him as well  " Are you single baby ? " he said in a flirtatious manner but like luck wasn't his side, even before Yibo could say anything. His father had noticed him, he walked towards Yibo which he noticed immediately as he knew he was going to get some lectures at that very moment.

" Here you are once again, with another guy, Why can't you be normal like other guys ? I told you to get tested ! " Yibo was really angry at this point, but he couldn't say anything as the entire crowd was looking at him, but knowing his father had crossed the limits, he opened his mouth to talk back with his father and just then. " Listen here you old man ! The only one with problem is you !.. " Yibo looked at his side and immediately his face lit up with smile, standing beside him defending Yibo was the one he loved, yes ! Zhan was there, not by him forcing him, but by himself, at this moment he knew he had fallen for him deeper, but all he knew was Zhan had feelings for him as well.

Zhan held Yibo's hand in a protective instinct, not that he couldn't defend himself, he respected Zhan's voice, so he stood there letting him talk, for the first time ever, he was happy to see someone except himself standing against his dad. Yibo's father opened his mouth to speak once again, but Zhan rose a finger to shush him once again as he continued to speak " Look! As a father what did you do for him ?! Do you even know what kind of shit your son went through?! Don't act all innocent and don't certainly act like a caring father, you are neither of those " Zhan finished speaking as he firmly held Yibo's hand walking towards the door. Yibo's father spoke once again " Caring? What a whore like you would know about caring ?! " he said mockingly making everyone else around him laugh as well.

Yibo was very angry, as he gripped his wrist tighter in anger, Zhan laughed at Yibo's fathers response " Of course whores won't know nothing about caring, but I'm not whore ... " Zhan held Yibo's chin, making him look at him as he kissed him, not on the cheeks, but on the lips, in front of everyone, making everyone including Yibo shook. Zhan smirked speaking once again " As you can see, I'm not his whore, but his lover, the whore you're talking about is standing beside you " he said pointing to Yibo's step mother. Making Yibo's dad furious, he was shouting, screaming at the two. But Zhan didn't care about it, as he dragged Yibo out of the place.

After getting in the car, Yibo came back to his senses laughing loud at Zhan " What was happening? Where did you get all that courage from ? " he asked, but Zhan wasn't in the mood to joke and laugh, he was serious as he didn't reply and began driving the car. Yibo looked at him concerned " Are you alright? Did my fathers words hurt you ? " he asked genuinely, Zhan didn't reply as he continued to drive, Yibo was actually shocked that Zhan knew to drive at the first place " You know to drive ? Why didn't you say it ? " it was silence once again as Zhan didn't reply, at the point Yibo was tensed he was pretty sure Zhan was still angry about what had happened and he might also have got hurt by his father's words. 

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